Niketalk, At What Age Did You Get Your License? Vol. Look Out Road!!!

oh Smmrdude bumped this

I got mine the weekend after I turned 16....... that was so long ago now wow :wow:

:lol: this thread is poppin

Passed on my first try,almost failed though because I didnt stop for a fire truck that was going the opposite way.
I got my permit and license as soon as I was eligible so 15 and 16. I was in a rush to drive idk how some of y'all have waited so long.

Got pulled over the day after I got my permit, I was shook 
I got my permit when i was 15/16 or whatever the age is.. I was supposed to get my license on my birthday but I got into a minor accident so I had to wait an extra 6 months

I think i was 17
got my permit at 16 and license at 17. Pretty much as soon as I could I got em. Got my car senior year of HS
Im 18 and im just getting my permit next month :lol:

I have friends who drive & i live in NY so its not much of a neccessity but i wanna have my license before summer so i can get these yams :smokin
Turn 17 in a little over two months, getting my permit within the next two weeks, probation license at the end of october.
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