NT Going Bald Crew: Male Pattern Baldness FTL

Nothing new. Haven't gotten a haircut in over a month. Letting it grow back is helping to fill in the weak spots though.
Nothing new. Haven't gotten a haircut in over a month. Letting it grow back is helping to fill in the weak spots though.

How often you get a haircut ? Like I said I might get it tomorrow but since my hair is thin I get my hair cut almost every 10 days and I usually cut it short
How often you get a haircut ? Like I said I might get it tomorrow but since my hair is thin I get my hair cut almost every 10 days and I usually cut it short

Same. I get my haircut every 10-14 days. My edges are still look thin when I let it grow out for more than a week or two. As long as I keep her fresh cut, my hair looks completely fine
It's a solution. I got it. Not completely back yet but hair is growing there where it hasnt in years.
I’m 29 and the hair on the back of my head has been getting thinner by the year. I‘m gonna have to make the decision to shave it all off or begin treatments within the next couple of years
I’ve had what I like to call the Devil Horns for years now. Thinning out on the side corners. If I let my hair grow, they become less noticeable. Other than that, my hair is still pretty much intact. I do shave my head when I get a haircut. It’s more pragmatic. I’ve seen people younger than me with Larry David level baldness, RIP. Male Pattern Baldness is the Ultimate Joke. I wouldn’t mind losing all my hair cleanly. Wouldn’t have to shave/give myself a haircut. Instead your hair goes in spots. Your hairline might be decent but then you have a crater in the back. Or the back of your head is good, but your hairline is receding like a beach before a tsunami.
I’m 29 and the hair on the back of my head has been getting thinner by the year. I‘m gonna have to make the decision to shave it all off or begin treatments within the next couple of years

That's the big decision point. You have to figure out whether you want to try and restore your hair or if you're comfortable saving it off, there's no wrong answer. The sooner you make that decision, the better. My only regret is not getting started on some type of hair restoration treatment sooner. When I first started to notice my hair thinning, I just did nothing for two or three years and just watched it get worse. Trust me, the situation isn't going to get better the longer you wait.
I am one of those people where if it ain’t perfect it has gotta go.

This is probably poor logic but I figured if LeBron can’t figure it out then the cure just flat out isn’t available.

My cousin is the same way. The moment he saw a hair out of place he starting shaving his head bald. :lol: No slow transition, no balding, never tried any hair treatment. He pretty much went from 98% full head of hair (where most people wouldn't even notice he's losing it) to shaving it bald.
My cousin is the same way. The moment he saw a hair out of place he starting shaving his head bald. :lol: No slow transition, no balding, never tried any hair treatment. He pretty much went from 98% full head of hair (where most people wouldn't even notice he's losing it) to shaving it bald.

thats the only way my dude. Otherwise you're living in hell. Make peace with it, accept it, move on and shave it off.
I got the LeBron James, Chris Paul, Doc Rivers, PJ Tucker thing, minus the bball talent of course. It's thinning on top from the vertex, a fully bald Manu spot maybe 1.25 inch in diameter at the very top, but still able to have a hairline and the sides are dark and thick enough I could make sweaters so I haven't decided to come home or go to Turkey yet. If I keep it low, it's imo barely noticable and I'm 6ft tall so very few people can see the top of my head like that unless I'm sitting. It's only when I am at Wal mart in self checkout or On Cue which is a gas station they got that 100k HD cameras that show you from directly above and I can see the baldness/fading from that angle and I'm like damn. That **** feels/looks like a football in that spot. ALso the dream is one day I go to the Dr and they just uncover it and its like oh you had an under the skin condition here, solve that with this medicine and we get sproutage and I can partake in all these new nappy afro on purpose, ugly baby dreads, etc. hair trends that are all the rage now but weren't hot when I could have done them.
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How does that hair transplant **** work and does it look natural? More curious than anything :lol:
you have to take drugs, hormones actually for the rest of your life if I'm not mistaken. I have to wonder if the meds do the majority of the restoration & if the surgery is a bit of scam.
you have to take drugs, hormones actually for the rest of your life if I'm not mistaken. I have to wonder if the meds do the majority of the restoration & if the surgery is a bit of scam.

I wouldn't call it a scam but no one knows when (could be early-20s, could be mid-40s, who knows) and balding pattern (refer to Norwood Scale below) so docs recommend finasteride sooner than later for any noticeable recession to preserve what remains.

Transplanted follicles are not subject to DHT so if you have a transplant, **** could look awkward if other portions of hair start to thin.

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