My Complaint about Nike

Sounds like Nike isn't the only one with thesaurus fueled rampages. That entire rant was essentially, "I don't like Nike. Branding is takingover". Everything else was just pointless filler that had no facts or insights. Only big words to make yourself seem intellectually superior.
Originally Posted by selrahc123

I only read the first sentence of each paragraph. Just sounds like you like using big words. If someone at Nike does read it they will just say
"what does this dork know"

i didn't even bother with the first sentence...just skimmed that blob.
you'd get your point across more if your thoughts were organized and concise
When you're trying to get a point accross to many people, you write it in a way that many people will understand. Thus, deeming your attempt a failure.Congratulations. You have fail.
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