Niketalk, Would You Let Your Girl Get Called Up on Stage at a Male rnb Singer Concert? New videos

6'6 245 doesn't mean you'll will win a fight. It just means you're taller and weigh more. All I'm saying.
That's more body though. You can use that body to your advantage when grappling and doing certain moves

Westbrook is basically the same stature as Eliis and Durant is 6'9 240. I highly doubt whatever extra body Durant has is gonna help him win a fight if they went at it.
Westbrook is basically the same stature as Eliis and Durant is 6'9 240. I highly doubt whatever extra body Durant has is gonna help him win a fight if they went at it.

durag got his odul drinking.buddies. he gots to ask.his mum.dough
Durant is 240 but he's 6'9

He got no meat on him. Lance Stephenson can give him that good old fashioned Brooklyn work
Durant is 240 but he's 6'9

He got no meat on him. Lance Stephenson can give him that good old fashioned Brooklyn work
Garnett is 220... He's taller and bigger than Durant.

Side note: y'all NY cats ride for your NY famb.

Had a ***** in the gym try to argue me down that lance Stephenson was better then Paul George...

When I found out he was from new York.

I was like "it all makes sense now, b"
Wtf is wrong with y'all cats?
Y'all dead would let shorty up there?
If my girl gets called up there, I'm going up there to give son the mean work word to mommy

He wouldn't be able to walk after and would have to call off his whole tour after our extravaganza
This. These fools on here are backwards as ****. Only on NT do they claim to be alphas yet will let their girl go up on stage for another man to gyrate on their girl and find nothing wrong with them simulating sexual acts on their for all the world to see. I'm done.

View media item 1115426
This. These fools on here are backwards as ****. Only on NT do they claim to be alphas yet will let their girl go up on stage for another man to gyrate on their girl and find nothing wrong with them simulating sexual acts on their for all the world to see. I'm done.

View media item 1115426
don't forget bragging on the yambs afterwards
Yall dudes think it's sweet until the Smushcalade's outside your crib one day. My wife knows better, and she not impressed with celebrities. Now back in high school, I'm quite certain she would've busted it open for Nelly

Law got me crying.... that Monta post the best **** I seen on here all year

me and my girl wouldn't be at a R&B concert in the first place, so there's that
he just better be lucky it wasnt Lou Will or a major star 
I get it you gotta be "alpha". But my rational is if this chick is choosin herself. Why would I be mad at the guy? Case by case. LIke I said this happens to you leave the chick there and pull you another one. That wasn't his girl thats was everybody's friend 
im insecure im not even comfortable  , get me a therapist and face wash b  Drake level 3 but thats what karma does to u 
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