No basketball till October :(

Who do you think will win?

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That's my old man to a T.  He loves sports, but hasn't rooted for a specific team since he was teenager.  Simply watches for the love of game
Watching for the hate can be just as pleasant though 
[quote name="erupt107th"]I can't think of a time where I watched a game and did not want a certain team to win.

What say you?

Y'all watch games neutrally? Not talking about watching your teams or teams you hate or your players or players you hate.

I'm talking about if you have no interest in the teams or players, but you're watching. Do you watch neutrally, or do you have to pick a side?[/quote]

The amount of sports I watch, I can sit thru pretty much any game without caring who wins or loses, I just want great theater.

Cowboys v Packers. Colts v Broncos. Packers v 9ers. Seahawks v Patriots.
Clippers v Warriors. Bulls v Knicks. Mavs v Rockets.
Cards/Dodgers. Yanks/Red Sox. Tigers/Indians.

I only want to see greatness. Performance, no hitter, 50 point game, 5 TD passes, comeback choke job, brawl, bad blood, whatever.

I was watchin live, Pacers Pistons, not a care in the world who won or lost. Then someone threw a beer. :nerd:
Dodgers Diamondbacks last year, hit by a pitch. :nerd:

Just yesterday, Trout/Pujols back to back, then CC doesn't get his pitch, tossed. Giradi, tossed. Theater.

Cavs Warriors? No care either way. Both are great stories. Both losers will be great fodder. Gimme 7 games, all with OT, color this fool happy. 100.
I feel the same way about Football aswell never had a favorite team really just love seeing great sporring events
I always pick a team that I want to win. It can be hornets vs Knicks, I'll probably roll with the hornets because of their colors [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Watching for the hate can be just as pleasant though 
Haha, I concur.  My pops is perhaps the most polite competitor I've ever come across.  He'll compliment you to death, and is constantly providing positive criticism/feedback.  Reminds me of Tim Duncan in that sense.  "Good move, son, but next time pump-fake and spin back baseline for a baby hook so it's a great one."  Old man almost never loses
.  He'll come home from a long day at work and wax me and my friends while proclaiming how it must be his lucky day which just so happens to be every time he laces em up.
Watching for the hate can be just as pleasant though :pimp:

Haha, I concur.  My pops is perhaps the most polite competitor I've ever come across.  He'll compliment you to death, and is constantly providing positive criticism/feedback.  Reminds me of Tim Duncan in that sense.  "Good move, son, but next time pump-fake and spin back baseline for a baby hook so it's a great one."  Old man almost never loses :stoneface: :smh: .  He'll come home from a long day at work and wax me and my friends while proclaiming how it must be his lucky day which just so happens to be every time he laces em up.

I like your Dad already. Cool Dad's are the best.
I don't even remember the last time I watched something and actually cared about who won or lost, :lol:
[quote name="eddiengambino"][quote name="nickmaz96"]i've been watching basketball since December without caring who won :smh:[/quote]
Dat self ether[/quote]:lol:

(same :\ )

Just saw on FB

Here's LeBron James doing his prayers to Satan like always. First his does the devil horns, then the Illuminati triangle, then the 666 hand signs. After, he hits his chest, then he blows on both hands. Those with spiritual understanding will truly see what's going on. I had to screenshot the caption from @nba's Instagram just in case they end up deleting it later on. Well here's truth hidden in plain sight. I noticed that LeBron mostly does this prayer before a game starts. When celebrities perform these signs CONSTANTLY, the earthly minded will think that these are just "hand signs" they're flashing all the time so it's no big deal. Or earthly minded will laugh and mock someone who notice these things calling them a religious nut. Not realizing that these celebrities are flashing these for the dark forces in the spiritual realm. What religion uses hand gestures like the pyramid or the 3 sixes as a form of praise other than the satanic occult? None. The 666, triangle, and devil hand signs are extremely common in the Occult when praying to Lucifer.
In fact, if analyzed further, many satanists/freemasons believe that fundamentally Satan deserved the thrown in heaven and that he was cheated by God. Which is why most occult practitioners call Satan the “light bearer” or Lucifer, his pure angelic name. So if James were involved with the occult, he would more than likely acknowledge Satan as being among the skies as opposed to hell.
High rank Occultist do these in order to get a wish granted, gain power, or curse someone they despise. There are prayers to Satan just like there are prayers to God/Jesus. There's a good side and a bad side. But at the end of the day, God's prayers are more powerful than Satan's. #JesusSaves #NBA #LEBRONJAMES
Mark 8:36 - "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

Follow me on Instagram: @Pureworldtruth if you want to know more detail with what's going on in our world.

got me :rofl:
I can watch without rooting for a team.

