Mouthy Teen Shot In Head After Confrontation With Gunmen‎

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

So it's her fault?

You don't shoot someone in the back, let a lone shoot a teenage girl in the back of the head. That's not gangsta. That's not tough. That's lame.

Yall gonna act like when yall was 15, 16 you didn't attend parties w/ people older than you. Get a grip NT.

So she was mouthing off. Big deal man, she's 15 - at worse you tell her brother to tell her to shut the $+** up. If that doesn't work then MAYBE you send her a swift back-hand. But shooting her w/ her back turned to you is b*tch-made.
DAMN RIGHT it's her fault. Whose fault is it? The gunmen? Why didn't others at the party get shot? Because it was her fault. She put herself out there and now she has to pay for it.

No one cares about being tough or being gangsta. Look where being tough got her.

If I attended parties with people older than me, I made sure it was a type of party where I didn't have to worry about getting shot. My parents made sure #*$% was correct before they sent me out the house.

She is the one to blame here, brah. Yeah it's sad, but she isn't innocent in any shape or form.

lulz. So it's not the person's fault who fired the gun?!

What world are you weirdos living in.


Let alone a teenage girl. That's %@+$@-MADE.


People run their mouths everyday and don't deserve to be shot.

Should she have been running her mouth? NO. I'm not saying that bro, I'm just saying that some things...particularly a girl running her mouth, doesn't need to be shot. They're other ways of dealing w/ someone who's running their mouth. This was a 17 year old dude that shot her - that $@@++ ain't Marlo.
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

lulz. So it's not the person's fault who fired the gun?!

What world are you weirdos living in.


Let alone a teenage girl. That's #!@#*-MADE.


People run their mouths everyday and don't deserve to be shot.

What world are YOU living in.

What is up with your code of shooting someone? Shooting anyone is bad, which is why you try to prevent getting shot at all times.

This girl clearly lacked the intelligence to just go home. Instead she thought it would be a good idea to talk trash to someone who had a gun. Not just anyone with a gun, but a person who was shooting it in the air, which clearly meant that something was wrong with them in the first place. Why in the world would you argue with someone who lacked proper judgement so much that they reacted this way with a gun?

Come on bro. How are you not seeing how this is her fault as well as her family's? It's clear that the gunmen committed a crime, and they are going to pay the consequences, but I just can't feel so bad for this girl. She was just asking for it, and it's a shame.
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

lulz. So it's not the person's fault who fired the gun?!

What world are you weirdos living in.


Let alone a teenage girl. That's #!@#*-MADE.


People run their mouths everyday and don't deserve to be shot.

What world are YOU living in.

What is up with your code of shooting someone? Shooting anyone is bad, which is why you try to prevent getting shot at all times.

This girl clearly lacked the intelligence to just go home. Instead she thought it would be a good idea to talk trash to someone who had a gun. Not just anyone with a gun, but a person who was shooting it in the air, which clearly meant that something was wrong with them in the first place. Why in the world would you argue with someone who lacked proper judgement so much that they reacted this way with a gun?

Come on bro. How are you not seeing how this is her fault as well as her family's? It's clear that the gunmen committed a crime, and they are going to pay the consequences, but I just can't feel so bad for this girl. She was just asking for it, and it's a shame.
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by NobleKane

"She tried to break up a fight. She tried to get in the middle," said a witness who asked not to be identified

"She was so brave standing up to those men like that. How could anyone do that, shooting a little girl?" Piñero said. "Those men are monsters."

Yvette Torres, 15, was shot in the back of the head after trying to get a gunman to stop shooting during a fight.

"My sister argued with them, saying: 'Why [are] you shooting?'" her brother, 20-year-old Jonathan Dimentel

yet you have a bunch of punks on niketalk with no balls whatsoever talking down on her. yup thats the internet for you...

Honestly, s.t.f.u. I want you to pop off at a gunman and take a bullet to the dome. One less *@%!+## on this forum.

