Official Casey Anthony Trial - Walking Out of Jail a Free Woman @ 12:00am 07/17/2011

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by bns1201

some1 will snuff her
Yeah probably thanks to Nancy Grace's ability to sway public opinion and causing this MOB MENTALITY.   High profile cases like this should be kept away from the media and their method of sensationalizing cases like this for ratings. 

Wow...just wow. Can't wait to catch up on this thread. I just got a chance to log on. It's been crazy. Everyone talking about the same thing.
I'm sure it's been mentioned, but you guys all realize the ridiculous amount of CNN coverage this one isolated case is getting, is a clear indication of the media trying to detract viewers away from much more stuff that they don't want discussed?
Originally Posted by CryingFreemancoa

Originally Posted by green rhino123

aye man, i just call em as i see em
go through the thread comments & tell me i'm wrong
i have the right to say things in the same manner as everyone else in here

point is - the tangent is foolish to begin with, and i mocked it
oh well reported
Originally Posted by Crook

I'm sure it's been mentioned, but you guys all realize the ridiculous amount of CNN coverage this one isolated case is getting, is a clear indication of the media trying to detract viewers away from much more stuff that they don't want discussed?
This is a reflection of US as opposed to what they are trying to "detract".
Point is the people WANT to see this stuff because it's entertainment and WE care about irrelevant dumb ++!%.....the media will show what the people want to see and this was no exception. High ratings.
Alright so it's been a crazy last few weeks.  I must admit that I was hooked on this from the start (not just because of THIS case but because I like watching court cases in general and I've seen quite a few before this one on Court TV before Court TV became TruTV and started to suck).  

I was talking to my brother about this today.  Here's the thing.  We are all arm chair jurors.  In other words, what we say does not matter.  We can call her all the names in the book, say that she should get the death penalty, say that she should be locked up, say that she is guilty as sin, etc. etc.  But we  say those things freely simply because we know that we are not determining her fate. If any of us were actually in the jury box where our decision actually DID matter, I'm sure we'd all scrutinize the evidence a lot closer because you know that your answer will determine the fate of another person's life - which could have involved the death penalty.  

 Beyond a REASONABLE DOUBT.  Chaney Mason's definition of that concept is what won this case, IMO.  If you think she is PROBABLY guilty, that does not meet the definition and you have to choose not guilty.  If you think she is MOST LIKELY guilty...nope, does not meet the definition.  If you think there is ALMOST A CERTAINTY that she did it, it still does not meet the definition and you MUST choose not guilty.  Mason's break down of this was very, very well done.  It really put into perspective what is at stake here.

The defense's case was  going in all directions.  Even though I watched most of this trial I had no idea where they were going.  They were just pointing fingers and it was very sloppy.  But that is exactly why the burden of proof is on the prosecution.  The defense really doesn't have to prove anything.  All they have to do is point out that the prosecution does not have enough evidence to convict and that ended up being the case.  So while the prosecution put on a very convincing case that she could have done it, that she might have done it, that she had reasons to do it.. it was all circumstantial and they did not have any or enough hard evidence to link Casey to the murder and there for could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt. 

Think of it this scenario.  We all know someone in real life that we absolutely hate.  And we've let other people know we hate that person. And we've told that person we hate them to their face. We've blogged about hating them.  We've tweeted about hating them.  We just hate them.  So let's say you walk into a room and that person you hate is laying dead on the floor.  In the same room there is a table with a gun on it.  You are horrified and you start to panic and in the middle of your freak out you just grab the gun.  You don't know why you grabbed it but you just did because you are in shock.  Well while you have the gun in your hand, someone walks in and sees what is going on: the person that you hate laying there dead, you standing in the room with a gun in your hand.  What are they to think? What is everyone who hears what happened second hand supposed to think? What is everyone who hears the story through the media supposed to think?  They will tell the back story of how you hated that person.  They will bring up every morsel of dirt on you, every little thing that you've ever done in the history of your life that has nothing to do with the death of this person you hate.  You were there with gun in hand...

...but you didn't do it.  You know you didn't do it.  Nobody else knows but you know.  No one saw you pulled the trigger.  No one saw anyone else pull the trigger. BUT YOU WERE THERE WITH THE GUN IN YOUR HAND! So? You didn't do it. But you  hated the person.  So? You didn't do it.  But you had every reason to want that person dead. It does not matter.  Nobody saw you pull the trigger.  Nobody can prove you pulled the trigger.  And that is why the law and lawyers exist.
please do not say the defense team did their jobs...they completely botched the whole case... claiming that the daughter drowned? yet never provided ANY evidence whatsoever? claiming the father/brother raped her? but never actually brought any evidence to this? they completely tore the fam apart, they would've won the case regardless because there was no actual evidence in any area of the case. its sad that she got away with it, lying every step of the way, partying while her dead kid was in her trunk.....every1 in the world knows she did it, but if you can't concretely prove it, than what're you gonna do...sad but true

make no mistake her life will be a living hell. no one will forget her face, and she has no chance of living a normal life. she does not have that high-profile celebrity status that OJ had, her family is completely against her now that her last-ditch efforts at getting off (rape/abuse) will not go away, and some1 crazier than her will take her down...
this happened like 3 miles away from my place, and has been on TV almost everyday for the past 3 years, and it kinda hurts that shes walking...
Originally Posted by Carver

I see what you're saying but.. she didn't report her daughter missing for 30+ days, and if it weren't for her parents threatening her to see their grand daughter you who knows how long she could have went.. and those days Caylee was missing she went out and partied and got tattoos, though... 

