I have both s/m and l/xl nike sleeves and the s/m are fine but I prefer the length of the bigger ones. armpit to wrist with ZERO "riding up"
I know it would never ever happen, but I can't help but think of the unreal colorways of Nike cleats and BGs that we would see at the LLWS if they had the gear contract.
Anyone know if these are still on track to come out in the next couple of months, turf edition not the cleats
Yeah, but you're not gonna like what you're gonna see... at least... I didn't.  

The damn 360 AM2009 outsole again. 

Nice find on that shirt...a buddy of mine just broke his out for our league playoffs this weekend I'm still heated I tried to cut mine to make it 3/4ths and messed it up and tossed it a few years back.

I'm really liking the new gray they are using on these BG's. Seems to be lighter than last years Diamond Elite's which was always darker than the pant color gray.
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