First of all, her brother and her family are irresponsible. Her brother, whom is 20 years old, allows his 15 year old sister to go to a house party with grown @@% men? Then she has the nerve to disrespect gunmen? A gunmen who possibly could have been older than her? Where was her brother in this case?

People only see her heroism because she was the victim, but in my mind, you DON'T gamble with your life. Who cares how much balls you have? If you have so much balls, go and risk your life away with stocks, not with a gun.

Honestly, this is disgusting. Her family has no responsibility for this young girls life, and she herself is a moron.

Pez is right. These are the types of people my tax dollars go to? She has all that mouth in the world, but I bet she can't tell me something important that occurred in American History.

Wasted my 600th post on this #%*.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I agree. [/color]
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by NobleKane

"She tried to break up a fight. She tried to get in the middle," said a witness who asked not to be identified

"She was so brave standing up to those men like that. How could anyone do that, shooting a little girl?" Piñero said. "Those men are monsters."

Yvette Torres, 15, was shot in the back of the head after trying to get a gunman to stop shooting during a fight.

"My sister argued with them, saying: 'Why [are] you shooting?'" her brother, 20-year-old Jonathan Dimentel

yet you have a bunch of punks on niketalk with no balls whatsoever talking down on her. yup thats the internet for you...

Honestly, s.t.f.u. I want you to pop off at a gunman and take a bullet to the dome. One less *@%!+## on this forum.

First of all, her brother and her family are irresponsible. Her brother, whom is 20 years old, allows his 15 year old sister to go to a house party with grown @@% men? Then she has the nerve to disrespect gunmen? A gunmen who possibly could have been older than her? Where was her brother in this case?

People only see her heroism because she was the victim, but in my mind, you DON'T gamble with your life. Who cares how much balls you have? If you have so much balls, go and risk your life away with stocks, not with a gun.

Honestly, this is disgusting. Her family has no responsibility for this young girls life, and she herself is a moron.

Pez is right. These are the types of people my tax dollars go to? She has all that mouth in the world, but I bet she can't tell me something important that occurred in American History.

Wasted my 600th post on this #%*.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I agree. [/color]
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep
What world are YOU living in.

What is up with your code of shooting someone? Shooting anyone is bad, which is why you try to prevent getting shot at all times.

This girl clearly lacked the intelligence to just go home. Instead she thought it would be a good idea to talk trash to someone who had a gun. Not just anyone with a gun, but a person who was shooting it in the air, which clearly meant that something was wrong with them in the first place. Why in the world would you argue with someone who lacked proper judgement so much that they reacted this way with a gun?

Come on bro. How are you not seeing how this is her fault as well as her family's? It's clear that the gunmen committed a crime, and they are going to pay the consequences, but I just can't feel so bad for this girl. She was just asking for it, and it's a shame.
Bro, I completely hear what you're saying. She shouldn't have been there. She shouldn't have been running her mouth. And I don't feel sorry for either party, but the bottom line is, this dude shot her in the back of the head. That's %++%$-made.

A code? yes, there's a code to whom and why you shoot someone. A girl that's 15 poppin' off at the mouth isn't a reason to do it. C'mon man, she didn't rob this @+!!+. She ain't run up in someone's spot. She didn't harm someone close to him. She was running her mouth and shouldn't have been. This happens everyday. Imagine a world where people get shot for running their mouth? Bro - that's lame. And it wasn't even another @+!!+. It was a chick that couldn't even legally drive yet?

Nah, sorry, can't co-sign that non-sense.
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep
What world are YOU living in.

What is up with your code of shooting someone? Shooting anyone is bad, which is why you try to prevent getting shot at all times.

This girl clearly lacked the intelligence to just go home. Instead she thought it would be a good idea to talk trash to someone who had a gun. Not just anyone with a gun, but a person who was shooting it in the air, which clearly meant that something was wrong with them in the first place. Why in the world would you argue with someone who lacked proper judgement so much that they reacted this way with a gun?

