Official Confessions of Fall 2011

Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

-I hate my dad's traditional Israeli upbringing (This isn't some small Iraqi village) 

-At one point I wanted to be a big time drug dealer cause the ones that come into
my dad's store are making REAL money.

-I want to sleep with a REAL black girl (Gabriel Union, Estelle, Kelly Rowland looking)

- One of my best friends hit on me while he was drunk, it was never brought up again (still freaked out)

-I wish life was like it is on television.

- I slept with my 2nd cousin at a party, didn't know she was my cousin until someone opened the door
and there was light in the room. I saw it was her and kept going.

- I steal from my dad's register when customers bring in miscellaneous items like iphones, touch pads etc.

-I've been stalking this girl I saw 2 weeks ago with a pink challenger.

-Thinking of moving to Miami to break free of my dad's rules.

I can help you with a nice black chick...u in MI right?
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

I'm falling for a chick on Twitter
To make it worse, she's an NTer

Same here.... 
Im failing all of my classes, yesterday during organic chem lab my friend gave me that wake up call that Ive needed
I want to change but sometimes I feel like Im afraid of failure so I dont try (after the talk with my friend doing my best to change)
I have been so out of it since I started training for this marathon in November, but I have to admit I really dont miss hanging out, seeing friends partying etc
If my ex on NT is reading this oh well

- I have been reckless with my money latley. I make enough at my job so I don't really care
- When I went to Miami I messed with 4 different girls. I was there for like 7 days lol
- Smashed a girl while her son slept in the same bed as us
- I could care less about what anyone thinks about me
- I'm addicted to Sports and Fantasy Sports
- I gamble way too much and I can't stop because I have been making a killing
- I get over stuff way too fast. It's like have no feelings
- I don't regret breaking up with my GF of 4 years at all. How I did it was kind of messed up but whatever.
- When the ******** lose I get depressed
Originally Posted by parada45

- I have been reckless with my money latley. I make enough at my job so I don't really care
and with that bein said
-Im gonna live a hermit lifestyle from oct-nov, i spent enuff and done enuff this summer.

-not about the money though, but im also doing this because i feel VERY unhealthy these days main reason for this choice. 
Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

-I hate my dad's traditional Israeli upbringing (This isn't some small Iraqi village) 

-At one point I wanted to be a big time drug dealer cause the ones that come into
my dad's store are making REAL money.

-I want to sleep with a REAL black girl (Gabriel Union, Estelle, Kelly Rowland looking)

- One of my best friends hit on me while he was drunk, it was never brought up again (still freaked out)

-I wish life was like it is on television.

- I slept with my 2nd cousin at a party, didn't know she was my cousin until someone opened the door
and there was light in the room. I saw it was her and kept going.

- I steal from my dad's register when customers bring in miscellaneous items like iphones, touch pads etc.

-I've been stalking this girl I saw 2 weeks ago with a pink challenger.

-Thinking of moving to Miami to break free of my dad's rules.

You're a fool for these two....
a few more

- I'm addicted to sports and music, I'd die without either one of them
- that old addage that girls come at you in droves once you are already in a relationship...... DEFINITELY TRUE

- an iPhone 5 NOT being announced yesterday ruined my week, but it will save me money in the long run so I guess it's not so bad
- I've started drinking a whole lot more the last year and fell off my orginal work out plan
- I prolly know maybe two #NTers in real life but yall make my day, constant laughs/slander all day long
- MemeGenerator Pro is the greatest iPhone app ever
- if I ever got the chance to meet Skip Bayless in person I'd knock his lights out
- the Dat thread is super depressing/motivating, I gotta pull a dime at least once before I die
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

- I've started drinking a whole lot more the last year and fell off my orginal work out plan

It's crazy how unmotivated I am to work out the day after a night of drinking. Not to mention my body literally can't do it if I do get to the gym.
I guess that's another one of my confessions...drinking is making me chubalubs
-I wish i had a male best-friend, any male friend i've had i've fallen off with, for some reason. (Only had 1 close male friend in 19 years of life)
-I only spend time with my girlfriend, and sometimes I wish i had a consistent group of "homeboys" to chill with from time to time.
-I always think i've fallen off if i don't have my haircut.
-I don't know what exactly i want to major in anymore. (Sophomore in college) I originally wanted to do Journalism, but i feel that i won't get anything out of it, so now i'm leaning towards Public Relations, and even that's a stretch.
-My parents don't help out with anything financially, even though they are both well-off. I've been paying for everything except rent on my own for the past year. It kills me.
-I want a 2nd job, but i'm having trouble getting one. My current job, i only work 18 hours a week, $9 an hour. I always have to "grind" and do other things to make ends mee every two weeks and i hate it.
Everytime.I see a thread like this I always think what if some employer knew of this site or collegue or anyone who could screw you over and traced you to your SN, read yalls posts, and brought hell to your life. Sad day that'd be lol
-In the past 2 years I have managed to make two different girls completely stop talking to me. One was a serious relationship of 3 years and the other one was more or less a side chick.
-During the summer I was juggling between seeing 2 girls, neither were really serious, but couldn't decide which one I wanted to persue and ended up with none

