**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Updated: February 17, 2011, 8:28 PM ET

[h2]Nets owner still against Melo pursuit[/h2]

Associated Press

NEWARK, N.J. -- New Jersey Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov has not changed his mind about the franchise's pursuit of Carmelo Anthony.





The Russian told team executives last month to end drawn-out trade talks for the Denver Nuggets' All-Star forward and nothing has changed with the NBA trading deadline a week away, his spokeswoman said Thursday.

There were reports on Wednesday that the Nets and Nuggets had renewed talks about a deal for Anthony. However, Prokhorov spokeswoman Ellen Pinchuk said in an e-mail that the billionaire maintains his stance, despite the reports.

"Mikhail has not changed his mind," Pinchuk wrote.

When asked if that meant Prokhorov does not want the Nets to reopen talks with Denver at this point, the spokeswoman said:

"What I said is what I said," she insisted. "Not what you said."

Prokhorov stunned NBA followers last month during a visit to New Jersey when he told the team to end trade talks for Anthony just a day before he was to have a sitdown with the player. At the time Prokhorov said the much ballyhooed, 15-player, three-team deal that also involved the Detroit Pistons had become too expensive. The negotiations had also become too public and the constant rumors were hurting his team.

Prokhorov also said at the time there was no chance the talks would be resurrected.

[h4]Nets blog[/h4]

A league official with knowledge of the Nets told The Associated Press on Thursday that Denver recently contacted New Jersey to see if there would be any interest in acquiring Anthony, who can become a free agent at the end of the season. The official asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak for the Nets.

The Nets and Knicks have been mentioned as the most likely future home for Anthony, should he be traded. And Anthony has been quoted several times that he would love to play for the Knicks.

But the Nets might have more to offer the Nuggets. Rookie power forward Derrick Favors, the No. 3 pick in the draft, has tremendous upside as a 19-year-old. His first season has not been overly impressive because of foul problems and a general learning curve. New Jersey also has five first-round draft picks over the next two years to offer.

Prokhorov and Nets general manager Billy King are expected to be in Los Angeles for the All-Star Game this weekend, and Prokhorov might get a chance to say hello this time to Anthony. Of course, any trade to New Jersey would be contingent on Anthony signing a $65 million contract extension that's been on the table since June.

Anthony also would have to know that coming to New Jersey probably would end his playoff hopes. The Nets have a 17-40 mark entering the break and are 8½ games out of a playoff berth with 25 left.

The Nuggets (32-25), meanwhile, have the seventh-best record in the West.

Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press

which one is it ?

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

WojYahooNBA Adrian Wojnarowski
Once again, Nets and Nuggets have a framework, but Carmelo Anthony needs to be sold. Prokhorov-'Melo meeting could finally happen in L.A.
3 minutes ago

WojYahooNBA Adrian Wojnarowski
Denver-NJ in advanced talks on Anthony, Billups, Balkman, Ely, Williams for Favors, Harris, Murphy, Uzoh and 4 1st rounders, source tells Y!
They can have him.
@ 4 1st rounders.

 Seriously?...plus considering Favors was the 3rd overall pick, and Harris is their best player, ur gonna essentially trade:
5 1st rders + your best player + 4 Mil (if they buyout Billips) for:

Melo + Billups for half a season (if you don't buy him out  immediately like he asked) and garbage. 

Wow...Tbh, if I'm the nets I might even rather just keep Harris, Favors and those 4 1st Rders to build a team. And if they didn't give Travis Outlaw 35 mil, Anthony Morrow 12 mil, Jordan Farmar 12mil, and Johan Petro 10 mil (that's 69 mil of garbage), they could've signed 1 or 2 good players instead

I'm getting less optimistic about the trade the more I read about it. I feel like the Nuggets front office would rather get nothing than let Melo go for less than what they want. And I'm sure they're pissed their franchise player doesn't want to sign with them and don't mind screwing him over. And tbh I can't blame Melo if he takes that. At the end of the day, he did try to make a Knicks trade happen, and I can't even imagine passing up on 15-20 million dollars, no matter how rich someone already is. I'd play for any team for that much $. 
Originally Posted by Big J 33

The Nuggets have asked for all of the Knicks' best young prospects in a deal for Carmelo Anthony.

