Niketalk, Would You Let Your Girl Get Called Up on Stage at a Male rnb Singer Concert? New videos

If she goes on stage how she getting home?

Anyways someone on the misc actually had a girl and she smashed trey songs when he invited her to his cup area in the club

Yall buggin
Yall dudes think it's sweet until the Smushcalade's outside your crib one day. My wife knows better, and she not impressed with celebrities. Now back in high school, I'm quite certain she would've busted it open for Nelly :lol:

If she goes on stage how she getting home?

Anyways someone on the misc actually had a girl and she smashed trey songs when he invited her to his cup area in the club

Yall buggin

I know a girl, she lives here in Oklahoma and also in St Louis, typical THOT/bussdown material, who is "friends" with Chris Brown that way. She occassionally would post things on FB and got challenged on it and posted txt messages, fb messages, everything. Of course that type of thing can easily be faked, but seems legit. He not flying here all around the country to smash but when he's in that part of the country she be at shows front row and her poor *** definitely is not affording that **** herself. I believe her. She easy as Sunday morning though, hell on V Day she literally posted something like, "Somebody want to be my Valentine? I'm lonely. I'll give you some."
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aint no way some soft r&b,no shirt having, mostly likely bisexual, singer going to be doing **** it took me a lot of game and dinner dates to achieve.

and if she goes im bouncing. 
My girl may have the advantage in this situation for the simple fact that....

The **** I look like being at a Trey Songz/Usher/Chris Brown concert???
aint no way some soft r&b,no shirt having, mostly likely bisexual, singer going to be doing **** it took me a lot of game and dinner dates to achieve.

and if she goes im bouncing. 
thats your fault if it took you doing all of that
Monta Ellis is 6'3 185.
Son is a lightweight. I can bench son.

6'6 245 lbs here. That work can be distributed very evenly between any set of cats who tries it
All I have to do is give my girl a look and she knows. If she does go up that's straight disrepect and the relationship is likely over. Has nothing to do with insecurity, if that is my woman there should be no other man in the world that touches her like I do.
just dont go to these concerts n youll be fine. only freaks sit that up close. n please keep it to female celebs seducing guys.
Law got me crying.... that Monta post the best **** I seen on here all year

me and my girl wouldn't be at a R&B concert in the first place, so there's that
Monta Ellis is 6'3 185.
Son is a lightweight. I can bench son.

6'6 245 lbs here. That work can be distributed very evenly between any set of cats who tries it
Plenty of people under 200 lbs can bench 245 fyi.
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