Mr Rogers appreciation VOL.....Change Twice a Day

Apr 15, 2004
The man was a got damned saint

People who worked for him said that he would often try and get to know them and would even call them later to ask how they were doing.

Once, on a trip up to a PBS executives house, he heard the limo driver was going to have to wait outside for two hours, so Mr. Rogers insisted that the driver come inside and join them. On the way back, Rogers sat up front, and when he learned that they were passing the drivers house on the way, he asked if they could stop in to meet the family. And according to the driver, it was one of the best nights of his life. Mr. Rogers played songs on the piano for the family and talked with them throughout the night.

i have a close family friend that had the opportunity to talk with Mr. Rogers for a few minutes before she started preparing for the speech she was about to give.

She and her husband both said that he was the nicest, most charismatic person they'd ever met. He must have liked them as well, because he invited them to eat lunch with him, but sadly they had to decline because of the speech.

About a week later they come home from eating out for the husbands birthday, and there's a message on the machine from Mr. Rogers.

He was able to get her phone number from the staff at the event, and called just for the sole purpose of thanking both of them for a "Magnificent conversation", and to wish the husband a happy birthday.

Here's the thing. My friends husband's birthday was only mentioned in the speech, and extremely briefly.

Mr. Rogers was paying such good attention that he caught this, and wrote down his birthday so he could wish him a nice day.


Hes like jesus.
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the new show "daniel tigers neighborhood" isn't even close to the stuff mr. rogers was spitting...

he is the greatest though...
Used to watch this religiously as a kid. It probably instilled some morals in me.
Why he come in changing

What chick house you coming from mr rogers.......

But srs his show was the golden age of pbs and sesame street before elmo took over

Daniel tiger is a weak attempt at connect to mr rogers

I remeber watching a pledge driver and asking my moms to donate so mr rogers would stay on
This is the guy man. Love this dude.

His books are great as well, and if your feeling down and in the dumps you should really go read "the world according to Mr. Rogers" and his "life lessons" book on amazon. He also has a biography out called "the simple faith of Mr. Rogers" which is also great.

This dude knew what was up.

Much appreciated.

 Childhood Hero
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