Denver is demanding Wilson Chandler, Danilo Gallinari, Landry Fields, Raymond Felton, Timofey Mozgov and a first-round pick (obtained by trading Anthony Randolph) in exchange for Anthony and Chauncey Billups.

"They want everything," a league source said. "The Knicks didn't even have to sit down and talk about that offer. It's not even logistically possible. They'd have two miserable stars with nothing around them."

"Maybe they [the Nuggets] just don't want to do it," the source said. "Didn't they do that with the Nets? When you keep asking for more until you say no, maybe you don't want to do it. Maybe they want to go to the playoffs with Anthony and call [Anthony's] bluff on June 30th."

ViaNew York Post

Read more:http://basketball.realgm.com/wireta...icks_Plus_Pick_In_Carmelo_Trade#ixzz1EE9xN1Ba

Even the Yankees can't believe that offer from Denver.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

The Knicks have reached out to several free agents with the assumption that they'll have open roster spots to fill after the deadline, including one player that is very close with Anthony.
wait, what? 

Who is it?
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

The Knicks have reached out to several free agents with the assumption that they'll have open roster spots to fill after the deadline, including one player that is very close with Anthony.
wait, what? 
Who is it?

Free agent?....so someone out of the league?...

Landry: I really need to stop agreeing to %##@ when I'm drunk. I got lucky with Modells.
Amare (slurring his speech): All you sons of !%+#*#! need to vote me into the goddamn All-Star game.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

so for fun, make a caption for this picture

"Knicks management worked very hard to get this man where he belongs, and we're happy to have him here..NYC, give a round of applause for Carmelo Anthony!"  
Dolan, Prokhorov Each Scheduled For Meetings With Anthony

Feb 18, 2011 03:18 AM EST

Both Madison Square Garden chairman James Dolan and Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov are scheduled to meet with Carmelo Anthony during All-Star Weekend in Los Angeles.

Anthony's representatives will be responsible for setting up the meetings with the two owners.

Dolan and Prokhorov will receive an audience in a similar way to what was arranged during LeBron James' free agency.

It is not clear why Anthony would need to meet with Dolan, considering the Knicks have been his top choice for months.

One league executive believes that Anthony, like James, simply wants to hear straight from Dolan what the future holds for the Knicks.

Whether or not Donnie Walsh will be in attendance is not known, but Garden president Scott O'Neil and assistant general manager Allan Houston will likely attend beside Dolan.

Via New York Daily News

I'm officially done. LeBron James all over again.

This needs to be over. I'm ready to move on with or without him. If he w ants that extension that bad he can rot away in NJ with no supporting case. Donnie's a better man than me, 'cause I would've told Denver to kick rocks.
F Denver, this is just ridiculous and getting old. F NJ for even attempting, go sit down. Y'all are a high school JV team in the NBA
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Dolan, Prokhorov Each Scheduled For Meetings With Anthony

Feb 18, 2011 03:18 AM EST

Both Madison Square Garden chairman James Dolan and Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov are scheduled to meet with Carmelo Anthony during All-Star Weekend in Los Angeles.

Anthony's representatives will be responsible for setting up the meetings with the two owners.

Dolan and Prokhorov will receive an audience in a similar way to what was arranged during LeBron James' free agency.

It is not clear why Anthony would need to meet with Dolan, considering the Knicks have been his top choice for months.

One league executive believes that Anthony, like James, simply wants to hear straight from Dolan what the future holds for the Knicks.

Whether or not Donnie Walsh will be in attendance is not known, but Garden president Scott O'Neil and assistant general manager Allan Houston will likely attend beside Dolan.

Via New York Daily News

I'm officially done. LeBron James all over again.

This needs to be over. I'm ready to move on with or without him. If he w ants that extension that bad he can rot away in NJ with no supporting case. Donnie's a better man than me, 'cause I would've told Denver to kick rocks.
AH needs to stand a foot behind Dolan and make the "he's not serious and has no idea what he's talk about" motion when Dolan starts to talk reckless.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

so for fun, make a caption for this picture

"Knicks management worked very hard to get this man where he belongs, and we're happy to have him here..NYC, give a round of applause for Carmelo Anthony!"  
use this when carmelo comes here
this is ridiculous. melo needs us just as much as we need him. you wanna go play for the russian and jay z? go for it.

we don't have to convince him of ##+$
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