NT computer heads help!!! Virus

had to do it

Bite the bullet and buy Norton Internet Security. I don't understand why you dudes don't have an antivirus/antispyware, and then get mad when you GET avirus/spyware. Those dudes work hard to make sure your comp won't get infected... and you're too cheap to shell out like $40 to protect your $1500computer?
I'm trying to figure out why the subscription is up if you purchased it from BB two months ago. I thought the subscriptions usually last a year.

Anyway, here's a link to an online virus scanner: http://housecall.trendmicro.com/

Don't go out and buy any Norton product, unless you want some bloated crap on your comp. Google AVG and use it's free AntiVirus program. It'll dothe job. However, if you do decide to go out and purchase a virus scanner, then I'd recommend Kaspersky.
Get kasperkey, avg, and spybot. Stop surfing websites with internet explorer and downloading random files. Problem solved. Get a mac if you have no commonsense.
You don't need both Kaspersky and AVG. Running two anti-virus programs is pointless and sometimes they can conflict. The newer versions of IE are fine, ofcourse, you could switch to Firefox, but it does not matter.

Getting a mac is not the solution to every pc problem, unless you just cannot handle solving these issues.
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