It's not illegal to be a terrible person. That's what people are forgetting.
YES, she is a lunatic. I would prefer to see her punished for what I believe was the murder of her own child and the subsequent coverup.

But you can't bend the law just this once. People act like the court is supposed to run on emotion. You need inconclusive evidence to convict.

Stay-at-home moms everywhere are going to rage... but she isn't getting charged with anything besides the lying to police unless there are new developments.
Just watched Mark Geragos go in on the media and blast Nancy Gaye as the beach blonde clown on HLN. I have no background on the case, but it seems the animosity towards Anthony has been generated based on her character in the media and not the evidence that was being presented in court
Originally Posted by sonunox34

Originally Posted by Carver

I see what you're saying but.. she didn't report her daughter missing for 30+ days, and if it weren't for her parents threatening her to see their grand daughter you who knows how long she could have went.. and those days Caylee was missing she went out and partied and got tattoos, though... 
It's not illegal to be a terrible person. That's what people are forgetting.

That's exactly it.  Doing whatever she did in those 31 days, partying, drinking, getting tattoos, etc. is not hard evidence.  Is it a motive? Maybe.  But like in my scenario above, hating someone's guts could be contrived as motive for wanting them dead but it would be chaos if we convicted people on motive alone. 

It's like people are saying "oh I wish she would just get stabbed and die".  Okay, say tomorrow they find her poked up on the side of a street in a pool of her own dry blood.  You hear this on the news, post your happiness on facebook and go out drinking that night to celebrate her death.   Then the cops come knock on your door the next morning with a copy of your facebook post.  You have motive for wanting her dead.  You want to do a life sentence or face the death penalty based on that alone? 

Anyone who has ever been falsely accused of anything knows how awful that feeling is.  I'm not talking about doing something, getting caught and being pissed off about getting caught because you think what you were doing isn't wrong.  I'm talking about NOT doing something and having all fingers pointed at  you.  Two very different things.
Originally Posted by bns1201

please do not say the defense team did their jobs...they completely botched the whole case... claiming that the daughter drowned? yet never provided ANY evidence whatsoever? claiming the father/brother raped her? but never actually brought any evidence to this? they completely tore the fam apart, they would've won the case regardless because there was no actual evidence in any area of the case. its sad that she got away with it, lying every step of the way, partying while her dead kid was in her trunk.....every1 in the world knows she did it, but if you can't concretely prove it, than what're you gonna do...sad but true

exactly the defense team was Horrible.

the police botched this case for the prosecution...

there was no recovering from that crap 
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by sonunox34

Originally Posted by Carver

I see what you're saying but.. she didn't report her daughter missing for 30+ days, and if it weren't for her parents threatening her to see their grand daughter you who knows how long she could have went.. and those days Caylee was missing she went out and partied and got tattoos, though... 
It's not illegal to be a terrible person. That's what people are forgetting.

It's like people are saying "oh I wish she would just get stabbed and die".  Okay, say tomorrow they find her poked up on the side of a street in a pool of her own dry blood.  You hear this on the news, post your happiness on facebook and go out drinking that night to celebrate her death.   Then the cops come knock on your door the next morning with a copy of your facebook post.  You have motive for wanting her dead.  You want to do a life sentence or face the death penalty based on that alone? 
Yea, but there were a LOT more links/circumstantial evidence in the case than there would be for your hypothetical one. 

I hope I'm never on a jury and as many have said, the prosecution had a hard job. But to me, seeing the way she acted and how she covered everything up, lied multiple times, showed literally zero symptoms of somebody who had just lost a daughter, and in fact seemed to embrace her life without her daughter, all that coupled with the circumstantial evidence and no proof for any of the claims the defense made as to how the baby died, I'm voting her guilty if I'm on that jury. 

To me, If I have an overwhelming sense from looking at the evidence that she's guilty, that's what I'm going with. Just because there is no smoking gun linking her to the killings, EVERY other piece of evidence points to her doing it, that's beyond a "reasonable doubt" for me. I would be kicking myself for the rest of my life if I had voted her not guilty in this case. It'd be one thing if she hadn't behaved the way she did or covered everything up and lied, then even if there was some circumstantial evidence I might feel hesitant about finding her guilty. 
Casey, you didn't win. You have a dead daughter, a guilty conscience, a society that hates you, and a date with God.
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