Official E3 2012 Thread - What Do You Want to See?

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Oh yeah, Usher is just the thing this conference needed to save it.
i mean, i know its to show off that dancing game, but did they really need the entire live performance?
Originally Posted by blakep267

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Hmmm, time is running out. No Blops 2?

even if they dont show it, most of the 3rd party games get shown at the 3rd party press conferences
Activison doesn't have a press conference and the newest COD game has been shown at the MS presser for the pass 5 years. If they don't show it then it will at at Sony's
And #!## Usher, word to Tom Dubois 
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Blops 2 is looking boring. IW always manages to produce more entertaining demos
it really does. Ive learned my lesson with Treyarch games. Theres no "emotion" to it. I dont even care about the main character. IW just makes better set pieces No thanks. Ill just stick to Halo and Splinter cell.
Yo... Blops 2 Singleplayer feels that shouldeve been the sequel to MW2.
MW3's SP was GARBAGE. 

Although typical CoD michael bay effects... It looked dope.
WOW, oooh maaan. They lost this year I don't know how you could do worse.
From the Tomb Raider orgasms to AngryBirds ripoff. USHER.... just wow.
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