Lebron is really gonna bite Virgil's style huh. And no him writing on his sigs back in the day doesn't count
Ehhhhhhhh this is a bit different. He wrote "More than an athlete" on his AF1's after being told to "Shut up and dribble." This shoe has that and then blank panels for the owner to write their own messages. This seems genuine, not him biting anything.
Blues and blacks are both dope

how's quality? thanks
i dig both models so I kind of want to grab atleast one

somebody should put These on one shoe and Trash on the other lol
Nice uppies... too bad they’ll disintegrate as soon as you walk in them. I’m over buying ups made before 2004-5ish, it’s a crapshoot whether or not they’ll be wearable.
Yea I mainly mess with Air Max and I'm the same with them. Anything past about 05 is suspect. I just hold my breath when I wear them.
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