NT: The People v OJ / 30 for 30: OJ

Amazing how some people in the this documentary, and in general still just don't get it man. They just don't get it.

When the legal system in America railroaded Black men in false rape cases, murder cases and alleged hearsay testimonies, mainstream white America said, "oh well he got a bad shake", "its the legal system, he must have done something wrong" or " thats how the system works" but when a black man gets off (not cheating but using THEIR system of laws might I add) all the sudden its a "travesty!" and "the system is broken!",  "America is splintered." and "I don't know whats going on in this country anymore!"

Man, **** outta here, man.
Amazing how some people in the this documentary, and in general still just don't get it man. They just don't get it.

When the legal system in America railroaded Black men in false rape cases, murder cases and alleged hearsay testimonies, mainstream white America said, "oh well he got a bad shake", "its the legal system, he must have done something wrong" or " thats how the system works" but when a black man gets off (not cheating but using THEIR system of laws might I add) all the sudden its a "travesty!" and "the system is broken!",  "America is splintered." and "I don't know whats going on in this country anymore!"

Man, **** outta here, man.

One billion times this.
Amazing how some people in the this documentary, and in general still just don't get it man. They just don't get it.

When the legal system in America railroaded Black men in false rape cases, murder cases and alleged hearsay testimonies, mainstream white America said, "oh well he got a bad shake", "its the legal system, he must have done something wrong" or " thats how the system works" but when a black man gets off (not cheating but using THEIR system of laws might I add) all the sudden its a "travesty!" and "the system is broken!",  "America is splintered." and "I don't know whats going on in this country anymore!"

Man, **** outta here, man.

I got angry at their hypocrisy.

Because 20 years later you can have no feelings towards Treyvon or Tamir, children, but you're still confused why some of us acted that way.
So, OJ can't live his life, when he gets out next year his life will be in seclusion, but Roman Polanksi can purposely have sex with underage girls, flee the country, make millions making movies, where is the outrage over that? How come a certain faction of society doesn't boycott his movies or the stars who act in them? Yeah, we all know what this about .
He didn't just have sex with an underage girl he got her inebriated then raped her. The laws suck but he goes to whatever countries don't have extradition to the U.S. Hollywood is full of scumbags who will work with anyone. wopdy allen was out there plottig on his adoptive daughter since she was a kid and he's still a loved figure.

lawrence taylor had sex with an underage prostitute but the giants organization still rocks with him and includes him in ceremonies.
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He didn't just have sex with an underage girl he got her inebriated then raped her. The laws suck but he goes to whatever countries don't have extradition to the U.S. Hollywood is full of scumbags who will work with anyone. wopdy allen was out there plottig on his adoptive daughter since she was a kid and he's still a loved figure.

lawrence taylor had sex with an underage prostitute but the giants organization still rocks with him and includes him in ceremonies.

LT shouldn't be mentioned. The prostitute lied about her age. That was another case that was BS. I doubt many johns ask for ID's from their hookers.
He didn't just have sex with an underage girl he got her inebriated then raped her. The laws suck but he goes to whatever countries don't have extradition to the U.S. Hollywood is full of scumbags who will work with anyone. wopdy allen was out there plottig on his adoptive daughter since she was a kid and he's still a loved figure.

lawrence taylor had sex with an underage prostitute but the giants organization still rocks with him and includes him in ceremonies.

And no one is picketing or following LT, the man is a freakin God. Roman and Woody's films still get played. No one, and I mean absolutely gave a damn about Nicole and Ron besides their families, and even in death, I still don't think anyone does. Their hatred for the man who was acquitted takes precedence over their feelings for the victims.
:lol: Roman Polanski is actively avoiding extradition back to the U.S. while trying to continue his career.

He's worse off than OJ who is choosing seclusion so he isn't hassled by the paps.

I mean he ain't even try to work the system to get off with a light sentencing or something minor given he probably doesn't have priors. Ain't even try to buy a not guilty verdict or dismissal. He fled from prosecution and is actively living on the run. Basically admitted he's all the way guilty.

I know he still makes movies, a-list celebs still work with him, and there is no longer harrassment but a free OJ is better off in seclusion or not.

Basically imagine if AC and OJ made it to Mexico, got enough money to start anew at the least and made it to a country with no extradition and was living that way for over 20 years :lol:
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Who ever really gave a damn about the civil trial?

Did he even have any money to pay the families?

All I know is if my family member was one of the victims, vigilante justice would be served. I'd make sure he'd die in a way worse way.
Did he even have any money to pay the families?

All I know is if my family member was one of the victims, vigilante justice would be served. I'd make sure he'd die in a way worse way.

Juice was and still is well off, but he's got to "cook the books" so to say so he's not left with nothing. He's good, but not $33.5 milli good.
They definitely tried to paint Nicole as this sweet soccer mom when she was a coke sniffing thot. Not saying she wasn't a good person but its always interesting seeing how the media pushes a image to fit their storyline.
I think painting her any other way in this situtation would come across as saying she somehow deserved it for how she lived.  I know that's not what you're saying,  but it would have reeked of victim blaming if the media focused on that

I'm pointing out how victims get treated different depending on their color.

Yeah of course I ain't saying she deserved it. And I think OJ was a clown and a coward so I ain't defending him.
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