Nike Air Yeezy 2 Authentic/Fake Comparison

yo my g's new to actually posting on the site, got a couple of pairs on ebay i'm tryna LC do i need to post actual pics, the links, or what can somebody let me know. appreciate it!
ok so its official, yeezybay and these super perfects are the same damn shoe.

a few difference between these and authentics i've noticed...

-shape of the shoe is different

-cut scales of yeezybay's have a white layer underneath the scales.. don't really see this on the authentics

-the II on the lacelock is exaggerated

-translucent soles near the suede toebox area

-toebox still boxy.. doesn't have that slant that authentics have

-milky outter layer on the size tag

-lacelock is very fat... very fat.

in other words, put the fakes next to an authentic pair, night and day.
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Not sure about the plats.. but both pair of Solars are fake

last two are fake.

good luck in your search though.
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(again like the other dude said, not sure bout the plats), but I would assume they're fake since the price is kinda low for the BIN and he's willing to negotiate on price still.

lol @ the last dude using a fake receipt he probably got off google images.
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Wow feel really cheated by yeezybay.  Shady guys alot of people warned people of what they did in the past, and i thought hmm they are a chinese company but you kno what screw it they seem legit. its fittin like a puzzle now them posting pictures of legit pairs and people on here actually picking out flaws with the authentic pairs, but the fact they claim there all custom made... when there the same as the newest reps out and they charge alot more is just ridiculous.

This was the only fake i ever thought about buying but naw i dont think i wanna give my cash to this little ****boy should of listened. SMH
Legit check please?



Wow feel really cheated by yeezybay.  Shady guys alot of people warned people of what they did in the past, and i thought hmm they are a chinese company but you kno what screw it they seem legit. its fittin like a puzzle now them posting pictures of legit pairs and people on here actually picking out flaws with the authentic pairs, but the fact they claim there all custom made... when there the same as the newest reps out and they charge alot more is just ridiculous.

This was the only fake i ever thought about buying but naw i dont think i wanna give my cash to this little ****boy should of listened. SMH

you sound like you already bought some lol
Wow feel really cheated by yeezybay. Shady guys alot of people warned people of what they did in the past, and i thought hmm they are a chinese company but you kno what screw it they seem legit. its fittin like a puzzle now them posting pictures of legit pairs and people on here actually picking out flaws with the authentic pairs, but the fact they claim there all custom made... when there the same as the newest reps out and they charge alot more is just ridiculous.

This was the only fake i ever thought about buying but naw i dont think i wanna give my cash to this little ****boy should of listened. SMHedit

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^^^ yeezybay. Notice how the tips can't be completely screwed in?

Also the toebox, and the II.
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legit check please:


scales and toe box ...

new replicas have carved scales but still have the scale print.. and messed up toebox..

funny because i've seen earlier replica pairs with the right toebox shape but everything else was horrible...

legit pairs are a flat smoother piece of leather carved

no raised edges while the replicas still have a rougher texture..



it's supposed to be embossed, on the fakes it's kinda just stamped in, not as deep as the real ones.

dude is shiest cuz the box is legit he probably has a real pair lol
real ones are lightly stamped. they're really faint. Fakes are stamped in deeply like the one in the picture above. 

The II shouldn't be as noticeable as it is there.
ah word, thanks for your help guys.

so dude swapped out the box from an authentic pair and put the yeezybay's in em?

because i know yeezybay uses a fake label on theirs (wrong font, size title, etc.)

edit: nvm, someone already answered this :lol:
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