**official DEXTER thread** Season 6 starts oct 2nd on showtime** TONIGHT**1 HOUR 30 MINS**

[quote name="Master Zik"]They just hyped the ending to an insane degree they could never deliver on since they wanted to say no fan theory was right.[/quote]This is so on point. I've said so many times that I think they had a different ending kind of in mind, but tweaked it a few times once they heard/read that a theory was gaining popularity, and ultimately gave us an ending completely different from what they originally had in mind when they first started writing the show. Line there was no continuity, no flow to practically the entire S5, and especially the second half of S5.
If you want to watch LOST a completely different way, watch "Chronological LOST", someone took the time and effort(A GREAT EFFORT a might add) into editing LOST in Chronological order, so it starts with the man in black and jacob being born and that whole story, then it jumps into when the islanders got sent back to the 70's to join dharma, the Ben when he was younger, then it deal with everyones storylines before the island and so forth

the great thing is that it completely changes your perspective and may even answer more questions for you and the best thing is that when things happen at the same time, multiple screens will pop up showing that, a great example of this is the plane crash, scene is epic if you have a big TV. It's one of those download things so I wont put up a link BUT the creator of it is pretty open about it and has a website where you can download it, I may be getting ahead of myself but I think a creator did weigh in on it with positive reviews, just google Chronological LOST and it should pop up
Sounds interesting.

I still imagine all of that purgatory flashsideway stories are at the end right? Especially given the timeline when they occurred.
On episode 10 of the final 12-episode season 8 of Dexter.

I think they're wrapping this up beautifully.


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Dexter was 8 seasons not 5.

So either I'm not reading that right or it's worded weird.
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No, I misspoke. My bad.

Was thinking of LOST (5 seasons) but typed about Dex.
LOST was 6 seasons to be clear :lol:

S5 was the time travel season (pretty good). S6 was the "answers" and purgatory sflashes as they wrapped up the showdown of smoke monster Locke and Jack.
It's amazing how my lost opinion varies over time, but now I think I'm finally at it was a great ride, loved it. It shaped the future of TV culture.
I didn't like how lost had introduced all those writings, and symbols and other mysterious stuff and a lot of it we'll never know what it meant. The sideways timeline season was stupid. They should've just ended the show before that.
[quote name="Master Zik"]LOST was 6 seasons to be clear :lol:

S5 was the time travel season (pretty good). S6 was the "answers" and purgatory sflashes as they wrapped up the showdown of smoke monster Locke and Jack.[/quote]There's a reasonable explanation for why I screwed that up, too, but at this point, it's clear: I'm drunk. :lol:
One of the biggest things I took away from Lost was the character development, and how it genuinely made me care about the wellbeing and futures of each player. I was all in and truly felt a sense of connection. Same as I had with Dexter and Smallville.
I felt that for all 3 shows, especially LOST. I still think about Desmond, Locke, Hurley, Ben, my baes Claire and Juliet, Faraday, Sayid, Richard ******* Alpert just cuz of how well written those characters are.

Dexter though, I only cared about Dexter :lol:
they filmed much of lost here in hawaii so it was an extra connection for myself. i had friends that worked on the show and they said most of the actors were really nice. one dude said michelle rodriguez was a joker. i took a pic with hurley at comp usa one day and i used to workout at the same gym as jin. mannnn i got closer to the characters in that show more than anything else on tv.
[quote name="Master Zik"]I felt that for all 3 shows, especially LOST. I still think about Desmond, Locke, Hurley, Ben, my baes Claire and Juliet, Faraday, Sayid, Richard ******* Alpert just cuz of how well written those characters are.

Dexter though, I only cared about Dexter :lol:[/quote]Excellent point. LOST's character development is something else. Unlike most shows, for sure.
This chronlogical LOST is LIT!

When they say chronological, it's literal. No flashbacks or flashfowards. Son went through mad work.

The show would've been so different if it aired like this :lol: :smokin

Nice to see you watching it!

Yeah it's pretty awesome when you get to the peoples time before the island because you get ALL of their story at once as opposed to how they chopped it up between different character centric episodes, it def makes things easier to remember when it comes to flashbacks and flashforwards, just wait till you get to the airport/plane crash and many of Alpert's scenes are so awesome

This is to me one of the greatest things in terms of I can't believe someone took the time and effort to do, and is giving it away for free.
One thing though is this only benefits ppl who watched the entire series. Its a cool gift to us.

I couldn't imagine ppl new to this watching some of these eps. When they get to the 80s and 90s introducing the young version of characters :lol: People would be pissed and super lost.

I knew what was coming with certain stuff but then a random Charlie learning how to swim scene is in there with no context and that's basically his first appearance.

Still great.
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That was stellar.

Mostly the inner conflict he finally realized, that the father who took him in, Rita... all dead because of him. Laguerta, Doaks, they didn't fit the code, but they were gone because of him. Going headfirst into the storm and not having Dexter come out the other side is ultimately how he realized it simply had to be.


The feels.

All of them. The second to last episode definitely felt rushed and choppy, but it was tied together beautifully for the finale.

Eff a Rotten Tomatoes or whoever else was looking for something different but didn't get it so they said that was garbage. Ultimately, that's exactly how it had to be, him realizing... it can't continue like this. And at that point, that's the end of the show.
Nah, last season entire premise was a joke and that finale was horrid.

You can tell the writers and creators knew they ****** up.

Which is why there's constantly rumors of doing another season to fix that trash S8. Seems Hall ain't interested though and I wouldn't blame him. Would not want to risk more lackluster storytelling.
What am I not picking up on that makes it so blatantly obvious that the writers knew that had screwed up?
wonder if the perspective is different because he binge watched. it's a different investment if you watch for years, a week at a time. i thought the trinity killer season was some of the best tv i've seen. that last season though....and that last ep had me like :stoneface:
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dex just casually strolling dead deb out in her stretcher in the middle of a hurricane. :lol:

****, now i'm mad again. >:
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