All 3 have opted out, all but certain what the next series of moves will be for the front office.
i cant wait to go back to the court at my gym and gloat. everybody SWORE up and down lebron was leaving while i played it cool predicting this whole thing. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
Don't Bron, Bosh, Wade and UD all have Bird rights?

What's stopping them from bringing Melo and someone else in if they have 55 million free, then going over the cap and bringing those guys back as well?
Don't Bron, Bosh, Wade and UD all have Bird rights?

What's stopping them from bringing Melo and someone else in if they have 55 million free, then going over the cap and bringing those guys back as well?

Doesn't work like that, since they are all opting out Miami has to renounce their them as free agents in order to get the cap room, otherwise each of their salaries for next season around 20 mil are on a cap hold and it only leaves them with like 3 mil in cap room, once their rights are renounced the cap holds are gone but so are their bird rights.
i think they each should take a 5 mil paycut if the cuts gotta be even. if they can be staggered, then bosh needs to take the smallest paycut. hes the one with the least amount of endorsements off court. wade take the 2nd highest. lebron obviously could play for free and still make more than wade and bosh so highest cut.

that plus battier and birdman leaving will be enough to structure the team correctly. lets just see what they do. i dont think lebron is trying to take a max paycheck. he honestly doesnt need it and i think he wants to WIN more than collect an extra 6 mil...
Yeah I'm hoping it's not true, and though im in the minority, I hope they keep chalmers and cole, I think losing one of them would be just as bad as losing miller hopefully the don is playing chess with his pieces, chalmers has been bad as of late but I think his past triumphs should be overlooked
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Yeah. Idk all these max contract rumors man.

Hes taken a pay cut before. Why would he demand a max now? I think the big 3 will be signed last
Yeah. Idk all these max contract rumors man.

Hes taken a pay cut before. Why would he demand a max now? I think the big 3 will be signed last

I'm with you. If LeBron signs a max deal I'll retire my SN.

As far as Rio/Cole, I'll always be a fan of theirs but you do anything to get Lowry on this squad. At his worst he's Chalmers at his best.
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I'm with you. If LeBron signs a max deal I'll retire my SN.

As far as Rio/Cole, I'll always be a fan of theirs but you do anything to get Lowry on this squad. At his worst he's Chalmers at his best.
let go of lowry. it was a rumor started by a nobody. both teams denied even so much as a tweet to each other. itll never happen. and thats what we got shabazz for. chalmers got upstaged when cole showed up. with napier here, if napier does the same thing over the summer chalmers is out. and i like him, but i have no pity for him. hes not elevating his game year to year. and to ME, thats a sign of someone not taking it seriously.
I'd still rather have a big man over Lowry. The problem with chalmers is that he wasn't contributing anything. Their point guards were getting open jumpers and he wasn't knocking down 3s. If he played how he was capable of playing, he wouldn't need to be replaced. I think Napier can fill that role for much less money. Cole can play backup if he doesn't get traded.

Miami was still last in the league in rebounding last year.
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Almost forgot how horrible of a rebounding year Miami had, with them going to the finals and all, not sure what angle to go at that prob tho, think I secretly don't wanna blame bosh but fix that leak and their real championship contenders again
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gortat? wth...if we need a big man then why does oden ride bench for a living? as if he aint a big man that can fight down low?
gortat? wth...if we need a big man then why does oden ride bench for a living? as if he aint a big man that can fight down low?
He's a big man that hasn't proven much in his limited time. He had very small spurts of something. Then he had a back injury.

That is not somebody you can count on day in and out. You could still tell he wasn't 100% this entire year. And was hesitant at times.

I personally think Napier starts and Cole off the bench. Assuming nothing else happens at the PG position. I think Cole is better off the bench.
Not to throw shade on GO, but I think Pat only added him to show that he could, last year he looked like that one big scary kid that coaches use to personify as a "special weapon" to intimidate opponents, think if any weight is moved in that general area might b him, hopefully not any drastic moves are made
Yeah. GO looked very unsure most of the time. I like it for the guy but I just wish he could have given us something. But I applaud him for trying.

If Rio goes, I'm leaning towards Napier starting also. Just because he seems a lot more capable of executing offense and already a much better shot maker than NoCo.

I mean I wouldn't mind Lowry on the squad, but that doesn't fix are biggest problems. Rebounding and stagnant offense.

If we get some shot makers/floor spacers that'll help a lot. Shabazz can already take a lot of the ball handling responsibilites from Bron and Wade. I hope anyway lol.
So far we've been linked to......

Kyle Lowry
Isaiah Thomas
Loul Deng
Caron Butler
Shawn Marion
Vince Carter
Marvni Williams
Dejaun Blair
Channing Fyre
White Mamba Steve Blake
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Luol Deng is old and hurt man. Lol.

I just think that we shouldn't try to focus on the big fish like Melo, but try to actually bring in several, solid role players. We need depth.

Thomas is cool. Very undersized though and I don't think he'll leave Sac.
Lowry seems like he's about the $$.
Not to throw shade on GO, but I think Pat only added him to show that he could, last year he looked like that one big scary kid that coaches use to personify as a "special weapon" to intimidate opponents, think if any weight is moved in that general area might b him, hopefully not any drastic moves are made
They aren't moving Greg.
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