Official Air Jordan I Retro BLACK/ROYAL Thread FEB 2013 - Show Some Maturity People

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Don't know what you're contemplating. Don't know a single royal owner who would trade theirs for Concords -- no offense tho

None taken but that's funny. A year ago I could have someone's first born for some DS concords...*un DS Concords and stairs at only pair of royals*
Not being a downer but let's be real. Seeing how much these are going for there's little hope for us out here in LA. Start asking fam outside of NY/CA
I was at the Oak Park, KS location so I can vouch for them...
What do you mean that you can vouch for the Oak Park, KS location? I went there after work and they didn't know anything about a restock of the Royals.
Called my store for the 2nd time. It's a Lowkey FNL. They wouldn't lie. They said no. I'll swing by tomorrow but I gotta believe them. They have grant hills sitting on shelves and in stock
Not being a downer but let's be real. Seeing how much these are going for there's little hope for us out here in LA. Start asking fam outside of NY/CA
It's just as hard for use outside those states too bro. I live in MA and there are only 2 stores in the entire states getting them, 1.5hrs and 3hrs away from we're I am. Then the next closest states are Ny/NJ. From the looks of it it's truly hit or miss. Gotta be in the right place at the right time, especially if they receive shipment mid day and decide to start sleeping ASAP. Other wise you'll be camping everyday in hopes that "today is the day". And then there are those that have immediate connects and throw it off for everyone else. With that being said good luck to all and again thanks to Kamuekcmo!!
Stopped by a local finishline. These ****** still underconstruction and don't open until June. Talked to one of the dudes who on the other side of the gate and asked him about the grants hills. Said they were supposed to get them, but the were sent back. Will get sent back to the store in June.
My finishlines arent included but everytime i was told online by an employee they were right. just food for thought. Not naive buy cant believe employees are totally crooked.
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@DonDrew usually comes through with some good info. He's on a crusade right now trying to silence this restock.

He's been right in the past and never been one to cover up info --- that's what makes this so confusing :smh:
as stated previously- there may be pairs out there- but it aint no RESTOCK or RELAUNCH- 

It's Nike and JB throwing a chip to all y'all seagulls
That's what I thought. She was like we getting a shipment of black/blue 1s but not Royals. And this was Southlake mall Finishline
yup thats the store i was talking about the manager my local fnl cool with the store manager at southlake too they all at some big district meeting this is getting interesting by the minute 

dang i dont like driving out to south lake especially not knowing if they are actually getting a pair.
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@DonDrew usually comes through with some good info. He's on a crusade right now trying to silence this restock.

He's been right in the past and never been one to cover up info --- that's what makes this so confusing :smh:

Yeah he is a good connect, but in his Twitter feed he is even saying he can't give info on the plans for the remodeled stores.
^ Just called both of the FNL close to my area...

One said no idea (he was the manager) and mentioned to try calling again few days later.

The other dude said they never got em initially so they doubt they will get them on the restock. He said he believes is online only but did not have any dates and started babbling when I asked him about a date lol perhaps scared to f up.

Patiently waiting :smokin
Ok, the latest info I got from a fnl connect... The stores that are remodeled will have them on the grand reopening, on diff dates throughout the year... The list is those stores... He is not sure but believes the ones shipped out were done on accident (they are still checking into it) and were sold, he said 3 other stores got them but they caught it in time and are being shipped back, until the grand opening, he said about 3 stores sold them, even tho they were not suppose to (employees) and if you got a pair consider yourself lucky. He also said a few footlockers are getting them also when they are changed to HOH, that's why fnl did it. He does not know about online, but he dosent doubt it.
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