Greg Glassman was on 60 minutes this week, check out this transcript. I wonder what the issue with Adidas is?
My guess is this is really a bold statement at all.  Nike is light years ahead of Reebok/Adidas in technology.  While nike is developing cutting edge cushioning, flywire, flyknit, etc adidas is developing that idiotic springblade garbage and Reebok is bringing back the pump technology that was outdated before Kriss Kross released Jump.  Glassman just needs to figure out how Nike can officially take crossfit to the next level. Reebok has maxed out their potential.
Agreed.  I didnt see a picture online that was close to the actual color of the purple. IMO theres no blue tint.  Its a pastel purple.  Very feminine.  Sent mine back as well.  The daring reds are similar, couldnt find a picture online and thats just not a dudes red.  Its like a coral pink.  

Sent the corals back too . Wouldn't even call them red
You guys don't know Nike at all if you think the daring reds and Persians are too "fruity" and "feminine".
My coach copped the anthracites and said they were $80. Must be that affiliate discount.
My coach copped the anthracites and said they were $80. Must be that affiliate discount.
I think someone posted the price from the employee store and it was around $80. One of my friends found a pair at an Nike outlet for $95.
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