Come on bro. How are you not seeing how this is her fault as well as her family's? It's clear that the gunmen committed a crime, and they are going to pay the consequences, but I just can't feel so bad for this girl. She was just asking for it, and it's a shame.
Bro, I completely hear what you're saying. She shouldn't have been there. She shouldn't have been running her mouth. And I don't feel sorry for either party, but the bottom line is, this dude shot her in the back of the head. That's %++%$-made.

A code? yes, there's a code to whom and why you shoot someone. A girl that's 15 poppin' off at the mouth isn't a reason to do it. C'mon man, she didn't rob this @+!!+. She ain't run up in someone's spot. She didn't harm someone close to him. She was running her mouth and shouldn't have been. This happens everyday. Imagine a world where people get shot for running their mouth? Bro - that's lame. And it wasn't even another @+!!+. It was a chick that couldn't even legally drive yet?

Nah, sorry, can't co-sign that non-sense.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by NobleKane

yet you have a bunch of punks on niketalk with no balls whatsoever talking down on her. yup thats the internet for you...

Honestly, s.t.f.u. I want you to pop off at a gunman and take a bullet to the dome. One less *@%!+## on this forum.

First of all, her brother and her family are irresponsible. Her brother, whom is 20 years old, allows his 15 year old sister to go to a house party with grown @@% men? Then she has the nerve to disrespect gunmen? A gunmen who possibly could have been older than her? Where was her brother in this case?

People only see her heroism because she was the victim, but in my mind, you DON'T gamble with your life. Who cares how much balls you have? If you have so much balls, go and risk your life away with stocks, not with a gun.

Honestly, this is disgusting. Her family has no responsibility for this young girls life, and she herself is a moron.

Pez is right. These are the types of people my tax dollars go to? She has all that mouth in the world, but I bet she can't tell me something important that occurred in American History.

Wasted my 600th post on this #%*.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I agree. [/color]

as cold as it is i share a similar sentiment although i do feel bad for the girl though.


its sad this happened but not suprising either.  too many girls act like that,  they think they can say or do whatever because they have older brothers that will back them up if anything pops off.  had she kept her mouth shut she'd be enjoying her tuesday right now like everyone else on nt is doing.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by NobleKane

yet you have a bunch of punks on niketalk with no balls whatsoever talking down on her. yup thats the internet for you...

Honestly, s.t.f.u. I want you to pop off at a gunman and take a bullet to the dome. One less *@%!+## on this forum.

First of all, her brother and her family are irresponsible. Her brother, whom is 20 years old, allows his 15 year old sister to go to a house party with grown @@% men? Then she has the nerve to disrespect gunmen? A gunmen who possibly could have been older than her? Where was her brother in this case?

People only see her heroism because she was the victim, but in my mind, you DON'T gamble with your life. Who cares how much balls you have? If you have so much balls, go and risk your life away with stocks, not with a gun.

Honestly, this is disgusting. Her family has no responsibility for this young girls life, and she herself is a moron.

Pez is right. These are the types of people my tax dollars go to? She has all that mouth in the world, but I bet she can't tell me something important that occurred in American History.

Wasted my 600th post on this #%*.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I agree. [/color]

as cold as it is i share a similar sentiment although i do feel bad for the girl though.


its sad this happened but not suprising either.  too many girls act like that,  they think they can say or do whatever because they have older brothers that will back them up if anything pops off.  had she kept her mouth shut she'd be enjoying her tuesday right now like everyone else on nt is doing.
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep
What world are YOU living in.

What is up with your code of shooting someone? Shooting anyone is bad, which is why you try to prevent getting shot at all times.

This girl clearly lacked the intelligence to just go home. Instead she thought it would be a good idea to talk trash to someone who had a gun. Not just anyone with a gun, but a person who was shooting it in the air, which clearly meant that something was wrong with them in the first place. Why in the world would you argue with someone who lacked proper judgement so much that they reacted this way with a gun?

