Official Confessions of Fall 2011

I know I could pull much more attractive girls than the one that I'm dating now (not that she isn't cute) but I really don't care, she's really cool and I like her a lot.

I love/hate pledging.

I admire Daniel Craig's swag in the James Bond movies.
Originally Posted by k3stacks

PltcsAsUsual wrote:

-Im in love with one of my ex's she is living with me but she has become below my standards since i have kinda got my looks together. Her personality is exactly what i want in a girl but her exterior isn't anything to be hype over at all.. She has a nice *%* and nice feet and a tight little frame which i like but other then that I'm not attracted to her.. but i can't front she has held me down lately through droughts and issues with other females..
-Im scared of my profession I come from a slightly religious family and i feel ilke I'm going to hell for producing porn wether it keeps overly sexual people off the street it still is a sin and a vice.. I hate it deep down..
-Ive started to hang with a crowd that does coke i dabble in it on weekends i hate it because i have slight depression and its screwing with my dopamine levels and when i smoke weed the paranoia and thoughts overwhelming.. (I don't think its a habit its becoming a social thing and i need to get the people that are influencing me out my life)
- Im on a prescription drug that is for obese people 250lbs+ i am only 206lbs and dropping..
-I barely eat because of this drug i literally didn't eat yesterday and it didn't phase me at all.. its bad for my muscle gain..
-I am talking to a younger girl (18 turning 19) but she is kinda immature and young minded and I have a daughter and i hate the fact that i would even have sex with a girl like that im like EXTREMELY guilty.. it even affects my performance.. I can't even look my daughter in the eyes since i been talking to her..

   Suck them toes cuzzo. Esp. during fornication

Chicks love it especially when you do a line off their feet and take a little sprinkle it on their toes and suck it off..Toes go numb and its a wrap i promise your hitting it.. thats if you ski lol.. I have had chicks eyes roll.. Sex is better on drugs.. be careful with ski and sex though too much is bad because your entire body will be like putty.. I usually spark some exotics to mellow out

Originally Posted by HARM

MDMA is awesomely fun ...

My next experimental drug this coke crap has to many side effects.. i hear the pill has nothing on the powder.. I know people that roll L's with it.. Im good off that but the powder is needed before years end...
- I go to a great university but have cheated most of the time and cheated all through high school (I seriously hate school more than anyone else)
- I have a fapping problem
- I believe I am developing a foot fetish
- I have a g/f and smash a lot, but still fap a lot (see above post)
- I have an obsession with money
Originally Posted by HARM

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

HARM wrote:

MDMA is awesomely fun ...
, my brother agrees.

i dunno how yall @*%# with that %+$+


Man lol .. #+%% is great

I only do it when I'm going out on the weekends

100% pure mdma ...

Not that x pill stuff
i know, you talmbout that MOLLY FITZGERALD.

i got tricked into it once...pills/drugs never work on me man....since a child...

trees all day.


EDIT: my dude politics sounding like a straight fiend...
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

HARM wrote:

CurbYourEnthusiasm wrote:

HARM wrote:

MDMA is awesomely fun ...
, my brother agrees.

i dunno how yall @*%# with that %+$+


Man lol .. #+%% is great

I only do it when I'm going out on the weekends

100% pure mdma ...

Not that x pill stuff
i know, you talmbout that MOLLY FITZGERALD.

i got tricked into it once...pills/drugs never work on me man....since a child...

trees all day.


EDIT: my dude politics sounding like a straight fiend...

I PARTY LMAO :Lol the world might end son
-Hate my job at the moment. I get depressed being there.  The pay sucks, the bosses are jo's, i'm practically sleeping there to bring home a decent paycheck. Besides the daily eye candy and right now the job market sucks i'm stuck here.
-I miss my ex.  She wasn't a hottie or anything, she was cool to chill with.

-Just started seeing a mental therapist.  She's freaking hot and I feel like a loser talking to her. 

