Official Confessions of Fall 2011

Originally Posted by peter80warrick

- I have been talking to one of my boy's GFs for the past two weeks on the phone for like 3 hours a day. She lives in Texas and I am in NC so nothing could happy but both of us know we are getting feeling.   
Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

-Im in love with one of my ex's she is living with me but she has become below my standards since i have kinda got my looks together. Her personality is exactly what i want in a girl but her exterior isn't anything to be hype over at all.. She has a nice *%* and nice feet and a tight little frame which i like but other then that I'm not attracted to her.. but i can't front she has held me down lately through droughts and issues with other females..
-Im scared of my profession I come from a slightly religious family and i feel ilke I'm going to hell for producing porn wether it keeps overly sexual people off the street it still is a sin and a vice.. I hate it deep down..
-Ive started to hang with a crowd that does coke i dabble in it on weekends i hate it because i have slight depression and its screwing with my dopamine levels and when i smoke weed the paranoia and thoughts overwhelming.. (I don't think its a habit its becoming a social thing and i need to get the people that are influencing me out my life)
- Im on a prescription drug that is for obese people 250lbs+ i am only 206lbs and dropping..
-I barely eat because of this drug i literally didn't eat yesterday and it didn't phase me at all.. its bad for my muscle gain..
-I am talking to a younger girl (18 turning 19) but she is kinda immature and young minded and I have a daughter and i hate the fact that i would even have sex with a girl like that im like EXTREMELY guilty.. it even affects my performance.. I can't even look my daughter in the eyes since i been talking to her..

-I need to hang out with my boys more often.
-I don't really like my job anymore, but I need the income.

-I'm really bad at saving money. I constantly spend money. 

-I'm really worried about the Eagles this season even though there is a ton of football left to play.

-I'm never really satisfied when it comes to material things. I'm always looking for something new. 

-I need to get serious in school. I really need to transfer to a major university. 

More later...
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

We haven't had a confessions post in a while...figured id start one...

-i am no longer a wale stan

im sure i will think of some more later. post yours...

he smashed?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

We haven't had a confessions post in a while...figured id start one...

-i am no longer a wale stan

im sure i will think of some more later. post yours...

he smashed?


I cannot smoke regular weed
My breakfast for the past 2 months has been 1738 and Purp
My baby mama made me hate all women except my mom.
I believe the correct way to raise a child is to provide for them financially for everything until they reach their dream. No jobs ever.
I think the dude that sucked **** for a pair of III's is the funniest story in NT History
I'll have more later
Part 2 (I'm bored
-I eat my roommate's food like it's mine.
at me but I'm too lazy to go grocery shopping right now
-I waited until I moved out and away to spit game to this chick I used to work with. Shorty is wifey material and I'm just now growing a pair and spitting game.
-I need to take school serious

-Sleeping until 2 or 3 pm is beautiful, until I realize what time it is. Then I feel like the whole day is wasted.
-I deleted my porn collection off my HD a few days ago. I feel like a new man

-I can't get excited for new music anymore. So I constantly listen to my most played on iTunes
-I'm not even going through relationship problems or anything (INS
) but I feel like I can relate to Drake's new songs (Trust Issues to be more specific)
-The chick I was talking about in this post is in a relationship with an Army dude who is deployed. I don't feel bad
-I moved to Las Vegas from the Bay Area for school. I'm hating life right now. NV is the damn boonies compared to The Bay.

-I hate talking sports (especially Boxing) with folks that don't watch and talk out of their behind with it.

-I want to get braces.. but at 23 years old.. that's not a good look.

-I want more Twitter followers.. @Tha_R
-I attract the craziest girls and its starting to get to me
-Everything has been getting on my nerves lately
-My roommate is my friend but has to be one of the most annoying people I've ever met in my life. Not to mention dude slacks on his chores
Only so many times I can put a grown man in his place. Might be time to kick him out.
-I want to get a new car but I don't want to pay to keep it in a parking garage

-Now that I think about it, I really been in my feelings lately. Which is rare cause I'm usually pretty coldblooded.
Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

