Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Those Are the kind of posts I'm talking about. It's also why I say, it's become so rampant that it is easy to spot and just move passed. Like, theories are one thing but when I see posts that mirror the "Bran And dagger" example you just used, I'm like, this isn't a theory, dude knows something and is loosely spoiling it by trying to look smart with learned info.
I am in 100% agreement with you. I choose not to click on tagged spoilers...but when people are doing obvious interwebz scouring for leaks and saying things that happen exactly later but acting as if it's just a random guess... :smh:
From the video somebody posted, I always loved the tinfoil Roose theory that he's some sort of vampire who wears people's skins.
I've been rewatching the first few seasons to kill time, and man, this 100% confirms that Cersei as queen>>>>>>>>Sansa. Sansa might be the worst of all time character on the show. Danaerys is terrible these days too, but at least she has a purpose :lol:

Speaking of Danaerys, I'm remembering how much I liked her character/progression up to season 3. Now I'm just starting season 4 when she starts @#$@$@ around and ruining multiple cities throughout the region :lol:
I hate it when i'm watching and my nephews come in.

Gotta take it off due to the violence, language and nudity :smh:

Gotta wait until 12 AM to watch.

Luckily she's only 2 and has no idea what's on TV :lol: plus she doesn't really pay attention to it anyways. Just likes to make a lot of noise during it lol :smh:
I am in 100% agreement with you. I choose not to click on tagged spoilers...but when people are doing obvious interwebz scouring for leaks and saying things that happen exactly later but acting as if it's just a random guess... :smh:
bro just put them on ignore. that's what i did. only two weeks left. can't take any chances. im so confused by some of these convos in here now :lol:
Noone mentioned this yet but does the nightking have powers too, seem like once he saw the Ravens they all scrambled

And hope they explain who the other main 3 is with the nightking, they have to be first men too right
People were wondering if Jon was going to smash Salsa aka Sansa as well as Dany.
Yeah, I didn't think that. Nor, did I hear anyone in this thread bring up that idea.

I didn't see any chemistry between the two, like you've seen between Jon and Dany...and Tormund and Brienne. Well, maybe just Tormund :lol:

I lol'd at his expression when he asked about Brienne lol.
Even though I knew it was coming,I never expected the way it was actually portrayed. Seeing Talisa get shanked repeatedly in her pregnant belly definitely messed with me initially :sick:

They went all out to portray the brutality of it
:smh: Still haven't re-watched that scene. Too much for me.
My bad I mean LF tossing Lyssa Arryn. All this talk about Lyanna got my names all mixed up.

I'm good with the show ending. I don't need a spinoff. The show is so deep you can start from jump and take that journey

This scene was so powerful. It not only showed how much Cat detested Jon but also loved him.

Season 7 is proving to be brilliant so far without any source material. Kudos to the producers.

It was going good until they went with this arc for Jon to catch a white to prove to cercei and get her help or have her join them in the battle.

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. None of them believe Jon except for those that battled the whites prior with him or the hound and his peeps that saw visions in the fire about them.

This whole alliance came out of no where and it makes zero sense. If they all do team up, meaning all the different factions and houses, that would be super lame. They need to have them, like cercei or LF, still plotting to come out on top and get the iron throne even if that means letting the other super teams die to whites or whatever.

Have a feeling cercei is going to make some atomic bomb out of that califlour thing she used to blow up the sept and take out a massive chunk of the whites army.

I know others have said that the whites can die from dragonglass but I did not know that fire hurts them because in that episode with hold the door those plant kids/people created a ring of fire and the elite whites and Knight King walked right through it with no problems.
Hasn't the underlying theme the entire series been that all the houses of Westeros (and possibly even Essos) will have to put aside their differences to fight the common enemy? If houses from the reach joined with the woman that killed their lady because they saw Dany as a common enemy why is it so much of a reach for Cersi and Dany to squad up to defeat the White Walkers? Especially since Cersi knows she's losing and needs to buy time anyway. Cersi will have her own ulterior motives but as twisted as she is even she doesn't want to see the Night King win. Plus, she got her revenge on Olenna and Elaria and has less reason to hate Tyrion. She really has no personal reasons to hate Dany other than she's coming for her spot. She also has no reason to hate Jon if he's willing to put aside their differences. She best watch out for Arya though.
I really hope this doesn't go cleanly like they're implying, where Cersei agrees to help them fight but then uses the war with the white walkers to undermine Jon and Dany.

Cersei is the last person who cares about WW in the north. She would rather see them overrun winterfell and even Kings landing if it means her enemies get destroyed.

Maybe they bring the wight and Cersei laughs it off but then Jaime kills her so that they can join in the fight. that'd be more believable.
Hasn't the underlying theme the entire series been that all the houses of Westeros (and possibly even Essos) will have to put aside their differences to fight the common enemy? If houses from the reach joined with the woman that killed their lady because they saw Dany as a common enemy why is it so much of a reach for Cersi and Dany to squad up to defeat the White Walkers? Especially since Cersi knows she's losing and needs to buy time anyway. Cersi will have her own ulterior motives but as twisted as she is even she doesn't want to see the Night King win. Plus, she got her revenge on Olenna and Elaria and has less reason to hate Tyrion. She really has no personal reasons to hate Dany other than she's coming for her spot. She also has no reason to hate Jon if he's willing to put aside their differences. She best watch out for Arya though.

That's the thing though... the white walkers and Knight King does not exist... they only exist in the minds of those that saw them. Jon, Mance (or whatever the redhead dude that is leader of the wilding army, Sam, and maybe the hound and his crew.

Nobody else knows they exist or believes the stories that they hear about them so why make it such a focal point that now all of the sudden it's all about everyone coming together and teaming up against the undead?

They could have built up to it better but Jon/Tyrion just coming out of no where with trying to catch one to prove to others they exist?

First half of the season the main focal point was getting the Lanissters out and Dany into that position of power and Jon's side quest was not really a big focal point only to him, but now it just came out of no where.

Like from the loot train episode it was on and I thought it was about to be all out war and now they just took the direction of the show in a whole new path with some all come together steez when it was always every house is trying to come out on top.
Yea I can't see Cersei joining that fight even if they put a Walker in her bed.
She's going to chose loss or death over any alliance. All or none with her as far as Power.
Yea I can't see Cersei joining that fight even if they put a Walker in her bed.
She's going to chose loss or death over any alliance. All or none with her as far as Power.
she would promise to sleep with the Walker and become his queen as long as he brings her tyrion's head.
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