Official 2014-2015 Atlanta Hawks Season Thread

Not sure if RyanJumpman or Donald Sterling

Surprised he didn't start his "Irish people were slaves too" ignorance like he did when he got schooled in the general forum

Ferry deserved what he got and yes political correctness is > wins

Especially when your team is majority BLACK and a league that is majority BLACK
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The Hawks losing and the GM leaving done brought the racist out of him ..." White fans count too" , " read the yahoo comments " , "the whites are always the bad guys " :lol:

Then talking bout jumping ship cuz he upset the GM stepped down :lol:
[quote name="ryanjumpman420"]The racism history in Boston :lol: :lol: Gimme a damn break. What do u teach liberal sciences at Cal Berkley or something :rofl: of course I know about the racist history in boston. As well as the racist history in atlanta, and every other place where white people lived with black people. The whites are always the bad guys. It's always the whites fault. Why are whites are the only people ever accused of being racist? It has gotten out of control with people like u kane and your political correctness and ur lessons u think people should learn from u and ur "perfect" friends. Take that on somewhere else. I damn sure don't need or want to hear it. To me and my friends yall are the crazy ones.[/quote]Yikes.

Quoted so it stands for all to see.

ryanjumpman, everyone. NT's current zodogg, with less team loyalty.
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Donald Sterling? :rofl: :rofl: yall r dumber than I thought. Im not a jew for one. Im Irish.Sterling(Tukowitz) was jewish. Different tribe. I'm not a racist. Never in my life have i ever been called a racist. Didn't know NT was this liberal. I'm not Republican or conservative but liberals are just as crazy. And White fans do count and being white and proud of my culture and heritage doesn't make me racist. Only racism going on here is against whites. Wonder who the next white victim of racism in the public media is gonna be? Ferry was a victum.
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Well you aren't literally Donald Sterling but i believe some saw some consistent ways of thinking
Well you aren't literally Donald Sterling but i believe some saw some consistent ways of thinking
He's not even white. Different tribe. U be sitting back and picking your spots with me tho. Nice try. I see you. :wink:
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Not sure if RyanJumpman or Donald Sterling

Surprised he didn't start his "Irish people were slaves too" ignorance like he did when he got schooled in the general forum

Ferry deserved what he got and yes political correctness is > wins

Especially when your team is majority BLACK and a league that is majority BLACK
You can take your political correctness shield and shove it up your (edit) Your the biggest racist I've come across here. U and Victor Page. Both yall racist 100%. U don't even know what the hell your even talking bout most of the time and just hate anyone who isn't "black" and u don't even know whose white and whose not is what makes it even more funny. And ignorant. I prob been around more black people than u have in my life. I grew up in the gutter. We all struggled. White, black, brown, yellow, red. Hell I live in a all black neighborhood now.

*the irish were slaves. As much as u talk and claim to know about slavery u should know that. Oh that's right i forgot u only care about the black slaves. The ones that were that sold by black people.
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This is exactly what "THEY" want us doing to. Arguing over dumb stuff. Racism and political correctness run amok.
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I guess former Atlanta mayor Andrew Young is a racist too since he has backed Ferry the whole time. And yes he's black. But i guess if your black and u back ferry it's ok but if your white your a racist?
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I'm white and proud of my culture and heritage and that's racist these days :lol: :lol: :lol:. White people are suppose to hate themselves :lol:
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I guess former Atlanta mayor Andrew Young is a racist too since he has backed Ferry the whole time. And yes he's black. But i guess if your black and u back ferry it's ok but if your white your a racist?

Because the remarks don't apply to him. Asking his opinion on the subject is about as useful as asking an Irish man what his opinion is.
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Because the remarks don't apply to him. Asking his opinion on the subject is about as useful as asking an Irish what his opinion is.
so whose opinion matters here? I'm seriously asking. Why doesn't mine matter? Cause I'm white? Cause I'm irish? U got a problem with the irish people? Luol Deng forgave Ferry. Does his opinion matter?
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The only opinions that matter are those of the very people he vilified.

And no, as an Irish man, it is not up to you to decide whether or not what he said was offensive.
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The only opinions that matter are those of the very people he vilified.

And no, as an Irish man, it is not up to you to decide whether or not what he said was offensive.
Law firm already cleared him of any wrongdoing. I'll go with them.
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