Same. Most know I'm an am1 guy at my core but I've been buying more and more af1 lately. Am1 got kinda stale, quality is meh, and retail is up to $160 on most pairs. They were $110 in 2019 lol. I still love am1 and the really good pairs are the peak of sneakers for me but af1 is becoming a much bigger part of my daily wears. COTM is a big part of that.
Luckily AM1s and AF1s can be had on deep discount these days despite the high price tags
Luckily AM1s and AF1s can be had on deep discount these days despite the high price tags
Agreed. The recent AM1 just haven't done it for me. Only ones I found interesting recently were the Pecan and the Japan one. Oh and Crepe. The Big Bubble feels like a forced gimmick and does nothing for me. They've done a few mesh toebox and leather mudguard that feels off to me. idk I've just been kinda bored with AM1 lately. I still have quite a few ds AM1 so I've just been occasionally breaking those open and buying up other stuff like AF1.

Supreme forces up lot of sizes.

Supreme forces up lot of sizes.
Appreciate you - looks like I finally got one in, despite what seems to be yet another price increase
I've lost track of how many pinks I have but it's probably not enough. Still can't believe we're getting this good of quality for $75-80. Just wish whites were still around.


Now I see where all my 10.5s going.

I missed the all red COTM and the white/yellow at 50% |l
SNKRROOM OOS on the all red 10.5 too. Come on Wish or UPNYC
haha I laughed. I've actually sold close to 200 pairs recently. I have another 100 or so still listed. Just lots of pairs from like 2016-2019 that I never got around to wearing. I still buy a lot so needed to make room. If I haven't worn it in 6-7 years, it needs to go. And some of them I have doubles and triples on smh. I think I said it itt, but I've just really gotten to where I just wear the same 20 or so pairs regularly. It got to be just too much. I really think going from like 700 down to 200 and just keeping it all on my wall will actually get me to wear more pairs bc it won't be so hectic and overwhelming. That's what I'm telling myself. Get it down too 200, all on my wall, and I'll be happy.
haha I laughed. I've actually sold close to 200 pairs recently. I have another 100 or so still listed. Just lots of pairs from like 2016-2019 that I never got around to wearing. I still buy a lot so needed to make room. If I haven't worn it in 6-7 years, it needs to go. And some of them I have doubles and triples on smh. I think I said it itt, but I've just really gotten to where I just wear the same 20 or so pairs regularly. It got to be just too much. I really think going from like 700 down to 200 and just keeping it all on my wall will actually get me to wear more pairs bc it won't be so hectic and overwhelming. That's what I'm telling myself. Get it down too 200, all on my wall, and I'll be happy.
dope. what sites are you using to sell? i fell back once talks started of taxing sellers over $600
haha I laughed. I've actually sold close to 200 pairs recently. I have another 100 or so still listed. Just lots of pairs from like 2016-2019 that I never got around to wearing. I still buy a lot so needed to make room. If I haven't worn it in 6-7 years, it needs to go. And some of them I have doubles and triples on smh. I think I said it itt, but I've just really gotten to where I just wear the same 20 or so pairs regularly. It got to be just too much. I really think going from like 700 down to 200 and just keeping it all on my wall will actually get me to wear more pairs bc it won't be so hectic and overwhelming. That's what I'm telling myself. Get it down too 200, all on my wall, and I'll be happy.
listed where pray tell?

i have 220ish pairs at the moment...700 is ridiculous, but 220 is still really unwieldy. i think anywhere from 20-60 is the sweet spot if you actually plan on wearing your shoes regularly.
listed where pray tell?

i have 220ish pairs at the moment...700 is ridiculous, but 220 is still really unwieldy. i think anywhere from 20-60 is the sweet spot if you actually plan on wearing your shoes regularly.
StockX. It's just so easy, especially after you hit level 3 bc of bulk shipping. I always wait until the last day to ship and normally I'm shipping 3-5 pairs at a time. If you do bulk shipping, all pairs in one box, they refund the $4 shipping fee on all pairs. It's so easy. I walk into UPS with the 5 pairs, they measure and give me a box for like $7, and then they box them up and ship them. I don't need 50 boxes scattered around the house to ship shoes. and once you hit level 4, they pay you as soon as UPS scans the label lol. I dropped these off at 10am and was paid an hour later.

And yea 200 is still A LOT of shoes. I honestly think my long term goal will be to still have my wall, but get to where I have my Jordans and AF1 on the same wall as my AM1/AM90. Just have it all on the same wall. I still think I've settled into a much smaller rotation so like 80% of the wall will just be an art wall for me, basically. Cop, enjoy to look at them for a few years, then sell down the road if I never end up wearing them. I never buy without the intent to wear but man when you have so many you just can't wear them all. So buy, get in hand, then decide if I want to wear them right away. I want to get to one pair in and one pair out. Is that realistic? Idk maybe? But to me it would be dope to constantly have pairs coming in and going out and it just be a piece of art on my house. I can always grab any pair I want at any time and wear them if I want. If the pair doesn't call my name in 5-6 years, it's gotta go to make room for one that will.

Wall I'm referring to. Af1 and Jordan are on another smaller wall. I want to combine it all to one wall.

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