Could you expand on that white privilege statement. I tried messaging you but it seems you made your profile private. Just trying to understand your point of view.
Have you even been pulled over for being white in an area you shouldn't be in?

Me either.

That's white privilege on the most basic level.
Oh look....Kaepernick has inadvertently caused division in this thread.

If he wanted to make a difference he would've been in the communities trying to do things better not taking a knee and being silent.

Now he just wants to be a martyr.

Also, let's not forget his parents who raised him are white. He didn't grow up in the inner city. He had a white middle class upbringing.
Oh look....Kaepernick has inadvertently caused division in this thread.

If he wanted to make a difference he would've been in the communities trying to do things better not taking a knee and being silent.

Now he just wants to be a martyr.

Also, let's not forget his parents who raised him are white. He didn't grow up in the inner city. He had a white middle class upbringing.

You should at least google the man before you open your mouth and sound this dumb.

Oh look....Kaepernick has inadvertently caused division in this thread.

If he wanted to make a difference he would've been in the communities trying to do things better not taking a knee and being silent.

Now he just wants to be a martyr.
Yikes. Educate yourself.

Also, let's not forget his parents who raised him are white. He didn't grow up in the inner city. He had a white middle class upbringing.
What does that change?

73% of the US is white
Of the 897 police shootings this year, 312 are white. That's 34%.

He doesn't hate white people. He hates seeing black/brown people being brutalized by police.
I am angry about it. I do speak out about it. Yet I'm still racist, according to you. You can't see how ****ing dumb that is to say?

Trust people based on THEIR actions, not by the actions of ignorant people with the same skin color. Do you want me to judge you off the worst people of your skin tone? I'm sure you don't. Yet you do it with white people.

Again, STOP judging people off their skin tone. I'm just me. The only "people" I have are my friends. Some white, some brown, some black. That's MY people. Random people that I've never met that happen to have my skin tone? No, those aren't my people. It's just me, an individual. You should really learn to see people as such instead of lumping all people of a race in together. The world would be much better if EVERYONE would do that.
You are not in any position to speak of not judging people due to the color of their skin, due to the fact that the people who look and identify as you do have attempted to conquer and rule all people of color in the world, because of it. White supremacy is real, and it is up to white people to prove that they do not believe in such a theory. It is not up to anyone Black, to prove that you are not indeed a racist. Look, be angry. Your people have messed up the entire world.
You are not in any position to speak of not judging people due to the color of their skin, due to the fact that the people who look and identify as you do have attempted to conquer and rule all people of color in the world, because of it. White supremacy is real, and it is up to white people to prove that they do not believe in such a theory. It is not up to anyone Black, to prove that you are not indeed a racist. Look, be angry. Your people have messed up the entire world.
I'm in a position to say that EVERYONE should judge EVERYONE off their actions, not their skin tone. You want to judge people on their skin tone? Cool, you're racist. You're no better than the redneck in Alabama. Let that sink in. Be better.
Could you expand on that white privilege statement. I tried messaging you but it seems you made your profile private. Just trying to understand your point of view.
Because of sexism, misogyny? I am, ALL men are sexist. We live in a system that allows men to get away with things, have advantages that a woman cannot do, nor get away with without being called a *****, ***** or tramp, skank. Because the system supports us, we can also be allowed to recover from such mistakes, glaring errors, without judgement. Trump can grab a woman by the *****, but Warren cannot claim native american amcestry, without being called pocahantas. So swap out sexism and misogyny, and replace it with racism, and then who benefits from it.
You are not in any position to speak of not judging people due to the color of their skin, due to the fact that the people who look and identify as you do have attempted to conquer and rule all people of color in the world, because of it. White supremacy is real, and it is up to white people to prove that they do not believe in such a theory. It is not up to anyone Black, to prove that you are not indeed a racist. Look, be angry. Your people have messed up the entire world.
The way you want whites to prove their point , you will never be satisfied because of that deep hatred towards them. It seems you’re trying to push whites down in the hopes to raise up blacks. Until you can forgive and let that hatred go you will forever be in your current state. Why are you expecting a different result doing the same thing these racist white folks did in the past?
I'm in a position to say that EVERYONE should judge EVERYONE off their actions, not their skin tone. You want to judge people on their skin tone? Cool, you're racist. You're no better than the redneck in Alabama. Let that sink in. Be better.
Obviously you don’t get it. Maybe this will help you. Is the woman who hates misogyny, sexism, not trusting men and the system that supports it a SEXIST?
The way you want whites to prove their point , you will never be satisfied because of that deep hatred towards them. It seems you’re trying to push whites down in the hopes to raise up blacks. Until you can forgive and let that hatred go you will forever be in your current state. Why are you expecting a different result doing the same thing these racist white folks did in the past?
What past? Who said anything about hate? This is about trust. Colin is fighting about right now, and white supremacy is the issue.
Obviously you don’t get it. Maybe this will help you. Is the woman who hates misogyny, sexism, not trusting men and the system that supports it a SEXIST?
I get it. You do exactly what we want the ignorant white people to not do.

As for your example, if she turns around and does the exact same thing as the sexist men, yes she would be sexist.

You're not racist for hating racism. You're not racist for not trusting white people off rip. You're racist bc you view all white people the same. You're racist bc you see skin tone, not the individual. That's what makes you racist. Be better than the people you hate.
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Nah he didn’t. A Black person or any person of color can be racist towards a white person. Being that the term racist was created to describe the systematic oppression that whites have imposed on us. You claim to be an ally? Read this book, written by Robin DiAngelo a white woman, “ White Fragility.”
It was created to describe oppression via whites but that doesnt make other races are immune to it

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
"a program to combat racism"
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