Official E3 2012 Thread - What Do You Want to See?

Originally Posted by Antidope

They havent turned down the moaning from Tomb Raider at all. It seriously is OD. Sounds like a porno for real

I'm saying.

Kids will buy the game just off the moaning noises alone.

Looks good though.

RE 6.
 Still need to play RE 5 though.
All these classic games series following the same formula now.
Originally Posted by Antidope

They havent turned down the moaning from Tomb Raider at all. It seriously is OD. Sounds like a porno for real
I thought they would've fixed that since it became such a joke last year.  It rivals a female tennis match with Russians.
Oh yeah, Usher is just the thing this conference needed to save it.
This is what the games industry has become once these money hungry business people started dipping their hand in the pot and buying out all the studios. They have no connection to their audience at all. I never felt embarrassed watching E3 before. 
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Hmmm, time is running out. No Blops 2?

even if they dont show it, most of the 3rd party games get shown at the 3rd party press conferences
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