Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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LOL you have too much time on your hands. I dont need to look at any of these figures to know that Pierce steps up when it matters most. Ive seen it with my own two eyes. Also, notice how Pierce is taking big shots at big moments all the time? Carmelo doesnt have that opportunity because he doesnt have the ability to make it to big games in the first place.

Then your eyes have been closed since the 2008 Finals ended.

And I'm not taking about Carmelo, I don't like him anyway.

No Way Jose, please David Stern needs to ban this and bring back the baggy 90's wear 
The Warriors will debut the new unis for their Feb. 22 home game against the San Antonio Spurs, which is being aired on ESPN. They will also wear them March 8 vs. Houston and

The Warriors unveiled their alternate uniforms Feb. 11. The jersey features sleeves.

March 15 vs. Chicago.

If Adidas has its way, the new look will be a growing trend.

"It was the right moment, the right team," said Lawrence Norman, Adidas' vice president of global basketball. "Even more important, the right city. When you launch something as innovative as this -- that will change the way the players look on the court and the way the fans support the team forever -- why not launch it in the most innovative part of the United States?"
Copping a Curry tee ASAP
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You are not going to change the way basketball uniforms have looked since the inception of the sport.

Once again,

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Melo had a prime Iverson and a VERY talented nuggets team. You can make whatever excuses you want, but as a NYer I have seen a lot of Carmelo and he simply does not play winning basketball. Hero ball never works in the NBA and he is one of the worst examples of that mentality I have ever seen.

I also don't find it fun to watch someone hold the ball for 15 secs of the shot clock.
Of course pierce had a better career so far but to say hes a better basketball player than melo is crazy

Right now, Melo is a better player. He's one of the best pure scorers the game has seen. He doesn't make players around him better, and comes of as selfish. George Karl used to condemn the dude for not even wanting to play defense, which he didn't.

He has the potential to be GREAT. I just don't think he ever will be. Seeing how their careers have gone thus far, if I had to draft one player to be the center piece of my team (both in their prime), I would take Pierce. That's just the honest truth (no pun). You have to consider the intangibles, it's not all about god given talent and the ability to put the ball in the basket. There's more to it. It's hard to measure up to Melo in that regard, whoever you are.
Guys, who the heck cares if current Melo was better than P2 8 years ago. What is the takeaway of this conversation? these player A vs player B arguments are meaningless, especially when comparing players in different time periods (one still being at the peak of his career and have a long way to go) . I don't think anyone will convince the other who is better, every argument will counter the other with stats and games. I'd rather just talk about current events, like the trade deadline, or how Rudy Gay is killing it in Toronto.
Melo doesnt have the "drive" or "mentality" that Pierce has :smh: :lol:

And how do we know that again?

One very successful run in 08 and dudes forget how everyone called Paul Pierce a stat stuffer who did nothing but play for losing teams. I like Pierce but this idea that somehow he's been this unselfish underrated star his whole career is funny.
Ive watched most Celtics games since and Pierce's big shot ability has been prevalent.

Carmelo is a GREAT player and a magnificent scorer and a guy id definitely be rooting for if he was on my team. I simply think Pierce is better. Its not as pretty, but somehow its just better.
Pierce is not a better basketball player than melo period

He was just blessed to play with two hof in their primes

Completely neglects the majority of Paul's career and an ECF team led by Pierce

P2 was in an ECF way before Kg and Ray were on the map, though. Carmelo has never brough his team that far.

Conveniently forgets The Nuggets run to the WCF on a team led by Melo

Melo doesn't have the team mentality to win with a prime Allen and KG.

Insinuating an unknown.

People say anything to back up their empty arguments.

Ah, yes. Finally something I agree with. It would be nice if posters actually knew what they were talking about for once instead of wearing blinders for arguments against theirs or the blatant homerism.

Good stuff though Al3xis.
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I for one hope that the sleeves thing catches on. The colors and design aspect of the G State Jersey needs to be reworked a bit (why dont the shorts and shirt match?!?!?!?!) but I'm feeling the overall idea of it. Hopefully every team gets one eventually as an alternate. Maybe they'll use it as an excuse to remove some of the ugly jersies in the league like the Thunders. They need to move to those dark blue ones permanently
Are they even going to try to explain this foolishness with the sleeves, or are they just being different for the sake of being different as usual?
This is laughable. Give melo Garnett, Allen, and rondo against that weak *** east and he would have been just fine.

He has no legitimate number two on this Knicks team. You simply can't compare this version of amare to Wade, Westbrook, Parker, and sadly even today's Garnett.

Just like Chicago and Indiana have no chance of winning a championship.

He's not as good as dirk. That dirk run was something special. Kind of doubt he can do that but I guess it's possible

George Karl and dantoni? Yeah wonderful coaches. They sure know how to win championships. Karl didn't even want him shooting 3's.
Are they even going to try to explain this foolishness with the sleeves, or are they just being different for the sake of being different as usual?

Maybe now they can sell more jerseys and people will rock them the way they rock soccer jerseys as casual wear? I don't know. But I myself would much rather play sleeveless.
Melo doesnt have the "drive" or "mentality" that Pierce has :smh: :lol:

And how do we know that again?

Opinion. Not talking about physical shape. I'm talking about grit and balls. Just the vibe I get having followed both of their careers. Pierce isn't easily phased. Melo is catching feelings on the court AND THEN waiting by the willow trees at 3 PM after school when someone says derogatory about his wife. Pierce just comes off as more of a grinder. /Opinion
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