Come on bro. How are you not seeing how this is her fault as well as her family's? It's clear that the gunmen committed a crime, and they are going to pay the consequences, but I just can't feel so bad for this girl. She was just asking for it, and it's a shame.
Bro, I completely hear what you're saying. She shouldn't have been there. She shouldn't have been running her mouth. And I don't feel sorry for either party, but the bottom line is, this dude shot her in the back of the head. That's %++%$-made.

A code? yes, there's a code to whom and why you shoot someone. A girl that's 15 poppin' off at the mouth isn't a reason to do it. C'mon man, she didn't rob this @+!!+. She ain't run up in someone's spot. She didn't harm someone close to him. She was running her mouth and shouldn't have been. This happens everyday. Imagine a world where people get shot for running their mouth? Bro - that's lame. And it wasn't even another @+!!+. It was a chick that couldn't even legally drive yet?

Nah, sorry, can't co-sign that non-sense.
Now that you explained it differently, I agree slightly with what you are saying.

Of course it was terrible for her to get shot. It was wrong, and the worst happened, but I can't help but think that she had some sort of doing in this outcome. Everyone is making her seem so heroic for standing up to the gunmen when she actually just popped off(a bit ghetto). She shouldn't have done that, but instead she should have just walked away.

It was both the gunmen and her fault. More so the gunmen.
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by deepinthajeep
What world are YOU living in.

What is up with your code of shooting someone? Shooting anyone is bad, which is why you try to prevent getting shot at all times.

This girl clearly lacked the intelligence to just go home. Instead she thought it would be a good idea to talk trash to someone who had a gun. Not just anyone with a gun, but a person who was shooting it in the air, which clearly meant that something was wrong with them in the first place. Why in the world would you argue with someone who lacked proper judgement so much that they reacted this way with a gun?

Come on bro. How are you not seeing how this is her fault as well as her family's? It's clear that the gunmen committed a crime, and they are going to pay the consequences, but I just can't feel so bad for this girl. She was just asking for it, and it's a shame.
Bro, I completely hear what you're saying. She shouldn't have been there. She shouldn't have been running her mouth. And I don't feel sorry for either party, but the bottom line is, this dude shot her in the back of the head. That's %++%$-made.

A code? yes, there's a code to whom and why you shoot someone. A girl that's 15 poppin' off at the mouth isn't a reason to do it. C'mon man, she didn't rob this @+!!+. She ain't run up in someone's spot. She didn't harm someone close to him. She was running her mouth and shouldn't have been. This happens everyday. Imagine a world where people get shot for running their mouth? Bro - that's lame. And it wasn't even another @+!!+. It was a chick that couldn't even legally drive yet?

Nah, sorry, can't co-sign that non-sense.
Now that you explained it differently, I agree slightly with what you are saying.

Of course it was terrible for her to get shot. It was wrong, and the worst happened, but I can't help but think that she had some sort of doing in this outcome. Everyone is making her seem so heroic for standing up to the gunmen when she actually just popped off(a bit ghetto). She shouldn't have done that, but instead she should have just walked away.

It was both the gunmen and her fault. More so the gunmen.
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by NobleKane

"She tried to break up a fight. She tried to get in the middle," said a witness who asked not to be identified

"She was so brave standing up to those men like that. How could anyone do that, shooting a little girl?" Piñero said. "Those men are monsters."

Yvette Torres, 15, was shot in the back of the head after trying to get a gunman to stop shooting during a fight.

"My sister argued with them, saying: 'Why [are] you shooting?'" her brother, 20-year-old Jonathan Dimentel

yet you have a bunch of punks on niketalk with no balls whatsoever talking down on her. yup thats the internet for you...

Honestly, s.t.f.u. I want you to pop off at a gunman and take a bullet to the dome. One less *@%!+## on this forum.

Wasted my 600th post on this #%*.

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by NobleKane

"She tried to break up a fight. She tried to get in the middle," said a witness who asked not to be identified

"She was so brave standing up to those men like that. How could anyone do that, shooting a little girl?" Piñero said. "Those men are monsters."

