Official N.Y. Yankees 2011 SEASON THREAD y-(97-65) Vol. We'll be in the Off-season thread =/

Buying a 240hz 3D TV for the start of the season needless to say im hyped 

Mitre in our rotation and not Cliff Lee
I'm hype for this season on the low.. for once the Yankees aren't really favorites.. all the buzz is about Philly/Boston.. Yankees will be there come October.
I'm hype for this season on the low.. for once the Yankees aren't really favorites.. all the buzz is about Philly/Boston.. Yankees will be there come October.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

first reply



It's going to be an interesting division race this year.  Hopefully Hughes builds of last season and Burnett shows any semblance of being a competent pitcher.

FWIW I won the World Series with the Yankees a couple of days ago in MLB 10: The Show.

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

first reply



It's going to be an interesting division race this year.  Hopefully Hughes builds of last season and Burnett shows any semblance of being a competent pitcher.

FWIW I won the World Series with the Yankees a couple of days ago in MLB 10: The Show.

i think nova will surprise this year

they got the joba rules for him right?

agreed with Ecook0808, cano wins mvp
i think nova will surprise this year

they got the joba rules for him right?

agreed with Ecook0808, cano wins mvp
I need some baseball in my life

I think nova will surprise many! Get mitre out of the rotation.
We have a new pitching coach this year too I believe? I bet Aj has a big year! Especially if posada ain't catching anymore.
I need some baseball in my life

I think nova will surprise many! Get mitre out of the rotation.
We have a new pitching coach this year too I believe? I bet Aj has a big year! Especially if posada ain't catching anymore.
The rotation is going to have to step up this year if we want the division...I'm looking at you AJ

I'm glad Boston is getting all the hype this year
The rotation is going to have to step up this year if we want the division...I'm looking at you AJ

I'm glad Boston is getting all the hype this year
Glad to see this thread. Long post ahead so I'll put it in a spoiler since no one likes to read

-How would you rate our off-season (scale of 1-10, 1 being the worst possible, 10 being exceptionally successful)?
  • -Andrew Eugene Pettitte retiring
    . How much will this affect the rotation, and also team chemistry?
  • -Who are you most interested in following throughout the season out of the following players:
  • -A.J.
  • -Russell Martin/(whoever winds up being the 4th & 5th starters in the rotation)
  • -Posada handling the role as DH/crying about not catching.
  • -Jeter
  • -C.C. (can opt-out)
  • -Montero (if he makes the team/called up at any point)
  • -The comeback trail of Mark Prior, Bartolo Colon, and Freddy Garcia.
-Afraid of Boston?
Spoiler [+]
Pettitte's retirement is [Michael Kay] YUUUUUUUGE. [/Michael Kay]  You could usually rely on him for 6-7 IP every time out and he always figured out a way to battle when his pitches weren't that great or if the ump was squeezing him with calls.  Wonder which pitcher will take over as that leader/mentor type?  Perhaps CC?

Allen James Burnett better have a turnaround year.  New pitching coach Larry Rothschild says he's seen good stuff from him so far in pre-spring training workouts but that may just be like telling a girl who is 260 pounds that she doesn't look fat in her dress.  Still, he is a Yankee, and I believe anyone wearing the pinstripes deserves some backing and respect from the fans.  I'm hopeful he can turn things around.

Russell Martin...I had reservations about.  But some players seem to thrive in a change of scenery so maybe that will be the case for him.  But I do think that he is just here to keep the seat warm for Jesus Montero and/or Austin Romine.  Yankees are probably thinking to let Martin and Cervelli do the catching in April and the first half of May.  If they do well, great.  If not, they probably have Montero's ticket to NY already punched and pre-paid.

I can see this being Posada's last year playing.  He's slowed down a ton and seems to rack up the GIDPs when you don't want him too.  No one can doubt his leadership (maybe he will be a manager or coach down the road?)  But the fairweather Yankee fans need to do their "HIP HIP JORGE" chants.
  He'll gradually accept his reduced role but I can sense he'll still be salty about it...

Derek Sanderson Jeter is another one putting in some extra work in advance of spring training.  I hope last season was just an aberration.  He will definitely allow some easy hits because his jump throw is no longer as effective and his range is limited (cue all 26829572 defensive sabermetric stats using multi-variable calculus and abacuses and Chinese finger traps) but he's our shortstop.  Cue image of T.O.

CC will still be the workhorse.  Lost some weight (more like 15 he claims and not the 30 lbs everyone else said) while rehabbing his knee.  He'll carry this staff on his shoulders and may be the type of leader Pettitte was?  With great power comes great responsibility; big responsibility.  It's playing in the majors big.

As for Jesus...I hope he makes it to the Yankees and lives up to all that billing.  Would be nice for us to have an extremely talented player we developed instead of spending billions of dollars in free of other teams will still complain out of blind hatred for the Yankees anyway. 
  I don't know if he will be the permanent catcher...DH? hell yes.

Ah yes, the thrift shop purchases: Prior, #FOREVERCOLON, Freddy Garcia, Ronnie Belliard, Eric Chavez (yes, THAT Eric Chavez...he looks unrecognizable clean-shaven), Andruw Jones...our expectations should match to what they've done recently and not what they've done years ago.

Lost in the shuffle (maybe) was the Yankees acquiring OF Justin Maxwell from the Nationals in exchange for a minor league pitcher.  Basically a 4th OF type.  Dunno if he will make the big league club, though, out of spring training.

