Official Confessions of Fall 2011

I enjoy leading girls on.
I don't know why, I haven't smashed in a long %*# time but I think letting a girl think you got feelings for 'em is funny.
I'm talking to a 20 year old, she's head over heels for me and she says whenever I go to Houston she wants to "chill", thing is, yeah I'll smash, but I'll probably dead her afterwards.

I mean girl is stupid in love with me, she text me everyday, sends me sweet text and then some dirty ones, calls me at night, I ignore all of 'em, cause I'm talking to someone else or I'm watching TV 
-I found out recently that my first gf committed suicide 5 years ago, I had been looking for her since she moved after freshman yr and I never found her until I found her older sis on fb not to long ago and it killed me when she told me what happened, she gave me her plot number and I want to visit her but I'm not sure if I can go through that -I love my current gf but there are times when I'm not sure if she's the one but then there are times when I'm sure she is -I need to start working on my MA and Ph.D but I'm afraid of failing and I'm not sure if I'll even get in anywhere
-I found out recently that my first gf committed suicide 5 years ago, I had been looking for her since she moved after freshman yr and I never found her until I found her older sis on fb not to long ago and it killed me when she told me what happened, she gave me her plot number and I want to visit her but I'm not sure if I can go through that -I love my current gf but there are times when I'm not sure if she's the one but then there are times when I'm sure she is -I need to start working on my MA and Ph.D but I'm afraid of failing and I'm not sure if I'll even get in anywhere
Me and my best friends sister have been hookin up on and off for the last year and I'm in love with her but can't be with her :-/
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Me and my best friends sister have been hookin up on and off for the last year and I'm in love with her but can't be with her :-/

Dudes ain't learn from Manolo
Originally Posted by Beacon ave south

I'm about to be 25 pretty soon  19 and have nothing established. Working a dead end 9-5 and still at home with the folks.

I literally have nothing to my name

I sometimes feel i have no friends whatsoever, only a few fam members I can truly count on.

 If a few people ive known most of my life and at a times were like family to me, could die right now, and i'd lose no sleep over it.

I cannot trust a female, I seriously see myself growing old alone.
my confession is that these threads always make me feel better about my "problems"...
Originally Posted by polorico

i can not stand 2 of my best friends wives . They come off to me as selfish , and insecure.

I dont like bro bro type snap back wearing kids from the ages of 17-19

I feel this way about my best friends girl. And whats crazy is, I hooked them up. She was a homegirl of mine and my dude was feeling her so I linked them up and the rest was history.
But ever since they got together, she turned into a selfish ("I want all of your time and attention") and insecure ("OMG I SWEAR HE"S GOING TO LEAVE ME. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WHEN HE'S NOT AROUND. HE MUST BE WITH ANOTHER GIRL.") type of chick. And she wasn't like that before. Sad... 

And I hate those "bro bro" type kids too 

Even though I have a younger cousin that acts like that, he still gets love. He's fam 
-I tell myself and come off as confident about my future but in reality I have no idea what it's going to bring. I'm actually slightly afraid that I won't accomplish what I want to get done. Just a little though.
-I hang out and talk to a lot of people but I only have 10 or so people I really trust.
-Part of my success is measured in materials, just because I consider them challenges to complete.
-I am fascinated by cute averagely attractive white women and love them more than the extremely attractive ones
-I do well in school but I don't think that's a good measure of intelligence
-I can't stand stupid people or mean people
-I have no best friend that is always there and it make me feel alone.
-I always contemplate why i smoke trees. Weather it be because others do it, popularity, to get away from the world/free my mind, to rebel. And it kind gets me sad that my parents hate drugs so much.

-I am scared of dating girls because of what other people think.

-I truly think i'm better then most.

-Wish i spoke my mind more.

-Hs b's general cause drama which makes me turn away from them.

-People don't understand me

-People my age don't know anything about politics, that makes me so angry when they are trying to spit knowledge.

-High School is a waste of my time. 

