NT which girls do you prefer, PR or DR girls?

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Does it really matter?

Both FTW

cant we just appreciate women?
Originally Posted by Mark Miwordz

doesnt matter. Id smash either.

im not sure how this is a debate. from what i've seen growin up in nyc, either one will make you draw wood. pause. but seriouly both are f'nhot.
Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by Mark Miwordz

doesnt matter. Id smash either.
[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)] [/color]

im not sure how this is a debate. from what i've seen growin up in nyc, either one will make you draw wood. pause. but seriouly both are f'n hot.
and that's all there is to it.
Boricua but I am biased cause I married one. One great thing is we don't need to deal with the passports/visas when their relatives come visit. AutomaticAmerican citizens FTW

Light skin, big booty, NY accent, cooks, Catholic faith, and the way they call you daddi/papi are all

Yah I know you can put all those characteristics on a DR chick too.. I am just saying.
I haven't met one full blooded Dominican female that wasn't on her golddigger or garden tool game.

I blame their mothers. She's one the behind her ear with all that "Y que caro maneja mija?"

I can't blame them though. The Dominican 'hood I spent a good 6 years living in, all the Dominican guys always got caught cheating n stuff. So theyprobably figure 'I might as well live it up with the ballin'est guy I can find if I'm gonna get cheated on.'

All the good ones in my life have been half Dominican, half something else.
Originally Posted by derventa

I feel bad for anyone that lives outside of Boston and NYC.

These two cities have the greatest concentration per square mile of smashable DR/PR poon you will ever see.

FML, im moving out of Boston for college about 25 miles away...how am I gonna meet DR chicks
Boston also has the highest concentration of smashable Cape Verdeans probably anywhere else in the world outside of Cape Verde

But yeah man the DR/PR girls that I knew when I lived in Florida >____
Originally Posted by Gmills23

I'll take EITHER
They both better then the salvadorian chicks in tha DMV

I'm half salvi (My mother). I can't stand Salvi women. Except for my mother.

Their golddigger numbers are undoubtedly the highest I have ever seen.


both/either, but i really hate these types of threads cause there's always so much generalization going on.
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