OFFICIAL CHEF/COOKS THREAD... VOL I wish these pics were scratch and sniff.

weak thread

i thought i was going to see some 5 star restaurant dishes

Oh you like big plates with small food? That's what I do to pay the bills.

Marlin with black beans, jicima slaw and ancho chilli mayo.
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:lol: forget nt's use of :x. i'm actually cooking some tonight, my boy wants me to try his marinade. t
Info on how you made that jerk chicken? Never had it before.
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Make the marinade I posted in the link above. Throw the chicken in a zip lock with it for a day. Grill it. That's really all you do.

Shout out to the snapper I gutted today. Was fire.
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ok, first you have to make a curry paste. so throw all this in a food processor together.

1 small onion
4 or 5 cloves of garlic
a piece of ginger thats like an inch long
3/4 tsp tumeric
1/2 tsp ground corriander
1 tsp cumin
thai chillies, choose your spice level.
pinch of black pepper
squeeze a whole lime in there.
3 tb fish sauce
2 tb ketchup
1 tb brown sugar

so make a paste with that.

then you need :
2 pounds of chicken thighs
1 can of coconut milk
1/2 cup chicken stock
2 or 3 potatoes, small dice
2 bay leaves
2 tomatoes, small dice

take the paste, throw it in the pot on high heat for a minute or too until you can smell it releasing flavor. throw the chicken in. cook it a few minutes on each side. add everything else, turn down the heat to a simmer and let it cook 40 minutes or so and that's it. lot's of ingredients but easy to make.
Someone I know is running a food blog. She has a nice Chili Recipe that I plan on trying out.
Today's Forecast: Chili with a chance of deliciousness!
With the impending inauguration tomorrow, we're hunkering down at home, avoiding the crowd and all the out of town escalefters (for those not familiar, an escalefter is someone that stands on the left side of the escalator, preventing you from walking up/down the escalator).

So with a Sunday night of football, what better meal to make than chili? Plus, it means I get to try out my new crock pot that Justin gave me for Christmas. Oddly enough, this is my first go-round with a crock pot.

We started with half a package of ground turkey (the other half from when we made burgers), and some ground beef. We also threw in a chopped white onion and let it all cook up. For spices, we tossed in cumin, cayenne, and chili powder.

While that was browning, we threw some tomatillos, a huge clove of elephant garlic, an Anaheim chili, a poblano chili, and a habanero into the oven to roast. The oven was set at 350, and it only took about 20min for everything to get roasty, toasty and charred.

Once they were cool enough to handle, I chopped them up so they could be added to the pot. We also drained and rinsed a can of kidney beans, cannellini beans, and corn.

After the meat browned, we added the roasted peppers, tomatillos and garlic, and the beans and corn. There wasn't as much liquid to our liking, so we threw in a can of whole tomatoes. With a good toss, so everything got coated in the spices and juices, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes, we put the lid back on and let it simmer so all the flavors could meld together.

While the chili was simmering, we threw together some honey hush cornbread, ala Dinosaur Bar-B-Que. I know I've said it once before, but I'm going to say it again...if you find yourself in Harlem, Syracuse, or Rochester, NY, you MUST find your way to Dinosaur Bar-B-Que. They have the best, melt-in-your-mouth brisket you could ever imagine!

Anyway...the cornbread. We just followed the recipe I linked to above...mixed up all the ingredients, popped her in the oven and let her bake up.

The chili was topped with some shredded cheddar, a dollop of cilantro lime crema, and some freshly chopped cilantro.
ok, first you have to make a curry paste. so throw all this in a food processor together.

1 small onion
4 or 5 cloves of garlic
a piece of ginger thats like an inch long
3/4 tsp tumeric
1/2 tsp ground corriander
1 tsp cumin
thai chillies, choose your spice level.
pinch of black pepper
squeeze a whole lime in there.
3 tb fish sauce
2 tb ketchup
1 tb brown sugar

so make a paste with that.

then you need :
2 pounds of chicken thighs
1 can of coconut milk
1/2 cup chicken stock
2 or 3 potatoes, small dice
2 bay leaves
2 tomatoes, small dice

take the paste, throw it in the pot on high heat for a minute or too until you can smell it releasing flavor. throw the chicken in. cook it a few minutes on each side. add everything else, turn down the heat to a simmer and let it cook 40 minutes or so and that's it. lot's of ingredients but easy to make.
Thank you
NT Chefs, advice needed por favor:

What a good/quick/easy dry rub for skinless chicken breasts? I am usually on the go and want to be able to come home, throw some quick spices on the breasts and throw it in a heating mechanism. I will even accept suggestions for premixed spice blends like Chicago Steak and crap like that. All I want is some good chicken when it's ready. Any suggestions?
Haha nah man that's good stuff. Shred you some chicken and mix with homemade salsa and cheese with some cumin and other spices and fold it up in a tortilla :pimp:
one suggestion to everyone, get a cast iron pan. S*** is amazing

How do you clean/condition yours after cooking? Theres all sorts of rules that make them almost a pain to own, but the results of cooking with them outweigh the cons of cleaning and caring. I usually put water in it afterwards and then boil it and get a soft brush to scrub the grime off of it. Then I dry it with heat after pouring out the water and rub some oil on it.
Been doing a lot of steaming lately. My homegirl had an extra one when she moved and she let me get hers for nothing. I love it....very convenient

Not pictured are the bluefish in there with the potatoes shrimp and brocolli. And the corn boiling right below

Chicken Alfredo lasagna I made the other week with shrimp, chicken, brocolli, and spinach
How do you clean/condition yours after cooking? Theres all sorts of rules that make them almost a pain to own, but the results of cooking with them outweigh the cons of cleaning and caring. I usually put water in it afterwards and then boil it and get a soft brush to scrub the grime off of it. Then I dry it with heat after pouring out the water and rub some oil on it.

That's the way I was taught as well, minus the oil at the end.
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