Official 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers Thread : Game 4

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Yeah if your business model is viewing prospects in the same light as monetary assets, both of which you have a good amount of, then you’d have to use something to get better. If they go into the season without doing something impactful then it’s telling AF and we as fans continued to get back played.
Man baseball is the only sport where you can throw your money around. What’s the point of being big market top payroll if you can’t get star players without giving up assets/top prospects? :stoneface:

I was sad but fine with players choosing other teams all things equal. But losing out because of deferred money and 30 mil or so :stoneface: :stoneface: for the nth year in a row we gonna end up with another mid tier AJ pollock type :stoneface:

Three years ago, Dodgers president of baseball operations Andrew Friedman said teams that are “always rational about every free agent, you will finish third on every free agent.”

This dummy...smh
We also lost out on Rendon I hat our front office.

Not actually losing out if you don’t make an offer, as Jorge Castillo just tweeted sources tell him. Either Scott Boras really hates the Dodgers, or ownership is really as greedy and arrogant as many believe.

I really listened to Dave day yesterday saying that this was the most aggressive they’ve been since he’s stepped in...hahahhahahaha (dying inside).
Doesn't really excuse why you as an organization don't make an offer and try to change his mind. It doesn't make me feel great as a fan that the front office of my team just shrugs and goes "welp" when someone doesn't show initial interest playing in LA.
Doesn't really excuse why you as an organization don't make an offer and try to change his mind. It doesn't make me feel great as a fan that the front office of my team just shrugs and goes "welp" when someone doesn't show initial interest playing in LA.

I just saw that we didn't offer anything and I can't tell you how livid I am. Anyone who makes the excuse he didn't want to play here needs to stop. At least make the offer.

Another crappy off season.
Ryu to the Blue Jays?

Come on front office...

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Was reading Lindor and Clev rumors. Now I can get down with Lux and May is Clev was involved. That dude is a beast. Had him last year in fantasy. Rode him to the title.
Looks like the Bumgardner talks have legs because he's really showing interest to pitch in LA. At first I was disgusted, but now I'm all for it if it means causing Giant fans to be miserable hahaha! Straight signing SF's pitching GOAT to be our third starter, that'll actually be kind of cold blooded. Still rather have Ryu though.
Looks like the Bumgardner talks have legs because he's really showing interest to pitch in LA. At first I was disgusted, but now I'm all for it if it means causing Giant fans to be miserable hahaha! Straight signing SF's pitching GOAT to be our third starter, that'll actually be kind of cold blooded. Still rather have Ryu though.

I am already miserable that we didnt trade him last year. Now we are going to lose him for nothing and set our rebuild back. I am in the overwhelming minority when I say I hope he does go to LA. It will serve our franchise right for not doing the correct thing and moving him when we should have.

But third starter my ***....well, at least in the playoffs he wouldnt be.
I am already miserable that we didnt trade him last year. Now we are going to lose him for nothing and set our rebuild back. I am in the overwhelming minority when I say I hope he does go to LA. It will serve our franchise right for not doing the correct thing and moving him when we should have.

But third starter my ***....well, at least in the playoffs he wouldnt be.
End of the day, I'm surprised he'd want to come to LA. Outside of the personal stuff, in game, exchanged between the rivalry games it'll be stupid of anyone to think he's not a decent pitcher still. Like I said, I'm for it if it happens. I have tons of close friends that are Giant fans so I know this would hurt them, similar to how a lot of us would be hurt if ya'll signed Kershaw to be your third starter.
End of the day, I'm surprised he'd want to come to LA. Outside of the personal stuff, in game, exchanged between the rivalry games it'll be stupid of anyone to think he's not a decent pitcher still. Like I said, I'm for it if it happens. I have tons of close friends that are Giant fans so I know this would hurt them, similar to how a lot of us would be hurt if ya'll signed Kershaw to be your third starter.

I think the rivalry stuff is between us fans, not really the players anymore. I cant see a player choosing to retire over playing for his rival like players of the past did. Plus, the rivalry with Bum was with Puig, not necessarily with the Dodgers themselves.

The friends of yours that would be hurt by this, I bet they were huge advocates of Farhan not trading Bum at the deadline too huh? I know a ton of people like that. But unfortunately, Farhan gave into public pressure after our hot month last year, when anyone with any sense knew it wasnt sustainable.

Sorry for turning this into a Giants conversation, but I am still so pissed Farhan didnt trade Will Smith and Bumgarner last offseason. Ridiculous.
Looks like the Bumgardner talks have legs because he's really showing interest to pitch in LA. At first I was disgusted, but now I'm all for it if it means causing Giant fans to be miserable hahaha! Straight signing SF's pitching GOAT to be our third starter, that'll actually be kind of cold blooded. Still rather have Ryu though.

third starter? You still got Kersh as a #2?
Lizakers Lizakers Come on fam, I'm as disappointed as you in Kersh but he's a damn #2 starter on a 5-man rotation...

dland24 dland24 Farhan's hands were tied for sure. You're also dead on because my buddies were out here talking about Farhan earned some respect by not trading Smith and Bum and playing toward the postseason. Had me reenacting the cup sip/"damn" gif.
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