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There's been hard fouls and good basketball anything more is pointless.

pushing and shoving in a pro basketball game is stupid

who wants to sit around and watch a bunch of guys who wouldn't throw rice at a wedding pretend they're tough?

Guess u don't get it

Guess u one of the ones who would rather avoid confrontation

Guess I'm the only one who misses two teams actually giving their absolute all

Not this nonchalant curry like play

And i don't mean str8 brawling

I just want some intense competitiveness is what I'm getting at

It wouldn't hurt to see somebody get in somebody else's face after a good hard basketball foul and talk a little smack or something

All I'm saying
Dray has been AWFUL when he's caught the ball in those high pick & rolls with Steph. They're just trapping steph & Dray isn't making them pay like he's been doing all year.

That's killing their offense because now Cleveland can trap Steph with impunity & force the ball into a struggling players hand.

Then when Steph is off the ball, Dell is doing a great job chasing him around screens so Steph still can't get clean looks.

Usually Steph kills you with 1 or the other.

The last option is iso but Kerr hates doing that.

If Dray is gonna continue to be poor, he's either gonna have to play Lee (& accept the trade off because Lee hurts their D) or let Steph go iso more often.
Its crazy how Delly really having the impact TA had in the Memphis series and people were laughing about that before this series started :lol:
i think its more the fact that their offense relies on a guy hot dogging who then sets up everyone else.  now that someone is actually guarding him they have no offense
Not talking game plan, but all the other intngibles.  Nobody experienced the finals on except Kerr and he could only say it so much i'm sure.  the players have to "get it" but won't be able to in time. it might be getting too late.

This is lebron's 5th straight finals and u know he's making sure his players know what's up

Too bad Kobe already admitted to being carried and playing a supporting role back then, :lol:


Looking at the numbers and still saying he was carried (in any of those runs) is stupidity. Hell right after one of those titles shaq said he wouldn't have been there without kobe.

Stupidity, you say?

Shaq averaged 38-16-2 while kobe averaged 15-4-4 in the first finals. I get you're an admitted delusional Laker fan but come on :lol:
Guess u don't get it

Guess u one of the ones who would rather avoid confrontation

Guess I'm the only one who misses two teams actually giving their absolute all

Not this nonchalant curry like play

And i don't mean str8 brawling

I just want some intense competitiveness is what I'm getting at

It wouldn't hurt to see somebody get in somebody else's face after a good hard basketball foul and talk a little smack or something

All I'm saying
idk what your expecting from two teams full of softies minus matt
Guess u don't get it

Guess u one of the ones who would rather avoid confrontation

Guess I'm the only one who misses two teams actually giving their absolute all

Not this nonchalant curry like play

And i don't mean str8 brawling

I just want some intense competitiveness is what I'm getting at

It wouldn't hurt to see somebody get in somebody else's face after a good hard basketball foul and talk a little smack or something

All I'm saying

Guess you stuck in the past

Guess you showing a childish mentality

So you dont think Dellavedova and Bron have been showing intense competitiveness?

I guess diving for every free ball isn't wanting it enough :rofl:

Who knew talking trash was the deciding factor as to whether guys want it :rofl:

Trash none of them intend to back up at that :rofl:
He was all over the floor AND the first row when he dove into the crowd. I hope he's okay tho. the injury bug has bitten us HARD
Honestly , it was only a matter of time before someone started cramping. Their playing at such a high level ( because they have to ) that it's going to take a toll on their bodies.

Yeah in the post game Wade asked Lebron what hurts and he said "What DOESNT hurt..."

I guess that's expected. Just a few more games. 2-4 and they can relax all off season and count that money and hopefully hoist a trophy
Guess u don't get it

Guess u one of the ones who would rather avoid confrontation

Guess I'm the only one who misses two teams actually giving their absolute all

Not this nonchalant curry like play

And i don't mean str8 brawling

I just want some intense competitiveness is what I'm getting at

It wouldn't hurt to see somebody get in somebody else's face after a good hard basketball foul and talk a little smack or something

All I'm saying
i hear what u saying, but maybe the lack of competitiveness is due to the fact that cavs are just beating them up.  delly is taking the fight out of curry for example. has steph seen this type of pressure all season?  the cavs bigs are owning the paint and u see bogut just cna't keep up physically.  tristan has like a 50gallon tank dude never seems to  tire out.
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I never see Tim Duncan trash talk and yet I can say without a doubt he is one of the fiercest competitors I've ever seen.
Crazy that basketball professional reporters are saying David Lee and Curry seeing those Hail Mary 3s going in as the turn of the series.

When does a player a team doesn't scout for and making desperation 3s give you advantages?
Like are they expecting David Lee to get 20-10-5 and Curry to come down pulling fadeaway 3s all game?
Not sure he was guarded less on the buckets in the 4th. Could be wrong, but seeing the shots fall is gonna do a lot for him. 

Delly is gonna be alright. No way he lets cramps from 2 days ago keep him from game 4 when he's been so important in these last 2 games. 

Kobe: can't go to shootout with a butter knife. #letitfly

Love the new Lebron. Not enough to buy his shirt though. Still pulling for the warriors but might put a few dollars on the Cavs if they get the Warriors with 3 losses. 
Crazy that basketball professional reporters are saying David Lee and Curry seeing those Hail Mary 3s going in as the turn of the series.

When does a player a team doesn't scout for and making desperation 3s give you advantages?
Like are they expecting David Lee to get 20-10-5 and Curry to come down pulling fadeaway 3s all game?
I think they're seeing that the offense flows better against Cleveland when David Lee is on the court. I wouldn't say they're a better team with lee, but for some reason the offense flows. The ball is moving much more when he's on the court. It's amazing really. 

If Barnes goes 0fer again this series is over. I mean you need Barnes and Iggy to hit like 2 threes each. They're wide open most of the time, unfathomable that they're choking like this. 

Klay needs to give you 18-24 with good defense, and Green needs to stop crying.

alot of ifs, but alot of ifs on the Cavs side too. we'll see what happens. 
I never see Tim Duncan trash talk and yet I can say without a doubt he is one of the fiercest competitors I've ever seen.

He shows very little emotion... but when he missed that hook in Game 7 and slapped the ground it was evident that fire is always there for him. He just has great composure and respect.
Crazy that basketball professional reporters are saying David Lee and Curry seeing those Hail Mary 3s going in as the turn of the series.

I don't see them as the turn of the series, but Steph's confidence was beyond shot before the 4th quarter. If he can get a couple buckets early in game 4... things could look up for GSW.
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