Official: Lakers @ Warriors 2/18 7:30PM PST Game On ESPN HD

big ups to josh powell handelin tonight
Originally Posted by JKickz1334

Kobe should have taken off and boomed that instead of getting fancy.
I swear I'll never understand why players do this. Lebron has been doing it alot lately too. Stop with all that up and under %$@% when youdon't have to do it and go up and over the defender.
I called Stephen Jack ugly today @ Oracle this morning, maybe it got in his head.
I think a fight broke out in the stands by the way the crowd just looked upward toward the balcony. LOL

Someone been screaming MVP a little too much maybe
lakers need to stop %*#!@@+ around and play D theres still 47seconds left.

lazy %@! fish and odom on the last 2 plays.

close it out right
Originally Posted by DMan14

refs been consistently bad this game

look on the bright side my fellow Ws fans another step towards blake griffin or hasheem thabeet!
Sorry, but Don Nelson wants another swingman.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Wait, what?? Clear path? Really?
Yes, Laker hater, really.

The ball was in front of him, and no Warrior was in front of him. There was a Laker on his right and on his left, and the closest Warrior... was the one behind him, who fouled him.

But, Maggette grabbed Odom as soon as the ball was turned over. Odom just dribbled right after.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Wait, what?? Clear path? Really?
Yes, Laker hater, really.

The ball was in front of him, and no Warrior was in front of him. There was a Laker on his right and on his left, and the closest Warrior... was the one behind him, who fouled him.
But, Maggette grabbed Odom as soon as the ball was turned over. Odom just dribbled right after.

at your argument...
Question for bay area heads: How big is the Laker fan base in the bay? Are a lot of Warrior fans, also Laker fans? Just wondering.
Originally Posted by UsedToBeCool

Originally Posted by DMan14

refs been consistently bad this game

look on the bright side my fellow Ws fans another step towards blake griffin or hasheem thabeet!
Sorry, but Don Nelson wants another swingman.
sad but true
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The ball is in front of Odom as he's dribbling it, there are NO Warriors in front of Odom, and Odom has a Laker on his right and on his left, getting ready to run with him, and Maggette is arguing how that's a clear path foul?

And a Warrior fan is arguing with him (I'm looking at you, Luong1209.
I was referring to Warriors not getting calls; such as Monta getting a push from behind by Fisher. (Fisher & Monta... and Bob Delaney lastyear

Without biasness, it's clear Warrior and Laker fans whine about the same amount
Originally Posted by UsedToBeCool

Originally Posted by DMan14

refs been consistently bad this game

look on the bright side my fellow Ws fans another step towards blake griffin or hasheem thabeet!
Sorry, but Don Nelson wants another swingman.
Or another D-Leaguer.

Maybe the best of both worlds... Coby Karl?
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Wait, what?? Clear path? Really?
Yes, Laker hater, really.

The ball was in front of him, and no Warrior was in front of him. There was a Laker on his right and on his left, and the closest Warrior... was the one behind him, who fouled him.
But, Maggette grabbed Odom as soon as the ball was turned over. Odom just dribbled right after.

Maggette was infront of Odom when he fouled him. Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things.
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