NYC Sportbike "gang" vs. Alexian Lien Thread vol. Let's Try this Again.

So lien's uncle works for the nypd huh

Officer caught him speeding... lying about it, then let him go with a verbal warning.... AND tipped him off that bikers were especially hot because of Liens uncle and dude still decides to put his face on the web :smh:

This is why so many cops today are so over the top strict and by the book.... fools get the helpful ones reprimanded by putting them on blast over the web for trying to help them out. :smh:
The funny thing is I stopped taking up for the bikers after I saw that video with the Prius, I could no longer defend that, y'all are the ones who keep taking personal shots at me and I never said anything bad to any of y'all
Kid is a poser, is blatant bros....why bother?
You funny bro, why bother posting
Kid is a poser, is blatant bros....why bother?
Like I said, trying too hard...

So you're clearly attempting to talk about riding on a sneaker forum with most to all of your posts being within this thread, but then you try to ridicule actual motorcycle forums as they are what? For "noobs"? Amateur? Again: As I said, there's a reason why you're on a sneaker forum versus an actual motorcycle forum. Not hard to spot a poser...

"da irony"
Lol @ "da irony" of me posting about riding and motorcycles in a thread related to stunt riding and motorcycles

Think about that for a second
I'm referencing your participation in a motorcycle incident thread on a sneaker forum versus the same type of motorcycle incident thread on an actual motorcycle forum...

Think about that for a second

Edit: Much easier to try to look cool on a sneaker forum to give the impression that one's a "stunter" than it is to be called-out as a poser on actual motorcycle forums where everyone can see right through you, no?
can yall quit catfighting and shut the **** up?

More Video footage of the actual beating just released

Courtesy ABC7 & Jalopnik
Dummies .....

These is probably the nail in the coffin ....

You saw the busted passenger window? If the woman comes out on tv and say her daughter and her are still having psychological issues when it comes to bikes and bikers and they fell they were about to be murders ..... forgetaboutit.

But I let the resident expert NH come in here and explain!
dude shouldnt even have a car or a license. this was all avoidable and that money he put into the range couldve been for his daughters education

How does this make any sense? Why shouldn't Lien be able to purchase and drive a vehicle? And who are you to say where he should put his money into?
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If the bikers had just got the guys license plate number then Lien would be the one charged with paralyzing the dude but they overreacted.
How tough they look beating on dude and how full of fear they look on the interviews Talmbout "this has turned my life upside down :frown: "

Not a single damb is given, hope they catch a few beat downs in prison.
How tough they look beating on dude and how full of fear they look on the interviews Talmbout "this has turned my life upside down

Not a single damb is given, hope they catch a few meat downs in prison.
How tough they look beating on dude and how full of fear they look on the interviews Talmbout "this has turned my life upside down :frown: "

Not a single damb is given, hope they catch a few beat downs in prison.

These scumbags deserve everything that's going to be given to them.
Clicked the link and the vid is gone...any way to re-up?

:lol: NH's argument got more holes in it than a piece of swiss. Easy to see that he won't make another appearance in here.
dude shouldnt even have a car or a license. this was all avoidable and that money he put into the range couldve been for his daughters education

How does this make any sense? Why shouldn't Lien be able to purchase and drive a vehicle? And who are you to say where he should put his money into?
This.. I read his comment scratching my head not sure if he was srs
Watched this movie lastnight and this scene made me think of this thread and how the biker defenders think this would have ended.... :lol:

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:rofl: @ the Harold and Kumar reference

Ninjahood believed these were level headed individuals...Ninjahood was wrong...Ninjahood never set foot back in this thread...typical.
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