Official 2013 NBA Draft Thread

The only thing that worries me about this is injury is Noel's work ethic. He plays 110% on the court but I've heard talk about him not working that hard to improve his game. That could be just talk (he doesn't look out of shape and he plays hard so he seems like a good guy) but it is a concern. Didn't something similar happen to Quincy Miller? He went from top HS player to 2nd round pick? Scouts were concerned that he didn't rehab hard enough and never regained his explosion.

Luckily, Noel is a freak athlete and young - in my memory, those guys seem to recover fine from these type of injuries. Amare and KMart didn't lose a step. It seems like the unathletic guys are the ones that really suffer.
I really can't remember an athletic big that tore their ACL...only bigs I can remember are off the top of my head are Al Jefferson, David West and Kendrick Perkins.

There was Al Harrington, but he's more of a tweener forward.
******g one and done bs :smh:

Nerlens would have already been in the league, hopefully this doesn't effect his future
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The only thing that worries me about this is injury is Noel's work ethic. He plays 110% on the court but I've heard talk about him not working that hard to improve his game. That could be just talk (he doesn't look out of shape and he plays hard so he seems like a good guy) but it is a concern. Didn't something similar happen to Quincy Miller? He went from top HS player to 2nd round pick? Scouts were concerned that he didn't rehab hard enough and never regained his explosion.

Luckily, Noel is a freak athlete and young - in my memory, those guys seem to recover fine from these type of injuries. Amare and KMart didn't lose a step. It seems like the unathletic guys are the ones that really suffer.
We heard questions about Drummond's work ethic too right? Heard people questioning whether or not he even liked basketball? Nerlens is my #1 pick without hesitation, barring some unforeseen ACL set backs. 

If MCW gets drafted top 3, then I'm going to stop watching basketball. I don't care how good his workouts are. 
I'm not really sure when it's been questioned anyway. He showed poorly at the Hoop Summit in the spring but that was during the process of flying around, picking a school, trying to get ready academically and all that hoopla.
It was dude that runs DX...I got into it w/ him over what he said.

He was piling on Drummond b/c he had never heard of Herb Pope.
umm... Cal and everyone media member that covers the Cats say he's the hardest worker on the team.

and if you think he's just taking up for his guy... he's called Poythress and Wiltjer the laziest.

hell, he put heart monitors on them.
It was dude that runs DX...I got into it w/ him over what he said.

He was piling on Drummond b/c he had never heard of Herb Pope.

I meant Nerlens. Drummond did coast in HS and looked plenty aloof at times at Uconn, so I at least understood questioning his motor. The 'love of the game' crap is stupid with Drummond or anyone else though - a) we don't know. b) they're teenagers. Some people will grow up.
umm... Cal and everyone media member that covers the Cats say he's the hardest worker on the team.

and if you think he's just taking up for his guy... he's called Poythress and Wiltjer the laziest.

hell, he put heart monitors on them.

Damn do you guys even read the post? I'm talking about off the court, during the off season, etc. People were concerned that he didn't improve much over high school. In games, his motor is elite, no one out works him. Hell, he got injured on a hustle play that most big men don't even try and make. I'm not doubting that. All I said was - if he doesn't work hard in rehab, he may not get his explosion back like Quincy Miller.

I would still draft him 1 but it probably depends on the team. (whether they're stacked with bigs or whether they're too impatient to wait for him to fully heal)
The Drummond work ethic/motor thing was overblown to me. I saw it being a concern, but I also saw him putting up a double double and 2.5 blocks even if he's a lazy bum, so that's worth the risk all day everyday.
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What type of elite training as a big man was he getting in HS? An Amare Stoudemire Nike Camp each summer? How often do we see see Centers who are really polished in high school? Still a pretty worthless point. 
What type of elite training as a big man was he getting in HS? An Amare Stoudemire Nike Camp each summer? How often do we see see Centers who are really polished in high school? Still a pretty worthless point. 

So bigs shouldn't be expected to improve during high school? He'll be fine on defense but with no ball handling or jump shot, he's going to be really limited on offense. Is it too much to expect progress from a potential number one pick? No one said anything about REALLY POLISHED. I'm talking about any improvement. How is it worthless? Either he's not working on his game (which would be a concern) or he's working on it and not improving (also a concern).
meh... i don't think it's any concern by any means.

the kid is 19... and when people analyze the individual players on this UK team, i think the fact that it's a total group of kids who've never played together gets underestimated. nobody really knows what they're doing. still. they're really learning on the fly.

I mean, the guy on the other side of the block (Poythress) is clueless. Noel doesn't really benefit much playing with him. Archie doesn't do well playing off Noel, neither.

we're horrible offensively in pick and rolls... Wiltjer is the only one who reads the play well, but he needs a cheetah taped to his back.
we're horrible offensively in pick and rolls... Wiltjer is the only one who reads the play well, but he needs a cheetah taped to his back.

If Wiltjer could get in the weight room he can be play in the League, he reminds me of a shorter Dirk. He's got a lot of touch and a nice feel on offense.
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