Official District 9 Movie Post

i feel asleep...not cause the movie was boring i was just tired as hell ... the ~35min i did catch of it seemed good and according to my gfs synopsisafterwards seemd liked a good show... need to go waste another $12
aveezytheBEAST wrote:
Movie was sick. But how was it that we could understand wat the prawns was saying??

I just figured that in 28 yrs of them being on Earth, that it was just another being by-lingual. It did seem as though EVERYONE understoodthem though.
Originally Posted by Korean Dave

aveezytheBEAST wrote:
Movie was sick. But how was it that we could understand wat the prawns was saying??

I just figured that in 28 yrs of them being on Earth, that it was just another being by-lingual. It did seem as though EVERYONE understood them though.
They read the sub-titles, duh
Was I the only one in the theater who died laughing when Christopher Johnson told Wiki that it was gonna take 3 years to fix him.
dude was blown, heshoulda asked him BEFORE they went on that suicide mission.
As ridiculous as it seemed in the beginning, it picked up quite well when you get attached to the characters (mainly Christopher Johnson, for me). I read acouple reviews prior to watching it, basically the ones that critiqued the way the movie played around with South Africa's apartheid era. Most of themhated it, for it's story and it's horrible directing (not my opinion). So i went in not expecting much, left quite pleasantly surprised but, of course,understanding what they saw (the play on apartheid).

For one, I want to see a sequel. Didn't know why people who left the theater were saying, "I can't wait for District-9 2" (in my head Ilaughed, and kept thinking "Wouldn't they just call it District-10?" *shrugs*)

I do like what this movie COULD do. Sometimes it's hit or miss, movies with messages like this. A lot of people will hate it or love it, but if each onecan see what this movie is saying (like what ericescobar and bruce negro are saying) then it has the power to teach. I didn't know much on SouthAfrica's apartheid era (I still don't), but after watching this movie I can say that I've been looking into it (sorry if that comes off asignorant). Most people who see this movie (unfortunately) won't see an underlying message (some might call me crazy for saying there is one), but at leastthe buzz created by those critics who hated it, could be loud enough for people to educate themselves in someway.
I thought this movie is/was excellent. cinamatography/ acting( nobody super famous but still excellent)/ CG aliens all excellent belevable work. I like movieslike this that go beyond just dumb action love story cliche cookie cutter garbage. A very profound movie highly recomended
6 of us went to see it, but most hated it

Our girlfriends was saying what the hell is this roach movie...

My girl started watching it and fell asleep I guess because it was boring or something.

I hated this movie with a passion... in the beginning, but as it went on it got better.

That African warlord ruler of the slums reminded me of Adibece (sp) from OZ on HBO.

I would like to see a sequel, but I don't know if I would pay to go and see it.
a few things.....
I was hyped to see the movie till I heard there was gonna be this underlying apartheid message. I hate when movies do that. if I wanted to see a movie aboutapartheid, it would not contain aliens and space ships. However, I was pleasantly surprised that they didnt beat us over the head with it. If I hadnt heardabout it ahead of time, I wouldnt have made that connection, and thats fine with me. I go to movies to be entertained, not preached to.
I think this was a really good movie. I'd have no problem reccomending it. BUT, some of the people I see calling it a classic re a lil out of bounds IMO.
I liked the flow of the story, the character development, the good mix of story and action.
My only 2 gripes were why the "prawns" didnt use their advanced technology to their advantage, and how smart the young "prawn" was. ormaybe...that there were seemingly only 2 smart prawns out of millions?

as for a sequel, I hope they dont make one. I really dont see what good could come from a sequel. if dude comes back and fixes Wikus, that would be insanelycorny. Only way i could see a sequel working would be if it were actually a prequel showing how it was when they actually showed up, but then, Im not surethere'd be enough action in that
Awesome movie....I was DYING when they brought up the Nigerians scamming the Aliens...

The concept was excellent, and I was blown away by the special effects and the lingering spaceship over Johannesburg....

a sequel would be interesting....pick up 3 years from now. Are the aliens coming back to honor their promise, or are they going to come back for revenge? Somany possibilities....

Best movie I've seen in the theater this summer.
i have mixed emotions i thought it was dope but kinda weird. nothing from what i expected.
Originally Posted by gberdin

i have mixed emotions i thought it was dope but kinda weird. nothing like what i expected.

I dont understand why people are claiming this as classic....

I do hope for a sequel though. I feel a lot of things were kinda missing from the storyline.
and maybe its just me, but did they have the interview where dude was asking how their weapons work in the movie or just the trailers?? cuz i didnt see it...
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Awesome movie....I was DYING when they brought up the Nigerians scamming the Aliens...

i was the only one in the theater laughing at this part
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by gberdin

i have mixed emotions i thought it was dope but kinda weird. nothing like what i expected.

I dont understand why people are claiming this as classic....

I do hope for a sequel though. I feel a lot of things were kinda missing from the storyline.
and maybe its just me, but did they have the interview where dude was asking how their weapons work in the movie or just the trailers?? cuz i didnt see it...

I wouldn't say it's a classic, but it's pretty damn impressive what they did with a 30 million dollar budget.
movie was dope... gonna see it again. cant wait for district 10.
My only 2 gripes were why the "prawns" didnt use their advanced technology to their advantage, and how smart the young "prawn" was. or maybe...that there were seemingly only 2 smart prawns out of millions?
1.They where drones. They couldnt think for them selves they where like ants whitout there queen.

2. Well christopher was one off the smarter prawns they even say it when there trying to evict em. Im think he taught his son alot of there home world and theship. like an emergancy plan if something went wrong the lil kid would know what to do.

I really enjoyed this movie i dont why some people didnt dig it but to each there own. This is the movie of the year for me it had me
. After the movie all i was thinking was dam imagine what couldve been if hewouldve done halo instead.
the first 20 mins of that documentary type crap had me heated but once the movie got goin i thought it was
There were way too many plot holes to ignore. But the story was interesting and the action was great. It's one of the better movies of the year althoughthat may not be saying much.

Originally Posted by milbert

There were way too many plot holes to ignore. But the story was interesting and the action was great. It's one of the better movies of the year although that may not be saying much.


Elaborate. Movie was good, classic sci-fi movie.
Originally Posted by Apolloburningstar

My only 2 gripes were why the "prawns" didnt use their advanced technology to their advantage, and how smart the young "prawn" was. or maybe...that there were seemingly only 2 smart prawns out of millions?
1.They where drones. They couldnt think for them selves they where like ants whitout there queen.

2. Well christopher was one off the smarter prawns they even say it when there trying to evict em. Im think he taught his son alot of there home world and the ship. like an emergancy plan if something went wrong the lil kid would know what to do.

I really enjoyed this movie i dont why some people didnt dig it but to each there own. This is the movie of the year for me it had me
. After the movie all i was thinking was dam imagine what couldve been if he wouldve done halo instead.

its still hard for me to fathom a technologically superior race having MILLIONS of drones, and only 2 smart ones. I mean if he was able to teach his son, whynot teach any of the other drones? its not a big deal in terms of my enjoyment of the movie on the whole, but story wise, you have this advanced technologyand got punked into living in slums by a less advanced race? it took you 20 years to find that fluid? I mean if youre the smart guy and the rest of thedrones listen to you, why werent you having the drones look for this fluid 24/7 while you were fixing the command module?

BTW, them exterminating the eggs was hella grimy. For some reason that part made me cringe although dude saying it sounded like pop corn was funny.
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