Nastiest thing you've seen? VOL: MTA Late Night

Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Originally Posted by eashawty

jordan wrote:
what if its just from this angle that it looks nasty, what if she's pulling like....beef jerky out of her back pocket�

i remember on one of those mtv rr /rw challenge shows, one of the girls would keep a candy bar in the back of her shorts since they didn't have pockets.  probably stank  
IgnantBliss wrote:
Originally Posted by eashawty

AlRjordan wrote:

This thread got me thinking about this
� Some NTer posted this not too long ago. I mean, seriously? She wasn't even trying to be slick about it. Just went for it.

this vid is the single most disgustin !!$# i ever seen in my life

....That broad nasty man

the world needs to see this vid, she also needs to be indentified so her life can be ruined by the humiliation
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

In 8th grade, this girl came on her period in class and just froze up. She stood up and blood trickled on the ground until she just walked out. The teacher looked at her like...The hell is going on? Then, he sees the blood and this foul vagina smell came out of no where and the whole class was on gag mode. He told one of the girls to check on her and dragged her blood smeared chair outside in utter disgust. It was hilarious.

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Female crack head boo booed at the liquor bank on crenshaw right in front of me next to the door. I wanted to shoot her and put her out of her misery for dishonering herself and the establishment like that but she had to go bad, and when you gotta go you gotta let the doodoo flow. The smell was so foul.

was this near Crenshaw and Jefferson, because I've seen this fat homeless lady do the same thing on crenshaw while waiting for the bus several years ago?
Basically... the floor and wall are also apart of the toilet at my old job, and flushing exists only in Imaginationland.
Use to work at domino's and the bathroom was full of !!+# defying gravity. some on the walls and on the roof but never in the toilet.
Originally Posted by cubanref

So I just got out of work and get on the F train going to Queens. Its late so the trains run slower due to construction and it takes forever to get home especially if you live past Roosevelt. So I'm just minding my own business listing to my MP3 player and this girl gets up and she starts dancing. She's got her headphones on and is singing and looks like she's doing the rain dance while holding on to the pole right in front of the doors. I know white girls can't really dance but something is off...the train stops in between on of the stops and this girl starts dancing really crazy 
 everybody is looking at her and something just seems off...suddenly she stops! She puts her head down and proceeds to pee on herself 
 . She stands in front of the doors in shame, with her head down in a puddle of pee 
...there were like 5-6 people and everyone was like wait what did she just pee on herself?? She had khakis on so it was pretty bad. I felt sorry for her
 but luckily it was late so there weren't many people o the train. Once the train doors opened she ran up the stairs like flash lol. I hope she didn't have to take the bus home cause that would have sucked for her....I guess when yu gotta go you gotta go

-Was on my way home from work on the train

-Girl "dancing" on the train

-"Dancing"girl pees herself in front of passengers 

Anybody have any nasty subway stories lol?
was she drunk or just crazy
I was a TA in a special ed class. I witnessed a student hurl a turd at the teacher.. where it came from I don't know
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Funny nobody said Blue Waffle yet.
Highly unlikely that someone has seen something like that in person.

Nastiest thing I've seen is a kid throw up onto his plate and proceed to try to eat it in the middle of the school caf in elementary.

++$ was gross.
at hurling turds.

Yeah. Anyway, i've seen streetkids drink sewer water before. Nasty yet sad at the same time.
oh, ive seen crackhead bum lady piss sitting down on city-funded cement couch decoration...

the piss smelled of sulfur and rotten eggs...

people stay sitting on that couch, too
Originally Posted by targiu23

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

Female crack head boo booed at the liquor bank on crenshaw right in front of me next to the door. I wanted to shoot her and put her out of her misery for dishonering herself and the establishment like that but she had to go bad, and when you gotta go you gotta let the doodoo flow. The smell was so foul.

was this near Crenshaw and Jefferson, because I've seen this fat homeless lady do the same thing on crenshaw while waiting for the bus several years ago?

liquor bank is on crenshaw and stocker right across from the mall.
worst liquor store ever.
had to pull the jammy when i caught a crackhead peeing between my car and another.
splash gettin all on my door cause the concrete is hella lumpy
Originally Posted by PTone

My first job in high school was bagging groceries. Needless to say, I got handed all the $+$* jobs.