Why does NT hate younger NT'ers
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

- I go to a great university but have cheated most of the time and cheated all through high school (I seriously hate school more than anyone else)
- I have a fapping problem
- I believe I am developing a foot fetish
- I have a g/f and smash a lot, but still fap
a lot (see above post)
- I have an obsession with money
Agreed with the things in bold. 
- I really want to travel in the next year or so, but I know deep down that I can't holiday and pass up the massive career opportunities that I have here in Christchurch now that the EQ's %+%@#$ us over.
- It annoys me that my best friend won't commit to a relationship because she's scared that if they break up he'll hate her... I want her to know what it's like to have a good bf and all that jazz. Not that I speak from experience

- I'm lowkey pissed that I'm gym bunnying it hard and I'm toning up but the reading on the scales isn't changing.

Spoiler [+]
I've smashed once in the last 3.5 years... But I don't really know what I'm missing out on
I tend to pull every female i get at and even have females get at me but i never call or text em. It's mainly because i tend to bore them Or i'll talk myself out of texting them cause females tend to stop texting me probably because of the aforementioned. I'm the most charming dude in the world and the dimples i flash only help but when it comes to texting i cant hold a convo unless it's about sex or i know you. i wish i could hold a convo through text
F it..
- My "friends" suck and are fake as hell
- my best friend's girl is NOT for him. Shes not even attractive and is constantly nagging a him.
- Too keep it simple, life +%%%@$% sucks
- my dad and stepmom want me to join the marines or whatever and i refuse too.. Just not me
- i fell for this girl that only saw me as a friend and i still think about her.. FML.
- i always find a way too F my chances on smashing girls
- i lowkey want a gf but then i dont.. Too young for all that and havent found the one.
- i feel like a lame typing this
im to dependent on woman to fill a void my mom left behind. if i aint with one chick im texting another one even if she aint it she just passing my time till i find the next one.
sometimes i'm far too arrogant for my own good.

i've failed the same $%@*$*% math class 7 times. SEVEN. that's what stops me from getting my bachelors. and when i figure out a scam to get someone to take it for me, something throws a wrench into it. it infuriates me to the point of rock bottom depression. i've pretty much given up on it. it humiliates me to a depth that scares the crap outta me.

there's an engaged broad at work that flirts with me. not like regular flirty, like gives me the passcode to the 'secret photo locker app' on her phone. and i don't even like latin chicks but that mass is AMAZING. like i would motorboat it after she went out jogging amazing.

i broke up with an ex because her feet weren't cute. everything else was on point, but she had something against pedicures. waking up at 3 am because it feels like someone's sandpapering your legs SUCKS.

i shattered someone's collarbone & humerus in a football game 8 years ago. dude didn't know that i knew who he was and that he was talking reckless about me to some mutual friends. i blew past the line a second early on the 3-mississippi rule and dug my shoulder into his stomach, lifted, turned and as soon as i put him on the ground i heard those bones snap like twix bars. i then pulled him up by that arm on a friendly tip and heard him scream like a kid touching the stove.

one of my former managers sends me n00dz behind her fiance's back. anything i want, i get. butthole, pink, feet, brush in the butthole, it's mine. i don't hold it over her head but when she texts me when she's feeling reckless, i go ham.

one of my old married jumpoffs flew back into town under the pretense of seeing her parents. she stayed with me that weekend. had this broad take redeye round trip from LAX and still deny her on facebook.

i feel like with all my female history that i'll never settle. that sucks.
-I've been so stuck on this certain somebody..can't get them off my mind for nothing (missed opportunity a year ago
-Don't really know what I want to do as a profession.
-After taking a break for a while I'm kind of warming up to the idea of being in a relationship again.
Oh yeah..I've never tried Nutella or watched The Wire, Lost, Dexter, [insert other popular shows here]

The same 20 year old I just mentioned just hit me up on Facebook and wanted to have a conversation and #+!%, I ignored it.
She then proceeded to text me "Why didn't you reply on Facebook?"

I replied "My hands are busy right now, I'm jacking off and trying to get a game of FIFA in before I go to bed"
No response.
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