Yvette Torres, 15, was shot in the back of the head after trying to get a gunman to stop shooting during a fight.

"My sister argued with them, saying: 'Why [are] you shooting?'" her brother, 20-year-old Jonathan Dimentel

yet you have a bunch of punks on niketalk with no balls whatsoever talking down on her. yup thats the internet for you...

Honestly, s.t.f.u. I want you to pop off at a gunman and take a bullet to the dome. One less *@%!+## on this forum.

Wasted my 600th post on this #%*.

Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by Lil Cao

quoted for muh $%@%@!' truth. %%%@ all of y'all talkin' against her like she was holdin' a gun badmouthin' everyone.
And shut the %%%@ up williematic, quit actin' like you some grown %$$ man that knows better. You definitely do not know better than her if you don't know how to choose right from wrong. Another pathetic and ignorant punk in our society.
at wishing death on another man on this forum, get the %%%@ outta here ya little young %$$. 

Your a clown, not to mention you probably don't have anywhere close to the accomplishments I have in life thus far so I'm actually doing our society a favor.

You on the other hand. You are a MORON. Yeah, it's wrong to kill someone, but why would you put yourself out there to get shot? She clearly didn't know the difference between right and wrong, and she clearly lacks good decision making skills.

A man who got shot 9 times once said:
"You shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house
And if you got a glass jaw you should watch yo mouth"

I'd listen to him. He's had experience with guns and getting shot.
.. I don't know what you've accomplished, but I know I've done a lot for my age and I'm getting somewhere. But that's good that you acknowledge that you are somewhere in society. Else, most of the peeps here ain't got much to contribute. 
As for the name calling.. let's end that. I only said that because you weren't getting deepinthajeep's point, which was the fact that those fools were ******ed for shooting her in the back. It seemed as if you were completely in the gunmen's favor and claiming for the girl to be fully at fault. 

And yes I understand, people make mistakes, and it was on both sides this time. Good looks on the 50 quote though. 
Originally Posted by WiLLMaTiC

Originally Posted by Lil Cao

quoted for muh $%@%@!' truth. %%%@ all of y'all talkin' against her like she was holdin' a gun badmouthin' everyone.
And shut the %%%@ up williematic, quit actin' like you some grown %$$ man that knows better. You definitely do not know better than her if you don't know how to choose right from wrong. Another pathetic and ignorant punk in our society.
at wishing death on another man on this forum, get the %%%@ outta here ya little young %$$. 

Your a clown, not to mention you probably don't have anywhere close to the accomplishments I have in life thus far so I'm actually doing our society a favor.

You on the other hand. You are a MORON. Yeah, it's wrong to kill someone, but why would you put yourself out there to get shot? She clearly didn't know the difference between right and wrong, and she clearly lacks good decision making skills.

A man who got shot 9 times once said:
"You shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house
And if you got a glass jaw you should watch yo mouth"

I'd listen to him. He's had experience with guns and getting shot.
.. I don't know what you've accomplished, but I know I've done a lot for my age and I'm getting somewhere. But that's good that you acknowledge that you are somewhere in society. Else, most of the peeps here ain't got much to contribute. 
As for the name calling.. let's end that. I only said that because you weren't getting deepinthajeep's point, which was the fact that those fools were ******ed for shooting her in the back. It seemed as if you were completely in the gunmen's favor and claiming for the girl to be fully at fault. 

And yes I understand, people make mistakes, and it was on both sides this time. Good looks on the 50 quote though. 
Glad I dont live in a place where I have to worry about being shot for turning someone away from a party. People who have to use guns to scare people are the biggest cowards of them all. Even if she makes it, her life will probably never be the same
Glad I dont live in a place where I have to worry about being shot for turning someone away from a party. People who have to use guns to scare people are the biggest cowards of them all. Even if she makes it, her life will probably never be the same
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