-I haven't gone more than 2 days without
since June. Today is going to be one of those days

-I have more regrets than I can count, after high school I messed up a countless number of times and my life is no where close to where I thought I'd be. But I wouldn't change a thing. The things I've gone through and mistakes I've made have made me who I am, and I'm happy with who I am.
-The people who were my best friends in HS I could care less for now, to me they all just seem like a bunch of fake people. On the flip side the kid who I used to chill with once in awhile in HS and I reconnected and has become my best friend throughout the past year. Having the same taste in hip hop music has always kept our friendship afloat throughout the years. The only person I can honestly say I have never had a single conflict with and has always kept it real with me.
-Last year in July I didn't go to take a picture of a sign so half of NT HATES me... but hey... at least I am not Cole World 22 who just hates and trolls....
-i worry a lot and maybe too much about my finances...
-my girl is getting lazy again... :/ and Im getting in better shape...last time we went down this road it did not end well.
-i dont have time for ME anymore. 30+ hrs a week at work and full schedule at school...and I might lose my rationale
-ive got a bad habit lately of driving extra fast on the freeway...
-when i work on saturdays and no one is here i work on stuff that caters to me....its actually work. but i dont fix other peoples stuff.
-i do my hw at work while at my desk so it looks like im actually working sometimes

-im too chill for the bar/club rather sit with a select few, smoke a blunt drink a few cups or brews.
-my girls drama annoys the hell out of me. she likes to involve other peoples happenings with herself and i am forced to tell her "i dont care and you shouldnt either"
-after being home for the summer, i know my mom misses me a lot and wants me to come by but i just dont have the time.
-i hate that i cant read women's minds sometimes. im observant, but not a mind reader....
-in multimedia authoring we had to design a website using all html, css code. I know it to an extent, but I got into the ftp server and just stole someone elses code and modded the colors

-the girls that work as staff at my university's fitness center can get it. i lift a little harder when they work.

long read, but hey i got a lot to confess.
USABasketball08 wrote:
-My parents don't help out with anything financially, even though they are both well-off. I've been paying for everything except rent on my own for the past year. It kills me.
good parenting right there, trust me you will appreciate it later.

- im horrible with money, i have no clue where it goes. bills, gas, food. the rest no clue.
- god i hate working with females, talking slick behind people back and their dumb moodiness is so annoying.
- lowkey i cant stand of everybody is jumping on the cam newton wagon now.
- i often question why people dress like robot in a office environment. even though we dont have a dress code everybody dress the same khakis and brown dress shoes. nobody is a individual. its disgusting. i refuse to dress like them so my everyday wear is jeans and sneakers.
-I lack motivation
-I know I'm a bum, i dress kinda "fly" but i can just feel the bumminess inside myself
-i love discovering new music (just got on Little Dragon
-i customize my phone too much, i really need to stop, but it's the only thing that keeps me happy throughout the day.
-I'm starting to dislike my new current whip (2012 Hyundai Sonata) prolly cuz i got it for the wife. I want my own project whip i can fully customize (an e30 or a 90-00 Lexus LS or GS) and slam the %#%$ out of it.
-I walk around my job and daydream bout driving my "project whip", hands out to the side imitating the tucked wheels like / \

-I love feet
-I buy a lot of things off NT hype and some i never really use (Nutella)
-I've realised the fact that I'm effin up our (me and wifey's) bank account, buying random stuff. I'm like damb.

-I wanna smoke again but i gotta get this new job before i get into that.
-I'm never satisfied with anything anymore, i can cop something new and be tired of it the next day