-Im in love with one of my ex's she is living with me but she has become below my standards since i have kinda got my looks together. Her personality is exactly what i want in a girl but her exterior isn't anything to be hype over at all.. She has a nice *%* and nice feet and a tight little frame which i like but other then that I'm not attracted to her.. but i can't front she has held me down lately through droughts and issues with other females..
-Im scared of my profession I come from a slightly religious family and i feel ilke I'm going to hell for producing porn wether it keeps overly sexual people off the street it still is a sin and a vice.. I hate it deep down..
-Ive started to hang with a crowd that does coke i dabble in it on weekends i hate it because i have slight depression and its screwing with my dopamine levels and when i smoke weed the paranoia and thoughts overwhelming.. (I don't think its a habit its becoming a social thing and i need to get the people that are influencing me out my life)
- Im on a prescription drug that is for obese people 250lbs+ i am only 206lbs and dropping..
-I barely eat because of this drug i literally didn't eat yesterday and it didn't phase me at all.. its bad for my muscle gain..
-I am talking to a younger girl (18 turning 19) but she is kinda immature and young minded and I have a daughter and i hate the fact that i would even have sex with a girl like that im like EXTREMELY guilty.. it even affects my performance.. I can't even look my daughter in the eyes since i been talking to her..

   Suck them toes cuzzo. Esp. during fornication
- I hate that my parents remarried each other. They were wrong for each other back then and even worse now. Everyone was happier and better off financially when they were living in different places.
- I don't think anyone from my family will talk to each other in the future. Nobody really likes/can stand anyone else and people seem happier when they are away from everyone else.
I got a few more....

- My boss is a female with know whats....but she is not very attractive. I still wouldn't mind getting a hold of those things one time.
- I have 16 tattoos, a whole sleeve on my right arm, but sometimes I wish I had none.
- I work from 7-330 with a 30 minute lunch. I never come in at 7, but since I'm the first one here, I just mark down that I came in at 7.
- My Baby Mom's new boyfriend is like 12 years older than her, short, fat, and got a huge gap in his teeth. I clown on him a lot. What's worse is that her and I clown him together, and that's HER MAN!
- Speaking of my Baby Moms and her new dude, I still smash every now and then. All it takes is a phone call.
- I haven't turned on my 360 in about 8 months. I have lost all interest in videogames.
- There are two racoons that are always in the dumpster in front of my building. I have to walk by that dumpster every morning to get to my car. I'm always scared like a little b*tch every time I pass by there cause I don't want to get bit.
- One of the racoons chased me one time. I ran as fast as I could to my car and jumped in...cause I was scared.
- I went to Iraq twice when I was in the army. It was the worst two years of my life, and a complete waste of time.
- I've had 2 threesomes in my life, and I regret both. 
I want Anthony Fantano's job and girl.
School is the devil.
If the nexus prime releases soon for sprint, imma be upset.
By way of me not thinking before I speak, I diss people unsuspectinglyI took a vicodin pill before class yesterday and it sucked
Im still waiting on a sarcasm tool for text messagingThis is always my favorite thread on nt.I want a laziness is going to be my downfall.I have no idea what I want out of life.Im growing my hair out like huey freeman.I know my parents thinky bro and I are failures.The thought of me being old and looking back on life scares the +!%% out of me.I AM GOING TO SEE TORO Y MOI ON 10/10/2011
I hate cod yet I still play it
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

-I moved to Las Vegas from the Bay Area for school. I'm hating life right now. NV is the damn boonies compared to The Bay.
Same here but I moved to san diego.. Its lame as $$%# out hereAlot of duechs, suburban rich kids, stuck up females and "socials". The people here are weird af
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

HARM wrote:

MDMA is awesomely fun ...
, my brother agrees.

i dunno how yall @*%# with that %+$+


Man lol .. #+%% is great

I only do it when I'm going out on the weekends

100% pure mdma ...

Not that x pill stuff
Originally Posted by HARM

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

HARM wrote:

MDMA is awesomely fun ...
, my brother agrees.

i dunno how yall @*%# with that %+$+


Man lol .. #+%% is great

I only do it when I'm going out on the weekends

100% pure mdma ...

Not that x pill stuff

at work so don't wanna google it.. what's the diff?
E pills got slot of extra ++*@ in it ..

Coke speed heroin along with mdma ..

So that's why you hear ++*@ about dudes spazzing on it .. which scared me for years

I know dudes who spazzed on E pills

On straight mdma .. I never had bad trip or come down .. nor has anyone I know who tried it has ..

I just be enjoying the ride .. def gotta do something active ..
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