Movies that surprised you?


Running Scared. Didn't expect Paul Walker to play a role like that. After watching Fast and Furious and all. Also the pedo husband and wife came wayyyoutta left field.
Originally Posted by squadboy415

alfa dog...hella sad. didnt expect dude to die???


First one that came to mind for me was Yes Man.
Previews looked wack, but I was laughing the whole time. Except the music in it was really misused.
Originally Posted by chengdizzle

Running Scared... the pedo husband and wife came wayyy outta left field.
Yeah it did. That was sooo %*+$@* up. I was like "YEAH!" when the kids mom found their place and did what she did.
Gone Baby Gone. I thought the movie was pretty damn good.

Also, you guys watch Mr. Deeds. I don't think I know anyone who likes that movie but it had me
the whole time.
Cloverfield -- All hype and then everybody dies at the end SMH

edit - [color= rgb(0, 153, 0)]Green Street Hooligans[/color]
click as well... u wouldnt think adam sandler movies would be so sensitive

also - 50 first dates is one of my fave sandler flicks
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