-I still live like it's the 90's/2000s, new games don't impress me. I still feel that GTA San Andreas is/was the greatest game ever.
-I wish my wife was into sneakers and heels (kinda sorta), and have the styles of the (Cute Girl Thread) idk. She's simple and i love it, but....
- i enjoy time by myself the same as time with friends ... if not more
- i make good money at my job but it's boring at times and i spend at least 4 hrs a day on the web
- if i could i would go back to school
- Peyton manning is my favorite athlete and it hurts not seeing my dude play ... i will not watch a colts game this year
- i had to let my ex girl go after she called me out for not being tough enough ... guess she thought i would hold her down while she blew her up infiniti for insurance fraud purposes ... %*%%+ ... that chick cray
- i might like a co-worker but i already did that b4 and it didn't work out well when shorty wanted more than a fling ...
- sometimes i wonder, who my true friends are ... maybe people grow apart
- i'm too chicken to leave my job b/c i could never be fired ... but i'm underacheiving ... BIG TIME ...
- i want to win my FF league bad !!!
- i am not participating in cuffing season ... every girl i meet is crazy ... need a new approach ...
Can't go 100% for my dreams right now... it just doesn't feel right though and I worry maybe I'm gonna waste an opportunity
A few more....
- I procrastinate way too damn much...."Oh I'll do that math homework this weekend..." I never get around to doing it and end up missing assignments that are due online...when I'm on the computer alot..

- Math is my enemy..

- I am noticing I'm getting distant towards my friends and I have no idea why...I am turning into a loner as I get older....and I'm only 22...

- Time to myself is becoming more and more relaxing...I used to always go clubbing and parties few years back...but now I just don't want to do anything except read up and gain knowledge about things 

 I have always had an interest in....(Science/Universe/Physics/Cosmology/Biology) but I'm in school for Applied Science/Automotive Technology and I don't even wanna deal with cars anymore..

- I should have taken Computer Science or something IT related in college instead...

- I have tons of pron on my hard drive....

- Women who are into me are always not my type or just busted hood rats/fat or just crazy in the head. 

- I always day dream of living back in NYC and dwelling on the good times I always had back in NYC..I miss it so much and think about it constantly...the south is not for me..I hate it down here..

- I think I'm way way too picky with women...
Originally Posted by ErickM713

I enjoy leading girls on.
I don't know why, but I think letting a girl think you got feelings for 'em is funny.

Sad to say, but I love doing this!!!

I hate the fact that I 'play with their emotions' as most ppl say, but I dont care, honestly. When thos chicks get all emotional, I just let them know that I'm an affectionate guy at heart lol...

Originally Posted by ErickM713

I'm talking to a 20 year old, she's head over heels for me and she wants to "chill", thing is, yeah I'll smash, but I'll probably dead her afterwards.

I mean girl is stupid in love with me, she text me everyday, sends me sweet text and then some dirty ones, calls me at night, I ignore all of 'em, cause I'm talking to someone else or I'm watching TV 

I'm in the same boat with a 21 year-old chick...

- Over the past few years, I've lost my sense of urgency. I'm late to almost everything and I have trouble finding *** to give about it. I will walk into work, church, meetings, baby showers, and parties late as ever and act like I've been there since the start... And for some reason, I cop a little attitude when people rush me...

- I'm so thankful for my job and career thus far, but the money I make really isnt an object for me. As a result, I spend my s**t recklessly, and I dont save nearly as much as I should. I give money out to relatives and friends in need. In the same breath, I'll throw away money on clothes and kicks that I'll barely even wear. I'm getting better since I've limited my shoe purchases to just Foams, select AJ Retros, and a few AM running shoes...

-I love taking care of my famly and my homeboys, esp during times when theyre in a jam. That feeling you get when you relieve a loved one of his or her temporary hardships >>>*

- but I ABSOLUTELY hate when people take my kindness for weakness tho... Or when those people try and take more than what I offer... I cannot stand inconsiderate and selfish individuals...

- I want to move to Atlanta for about 5-7 years, mostly to keep up with my family thats down there. My job has a location there, I have several places to stay and folks to hold me down until I find my own there... I'm just to lazy to make the move...

- My parents are starting to pressure me into having a child, and since old-age is setting in for them, they want to be grandparents soon...

- I find myself lurking around the "Dressing Better" thread more than almost any other thread here on NT...

I want to drop a mixtape just to say that I've done it... One of those "Bucket List" items of mine...

- I wish more people understood the term "Qualtiy of Life"...
-I'm really starting to dislike my pops, and his relationship with my bm is a lil unsettling to me.
-I need to learn Patience
-I feel like the only reason I haven't given up on organized religion/Christianity is because of how my parents would feel...Not saying I dnt believe in God or the basics of religion, I just think there is a lot of lies mixed in with the truth.
-I'm tryna become more in tune with myself, just have more faith and trust in me.
-The past should stay in the past. Old friends, girls, habits, lifestyles should stay where you left them.
-I'm scared at how much I love my daughter...I never knew you could love someone more than yourself.
-My biggest fear is that she will grow up and not like me...the thought of it makes me wanna tear up.
-I been living my whole life in accordance to what others wanted for me...I'm done with that life
-Never paid for any {()}...but I would if it looked worth it
-my life is great but I feel like something is missing...A GOOD woman perhaps.
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