One day I was told to clean the ladies restroom. Thought nothing of it because, hey, how bad can women get in the bathroom? Pffft.

I go to clean out one of the stalls only to find out that the toilet, stall walls and toilet paper dispenser were all covered in period blood.

Never again did I step foot in there...
No matter how clean and neat these women appear at my work they are the nastiest women when they enter the restooms. Blood on the floor, walls, flushing handles, turds on the floor. Seriously, how the heck do you miss the toilet taking a dookie?!!!!

I'm glad my eyes haven't been scarred with some of the things you guys have witnessed
Originally Posted by Crumps Brother

Originally Posted by cubanref

So I just got out of work and get on the F train going to Queens. Its late so the trains run slower due to construction and it takes forever to get home especially if you live past Roosevelt. So I'm just minding my own business listing to my MP3 player and this girl gets up and she starts dancing. She's got her headphones on and is singing and looks like she's doing the rain dance while holding on to the pole right in front of the doors. I know white girls can't really dance but something is off...the train stops in between on of the stops and this girl starts dancing really crazy 
 everybody is looking at her and something just seems off...suddenly she stops! She puts her head down and proceeds to pee on herself 
 . She stands in front of the doors in shame, with her head down in a puddle of pee 
...there were like 5-6 people and everyone was like wait what did she just pee on herself?? She had khakis on so it was pretty bad. I felt sorry for her
 but luckily it was late so there weren't many people o the train. Once the train doors opened she ran up the stairs like flash lol. I hope she didn't have to take the bus home cause that would have sucked for her....I guess when yu gotta go you gotta go

-Was on my way home from work on the train

-Girl "dancing" on the train

-"Dancing"girl pees herself in front of passengers 

Anybody have any nasty subway stories lol?
was she drunk or just crazy

Thats the thing she wasn't drunk and didn't seem crazy...she just really had to go but since the train was taking so long she couldn't hold it in...she was about 19-20yrs old
Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

what kind of women are you guys working with???
blood and turd all over the floor/walls??
I have no idea where these women come from.

working in maintenance FTL

I walked past a pile of human poop in a train station on 1st ave for the L. Yo it was a legit patty.

I saw a homeless dude "pleasing himself" in the 59 st. station

I saw a rat die in the 116 & Lenox station

I was at work and a customer starts complaining that the  ladies room was disgusting. When we go check it out apparently some lady took a ###* all over the bathroom. I mean it was everywhere the toilet, walls, floor both sinks. Nasty as hell.

We ended up taping it off and letting the cleaning people deal with it in the morning.
Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

I was at work and a customer starts complaining that the  ladies room was disgusting. When we go check it out apparently some lady took a ###* all over the bathroom. I mean it was everywhere the toilet, walls, floor both sinks. Nasty as hell.

We ended up taping it off and letting the cleaning people deal with it in the morning.
I personally would never be a cleaning guy nor janitor but if I were and in that situation, thats where I would pick up the phone call my boss and quit on the spot 
real talk women are some nasty as people
talking about chicks leaving bloody tampons in sinks, I cleaned the womens bathroom one time at my old job in HS never again
I time two drunk guys come on the 12 bus and one of them pee on themselves 

A lot of people didn't realize it until the pound started flowing on the floor 

Me ,this girl and my friend was the first to see it but all  three of us had a 
 look on our faces because the guys started looking at us 

But as soon as they left me was like 

NY transportation is sometimes fun because you never know what you will see 
I've seen worse on the train OP, granted they were done by homeless ppl
That girl was just dancing to keep herself from peeing on herself. Just embarrassing but understandable since most girls I know can't master their bladders and when they need to pee they NEED to pee. She should've just went in between cars and took a piss

Let me know when you see one of them stinky homeless ppl that ride the train all day for the heat shhh on themselves in a crowded train sitting next to ppl and act like nothing happened. I once seen this old homeless dude pull down his sweat pants so he can cool his buttocks off on the seats.


Period blood on the stall walls. You win.
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