Just be entertained is cool enough for me.

For example, GSW was the only WC team I was "rooting" for. The other squads  I couldnt give a u know what about
[quote name="eddiengambino"]

Just saw on FB

Here's LeBron James doing his prayers to Satan like always. First his does the devil horns, then the Illuminati triangle, then the 666 hand signs. After, he hits his chest, then he blows on both hands. Those with spiritual understanding will truly see what's going on. I had to screenshot the caption from @nba's Instagram just in case they end up deleting it later on. Well here's truth hidden in plain sight. I noticed that LeBron mostly does this prayer before a game starts. When celebrities perform these signs CONSTANTLY, the earthly minded will think that these are just "hand signs" they're flashing all the time so it's no big deal. Or earthly minded will laugh and mock someone who notice these things calling them a religious nut. Not realizing that these celebrities are flashing these for the dark forces in the spiritual realm. What religion uses hand gestures like the pyramid or the 3 sixes as a form of praise other than the satanic occult? None. The 666, triangle, and devil hand signs are extremely common in the Occult when praying to Lucifer.
In fact, if analyzed further, many satanists/freemasons believe that fundamentally Satan deserved the thrown in heaven and that he was cheated by God. Which is why most occult practitioners call Satan the “light bearer” or Lucifer, his pure angelic name. So if James were involved with the occult, he would more than likely acknowledge Satan as being among the skies as opposed to hell.
High rank Occultist do these in order to get a wish granted, gain power, or curse someone they despise. There are prayers to Satan just like there are prayers to God/Jesus. There's a good side and a bad side. But at the end of the day, God's prayers are more powerful than Satan's. #JesusSaves #NBA #LEBRONJAMES
Mark 8:36 - "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

Follow me on Instagram: @Pureworldtruth if you want to know more detail with what's going on in our world.
got me :rofl:[/quote]I know sooooo many religious nutjobs just like that. :lol: There are people I could show this to that would immediately post to FB that Bron is a Satanist and should not cheer him.

Dolts. :lol:
"Wake up sheeple" :rofl:

That line always gets me

"Stay woke"

Next up, Lebron turning reptilian
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I know sooooo many religious nutjobs just like that. :lol: There are people I could show this to that would immediately post to FB that Bron is a Satanist and should not cheer him.

Dolts. :lol:

If that was the case he should 4 rings now

Just saw on FB
Here's LeBron James doing his prayers to Satan like always. First his does the devil horns, then the Illuminati triangle, then the 666 hand signs. After, he hits his chest, then he blows on both hands. Those with spiritual understanding will truly see what's going on. I had to screenshot the caption from @nba's Instagram just in case they end up deleting it later on. Well here's truth hidden in plain sight. I noticed that LeBron mostly does this prayer before a game starts. When celebrities perform these signs CONSTANTLY, the earthly minded will think that these are just "hand signs" they're flashing all the time so it's no big deal. Or earthly minded will laugh and mock someone who notice these things calling them a religious nut. Not realizing that these celebrities are flashing these for the dark forces in the spiritual realm. What religion uses hand gestures like the pyramid or the 3 sixes as a form of praise other than the satanic occult? None. The 666, triangle, and devil hand signs are extremely common in the Occult when praying to Lucifer.
In fact, if analyzed further, many satanists/freemasons believe that fundamentally Satan deserved the thrown in heaven and that he was cheated by God. Which is why most occult practitioners call Satan the “light bearer” or Lucifer, his pure angelic name. So if James were involved with the occult, he would more than likely acknowledge Satan as being among the skies as opposed to hell.
High rank Occultist do these in order to get a wish granted, gain power, or curse someone they despise. There are prayers to Satan just like there are prayers to God/Jesus. There's a good side and a bad side. But at the end of the day, God's prayers are more powerful than Satan's. #JesusSaves #NBA #LEBRONJAMES
Mark 8:36 - "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

Follow me on Instagram: @Pureworldtruth if you want to know more detail with what's going on in our world.
got me
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