-This guy at work stole my dvd, so I steal his lunch everyday.

-Never been interested in smoking, but im down to make some brownies

-I'm talking to a older woman.  She's a buttaface but her daughter 

-Been on my own for a year now and I wish I would've did it earlier

-Lost about 60 lbs and trying to loose more

-Love my sister but I wish she would be a little more active with my neice and nephew.  Shes darn near letting the tv and computer raise them.

-I miss home just because of being close to the beach and N.Y.C

-I put it on a pedistal, thats why none of my relationships work.

-Comming from the Jets/Baltimore game made me realizie I miss my ps3 and madden.
I'm falling for a Co worker, she's a couple of years older than me, but she's so damn cool, 28, banging body and no kids
only thing is she's in a long distance relationship, I contemplate getting my Marvins Room on everytime we speak to each other

My other brother is the @$%@% i've known to ever go to rehab for WEED, he recently got back on his feet and got a job, he owes me about 6k which I could really use right now, but I don't wanna be a @%% hole

I'm tired of being humble with these #!+$@#, I'm about to pull my whips out and stunt on these #!+$@#
I spend too much time online, but it's fall now so its ok.

4chan keeps me tight with any info I need majority of the time, lulz, info, photography, filming, screenwriting, literature, etc.. and I can't get off the damn place

I've been dreaming about my ex for a while now, and I don't know why...
When I graduate I am going to go wild for a week or two and travel to Europe and have crazy amounts of sex, do drugs, get drunk and do fabulous shopping. I deserve it after this long stretch of behaving and buckling down. I don't even care about the judgement. As long it doesn't happen on US soil and I don't have to worry about a stalker again I'm good. Vacation is vacation. I've been planning this out for months. I think about it all the time. I hope I don't die but if I do it would be so poetic I went out having fun.
Originally Posted by Cap29

When I graduate I am going to go wild for a week or two and travel to Europe and have crazy amounts of sex, do drugs, get drunk and do fabulous shopping. I deserve it after this long stretch of behaving and buckling down. I don't even care about the judgement. As long it doesn't happen on US soil and I don't have to worry about a stalker again I'm good. Vacation is vacation. I've been planning this out for months. I think about it all the time. I hope I don't die but if I do it would be so poetic I went out having fun.

Damn Cap...
How you been tho?
Alot of the time I settle for mediocrity
I would be happy with a less paying job if it meant I was having fun
-did really bad on my first exam
-i'd love to switch my major, but my parents really want me to stick with engineering, and it doesn't help that my dad's side of the family is full of engineers
-it's sad when the only thing you look forward to is a sneaker release

-besides school, i ain't got nothin else goin on, i seem like a loser because all i do is my homework
-would like a gf, and i think that would help my grades
-every girl i like tends to go out with a douche, like no hate, look at them
-Am i really unapproachable? I wouldn't hurt a fly...i'm still bout it tho
-i love white girls
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Cap29

I've been good. I daydream about my freedom. 
LOL You should hang with me and others (if this is the Cap I think it is).
did we used to chop it up in /\/TKL chatroom eons ago with Nino, Hazel and them? 
Originally Posted by Cap29

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Cap29

I've been good. I daydream about my freedom. 
LOL You should hang with me and others (if this is the Cap I think it is).
did we used to chop it up in /\/TKL chatroom eons ago with Nino, Hazel and them? 

Hello Miss W.
I've talked to my ex recently to set a plan in motion that if I haven't had kids by 32 she will bear my child. (If she still single then)

I seriously wanna smash mytmouse and I'm not kidding.. just say when. I know you like us tall dark dudes.
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Cap29

