NT, School me on shaking hands with women.

The 2nd lady is correct. Especially in a employee/employer or business setting. You shake hands with women firmly. Maybe not as hard as you would a man (no death grip) but you go in firm for the shake with a woman

Now if a friend is introducing you to a family friend or something and its a woman you choose what you want but id still go with somethin slightly firm
I never understood this culture's obsession with the nature of one's handshake.

I'm all for a nice courteous handshake, but we've got dudes out here trying to break every bone in your hand like that's what's up. Like this aint no contest b...calm the hell down.

This thread has be dying at work.  
I've had coffees/networking meetings with females and 95% of them said immediately after the handshake, "wow that's a firm handshake" with a cheesy smile.

I laugh it off, but never understood if it was good or bad. Same handshake for everyone.
I never understood this culture's obsession with the nature of one's handshake.

I'm all for a nice courteous handshake, but we've got dudes out here trying to break every bone in your hand like that's what's up. Like this aint no contest b...calm the hell down.

Exactly, met my girls mother and "shook" her hand...My girl said her mom thought I had a weak hand shake. I was like really lol...I'm tryin to be soft she like 65 b

These women STAY coming with these weak willed handshakes. Feel like I'm holding hands with my 1 yr old niece :x I got big hands and ever since I was a kid girls would tell me I'm too rough.

I hate it when somebody comes with those super weak handshakes. Never shook hands with a feminine female and not walked away disappointed. I try to avoid it cuz I either end up shaking too hard to the point they say ow or like I said I leave feeling weird.

If anything OP, women are the ones that need to be schooled on firm handshakes.
they're women, fam.:lol:

Just don't squeeze hard... But wrap your hand all the way around so they feel safe...

I don't know why y'all expect women to have form handshakes like men...

Yeah, they want equality... But we're just two different species
Do you know how it feels to shake hands with a hand that's like 2x smaller than yours and supple? :smh: No bueno. I've literally had several females tell me "too firm", "that hurt", etc.

I'm slightly lucky since I haven't shaken a female's hand in a long while now. It's all kisses on the cheeks, embracing with hugs, etc.
i shake a womans hand with the same amount of pressure as if I shook a 12 year old's.
So what now I gotta head to the nearest middle school and start shaking all the 8th graders hands for practice? :lol:

I'm just not good when the hand is so much smaller or the person's wrist and arm is all frail.
i shake a womans hand with the same amount of pressure as if I shook a 12 year old's.

Because that's how they want to be treated when it comes to their anger.

It came full circle


I never understood this culture's obsession with the nature of one's handshake.

I'm all for a nice courteous handshake, but we've got dudes out here trying to break every bone in your hand like that's what's up. Like this aint no contest b...calm the hell down.

Exactly, met my girls mother and "shook" her hand...My girl said her mom thought I had a weak hand shake. I was like really lol...I'm tryin to be soft she like 65 b

:lol: :lol:

I'm not sire why this post literally made me laugh out loud...

But it did.

How about those men that don't squeeze at all, not even a little bit, on a handshake...
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I was introduced to this girl on Sunday she gave me the whatever ***** ur not important handshake I told her " your handshake is flimsy "and walked away thinking I didn't say anything wrong...all the women in the room got on me saying how I was disrespectful lol
They secretly wanted you. Did you talk to any of them after that?
Funny *** thread. Always shake firm worst things worst they think you are agressive. Women in position in power don't respect ***** made men.
My female coworker is average build but she has THEE firmest handshake of any non-military woman that I can remember. She gets excited when she's about to shake a man's hand because he usually is impressed. I've her several men comment on it, "wow, you've got a firm grip" etc.

I got top from her and the grip is still firm.
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shoulda hit her with the marlon

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this. even in a job interview, they will find it funny
They'll find you... and charge you with sexual harassment and it will be funny how fast they'll fire you...

I never understood this culture's obsession with the nature of one's handshake.

I'm all for a nice courteous handshake, but we've got dudes out here trying to break every bone in your hand like that's what's up. Like this aint no contest b...calm the hell down.


I never understood this culture's obsession with the nature of one's handshake.

I'm all for a nice courteous handshake, but we've got dudes out here trying to break every bone in your hand like that's what's up. Like this aint no contest b...calm the hell down.

Exactly, met my girls mother and "shook" her hand...My girl said her mom thought I had a weak hand shake. I was like really lol...I'm tryin to be soft she like 65 b
Dog yall funny as hell :rofl:
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i think people overestimate the handshake. They gotta treat it more like a jumpshot - the handshake is just the follow through on your release.

If you get squared up, give em the right amount of eye contact, carry the moving forward and move back after peak momentum, and got the quick release smile ur handshake becomes natural.

I can confidently say that in a room of candidates i usually win because of my curry level hello and shake game.

talking bout weak and strong lol. its a handshake....
When i go out and introduce myself at bars or wherever i usually put my hand out and say im _insert name_
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