NT, School me on shaking hands with women.

Aug 22, 2007
Had an interview today with two female interviewers. Financial industry. Shook the first woman's hand firmly, and she gave me that "you shook my hand hard" face.

The next woman, I shook her hand a little bit softer. I was offered the job, but at the end of the interview, the second woman says:

"Just some advice for when you meet the other women around here, shake their hand firm like you would with a man. The other women won't like that. People think women aren't strong enough for a real handshake, but we are. We're probably stronger than men. "

The first chick laughs and says: "He shook my hand firmly and it kind of hurt."

What gives?
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Had an interview today with two female interviewers. Financial industry. Shook the first woman's hand firmly, and she gave me that "you shook my hand hard" face.

The next woman, I shook her hand a little bit softer. I was offered the job, but at the end of the interview, the second woman says:

"Just some advice for when you meet the other women around here, shake their hand firm like you would with a man. The other women won't like that. People think women aren't strong enough for a real handshake, but we are. We're probably stronger than men. "

The first chick laughs and says: "He shook my hand firmly and it kind of hurt."

What gives?

You sure she thought you shook too hard or was she thinking "you must have a strong D"?
When we interview females here hand shakes never ever ever ever are natural.

Let your hand meet in the web of the thumb and pointer finger then shake maybe 80%.

Gives them a chance to get a firm grip and not feel over powered but also allows u to not have that finger shake that ends up happening.

But if she doesn't know how to give a proper handshake (which a lot of people not only women don't) all bets are off
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It's always firm, as in steady, never squeezing. I never squid grip for anyone, and firm still keeps a squeezer at bay.

Firm handshake, always. 
Grip her hand like you grip your **** when you masturbate

Moral of the story...

Women dont know what they want....

I just go for a light squeeze... But wrap my hand ALL the way around theirs to show I'm still the ******* man and she's the yamb

What's even more awkward is shaking hands with white dudes outside of a work setting

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Don't listen to these rep hunters

You grab her hand ever so gently pull it to your lips give it a gentler kiss and say "thank you my lady" and give a slight bow.
That sounds like it could work

In a courtship during the 20's...
When you grab her hand, twist her around while you check her out. That way she knows who the alpha is from the start. If she got a fatty, go ahead and slap it. The ladies love that.

These women STAY coming with these weak willed handshakes. Feel like I'm holding hands with my 1 yr old niece :x I got big hands (or at least hands bigger than most women) and ever since I was a kid girls would tell me I'm too rough. No win situation for me.

I hate it when somebody comes with those super weak handshakes. Never shook hands with a feminine female and not walked away disappointed. I try to avoid it cuz I either end up shaking too hard to the point they say ow or like I said I leave feeling weird.

If anything OP, women are the ones that need to be schooled on firm handshakes.
That sounds like it could work

In a courtship during the 20's...

Kinda curious what would happen if you did that now in professional setting? Straight up sexual harrasment lawsuit?
So inappropriate. Before that they'd think you were a clown purposely insulting them, especially if a man is in the room and you give him a regular firm handshake :lol:
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Sounds like your on the road to a sexual harassment case.lol working with them kimda broads.

For real though a simple handshake is enough for anyone. I never understood the purpose of a firm handshake, its ******ed and makes no damn difference either way.

I just walk in and dap everybody up at interviews...
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