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

LOL You should hang with me and others (if this is the Cap I think it is).
did we used to chop it up in /\/TKL chatroom eons ago with Nino, Hazel and them? 
Hello Miss W.
 I'm pretty sure I know who this is. We were like a tight knit fam in there. Only like 10 -15 folks know me by name.  
-Currently involved with a girl 6 years younger than me
-Met a random girl in the city last weekend, happened to be from my hometown. Told me she had a BF whom I have mad mutual friends with, made out with her anyways.
-Haven't talked to my sister in almost 2 years. It kills me cuz its basically just a pride thing at this point.
-I'm about to do something thats probably gonna shock/piss most of my friends and family off, but I can't say just yet bc my brother posts on here
-I have a serious superiority complex. It used to not be a problem but its starting to affect my life decisions. My HS history teacher told my dad he though it was a defense mechanism bc I'm short (I would embarrass him on a weekly basis), but that honestly has nothing to do with it. I just feel like I'm better than most of the people I meet. I smh at myself even typing that out. And most people would say I'm the nicest, most personable person they've met. But the things that go on in my head during the course of conversation? Oh lawd...
-I have two roommates, one male one female. The dude is always asking me to go out with him and I decline, cool dude too. He doesn't know I've been taking my female roommate to the bars almost every weekend I'm in town. I don't invite him bc I get real touchy feely/flirty with her when we go out (we've made out but I haven't smashed) and I don't want him to throw off the equilibrium. So he just ends up drinking in his room alone.
-After typing all this out, I realize I'm not that great of a person
-my trying to quit smoking halted when i saw $7 a pack in Jersey this weekend ($12-13 in NYC).
-smashed recently, ending a VERY long drought.
-recently came into some money and i really dont know what to do with it.
-i have no energy for anything anymore. especially the gym, when i was finally starting to see some results (TeamFatKid). can't find any kind of inspiration/motivation/incentive at all., even more potential smashing
-Started a new job in SC and love it
-Got a big promotion after only being here 6 months and I feel I didnt do much to get it

-Gained about 10 pounds which is huge for me(I am a health nut), havent really been feeling the gym since my mom died(about a year ago)

-Have a new 2011 Camaro SS, but never drive it because I dont want it to get scratched

-Met my dad's new GF and gave her the 
 before I even knew her name. Still dont like her.

-Have had thoughts of marriage, but just dont know if I am ready yet!
-i havent talked to my ex in a few months, and i kind of miss her. not sexually, but as a friend. there is a comfort level that we have with each other, that i dont know i will have with anyone else.
-ex gf hooked me up with my current gf and wasn't deaing with it well...very jealous. to make matters worse, they worked together
-ex gf runs with a bad crowd now and is pretty much a coke +$+@% now. it makes me so damn sad.
-current gf has baggage of her own that kinda scares me, but i got baggage too so who am i to judge?
-my current gf is pretty much awesome. she's the complete opposite personality wise of my ex, and i love her for that.
-current gf's parents are kind of...intense. old school italians. mom goes hard on her sometimes and it bothers me. cant and wont say anything to her about it. last week they had a big fight, my gf kinda went in on her, then mom says "ashley would never speak to her mother like this!!!" while its absolutely true, i know my mom, dad or anyone in my family would speak to me the way she speaks to my gf.
-i spend money recklessly

-in the last confessions post i said if a certain something didn't happen i was going to quit my job. that something didn't happen, so i resigned and in turn *!!%%* my boss over. i'm fully aware of multiple violations and have proof, so if she wants to come at me bro, i can ruin her career. i'm just waiting for it bc i know its gonna happen. if it doesn't, i think i'll fork over the info anyways, just to be a spiteful *$+!.

-since i resigned i basically chill out all day, wait for my girl to get off work then grab dinner and chill. being unemployed is really, not that bad.
-my little brother is a %@!# up. i was the athlete, my sister will probs be going to brown next year, and my brother is just...stupid. finished 9th grade with less than a 1.0. had to go to online summer school for english, which i ended up doing for him, while my dad paid me a grand to do it.
-i'm more and more thankful for my family everyday. i miss them so much, especially my grandparents, but i refuse to move back to LA bc i lowkey hate the friends i have there.
-i'm a piece of %+%% and i know it.
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