hooked up with this girl that I'm seeing for a while last night and she knows about NFN and she's using it against's the worst...I feel like i wont last much longer shes driving me crazy in good and bad ways
Nt fam: out 2 night ago felt terrible, i let you guys down. it was the next day after I smashed too so doesnt make sense to me. Started thinking of isis taylor's big ol thang/lesbian videos and had to take a sneak peek and game over after that.
I'm 9 days strong

Day 10: still in it to win it, got some bun's scheduled for the 23'rd, question is will i make it till then, must find another release till then..... for the dudes that are on their #forever alone type shh this should be like a good motivator to go out and bag chicks like you've never bagged before, feels like NFN has elevated my game, True Life.
Spoiler [+]
Sike! I'm out put me on the list Day 8



Stay strong Brothers!
still goin, one of my JO's friends came thru with an invite right when I was ready to fap.
theyre like best friends too.  hope things dont get out of hand lol.

clutch tho 
Still in, feeling great.

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

this no fap thing messed up my performance....barely lasted 2 minutes while smashing smh 

That's what I'm saying though. This one girl coming home for Thanksgiving break specifically looking to get her %%!% tow up by me... do I just tell her what it is?

It's barely been a week and I don't think I could last five minutes right now.
ive been in since the start of the last thread. stick with it guys, i can sense the elevated testosterone coursing through my body.
staying away from pron definitely helps.
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