And we'll worry about Boston once that series starts...we'll know it starts because I'm sure ESPN will spend two weeks covering via their new site

P.S. Anyone else from Team Yankees on Twitter?  I got a few of yall but add me: @brianspeaksnow

But yes, Spring Training and the regular season cannot come soon enough.  [G-Dep]Let's get it.[/G-Dep]

Glad to see this thread. Long post ahead so I'll put it in a spoiler since no one likes to read

-How would you rate our off-season (scale of 1-10, 1 being the worst possible, 10 being exceptionally successful)?
  • -Andrew Eugene Pettitte retiring
    . How much will this affect the rotation, and also team chemistry?
  • -Who are you most interested in following throughout the season out of the following players:
  • -A.J.
  • -Russell Martin/(whoever winds up being the 4th & 5th starters in the rotation)
  • -Posada handling the role as DH/crying about not catching.
  • -Jeter
  • -C.C. (can opt-out)
  • -Montero (if he makes the team/called up at any point)
  • -The comeback trail of Mark Prior, Bartolo Colon, and Freddy Garcia.
-Afraid of Boston?
Spoiler [+]
Pettitte's retirement is [Michael Kay] YUUUUUUUGE. [/Michael Kay]  You could usually rely on him for 6-7 IP every time out and he always figured out a way to battle when his pitches weren't that great or if the ump was squeezing him with calls.  Wonder which pitcher will take over as that leader/mentor type?  Perhaps CC?

Allen James Burnett better have a turnaround year.  New pitching coach Larry Rothschild says he's seen good stuff from him so far in pre-spring training workouts but that may just be like telling a girl who is 260 pounds that she doesn't look fat in her dress.  Still, he is a Yankee, and I believe anyone wearing the pinstripes deserves some backing and respect from the fans.  I'm hopeful he can turn things around.

Russell Martin...I had reservations about.  But some players seem to thrive in a change of scenery so maybe that will be the case for him.  But I do think that he is just here to keep the seat warm for Jesus Montero and/or Austin Romine.  Yankees are probably thinking to let Martin and Cervelli do the catching in April and the first half of May.  If they do well, great.  If not, they probably have Montero's ticket to NY already punched and pre-paid.

I can see this being Posada's last year playing.  He's slowed down a ton and seems to rack up the GIDPs when you don't want him too.  No one can doubt his leadership (maybe he will be a manager or coach down the road?)  But the fairweather Yankee fans need to do their "HIP HIP JORGE" chants.
  He'll gradually accept his reduced role but I can sense he'll still be salty about it...

Derek Sanderson Jeter is another one putting in some extra work in advance of spring training.  I hope last season was just an aberration.  He will definitely allow some easy hits because his jump throw is no longer as effective and his range is limited (cue all 26829572 defensive sabermetric stats using multi-variable calculus and abacuses and Chinese finger traps) but he's our shortstop.  Cue image of T.O.

CC will still be the workhorse.  Lost some weight (more like 15 he claims and not the 30 lbs everyone else said) while rehabbing his knee.  He'll carry this staff on his shoulders and may be the type of leader Pettitte was?  With great power comes great responsibility; big responsibility.  It's playing in the majors big.

As for Jesus...I hope he makes it to the Yankees and lives up to all that billing.  Would be nice for us to have an extremely talented player we developed instead of spending billions of dollars in free of other teams will still complain out of blind hatred for the Yankees anyway. 
  I don't know if he will be the permanent catcher...DH? hell yes.

Ah yes, the thrift shop purchases: Prior, #FOREVERCOLON, Freddy Garcia, Ronnie Belliard, Eric Chavez (yes, THAT Eric Chavez...he looks unrecognizable clean-shaven), Andruw Jones...our expectations should match to what they've done recently and not what they've done years ago.

Lost in the shuffle (maybe) was the Yankees acquiring OF Justin Maxwell from the Nationals in exchange for a minor league pitcher.  Basically a 4th OF type.  Dunno if he will make the big league club, though, out of spring training.

And we'll worry about Boston once that series starts...we'll know it starts because I'm sure ESPN will spend two weeks covering via their new site

P.S. Anyone else from Team Yankees on Twitter?  I got a few of yall but add me: @brianspeaksnow

But yes, Spring Training and the regular season cannot come soon enough.  [G-Dep]Let's get it.[/G-Dep]

Originally Posted by onewearz

can't figure out why or where eric chavez fits on the team

someone enlighten me
I reckon Cashman figured he was signing all of these old(er) pitchers, he needed a position player to boot

I would never know that is Chavez if you never told me.

Oh yeah, briannnnn, good read
Originally Posted by onewearz

can't figure out why or where eric chavez fits on the team

someone enlighten me
I reckon Cashman figured he was signing all of these old(er) pitchers, he needed a position player to boot

I would never know that is Chavez if you never told me.

Oh yeah, briannnnn, good read
Originally Posted by onewearz

can't figure out why or where eric chavez fits on the team

someone enlighten me

insurance policy incase Alex gets hurt, I'm sure he can probably play another infield posiiton
Originally Posted by onewearz

can't figure out why or where eric chavez fits on the team

someone enlighten me

insurance policy incase Alex gets hurt, I'm sure he can probably play another infield posiiton
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