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That's not bragging, that is talking about the reality of MY situation and MY cost of living. I'm "bragging" because i rather wear my yeezys and not make a profit? The only people bragging is you and the groom who keeps mentioning how much ya made off the shoe while everyone else here is still on the hunt for a pair. Come on, how old are you?
Ok, and the reality of my situation is that I sold the shoes. Quit crying over nothing.
That's not bragging, that is talking about the reality of MY situation and MY cost of living. I'm "bragging" because i rather wear my yeezys and not make a profit? The only people bragging is you and the groom who keeps mentioning how much ya made off the shoe while everyone else here is still on the hunt for a pair. Come on, how old are you?
. Son, you say $1700 is chump change. I own properties and make a decent living and $1700 is still A LOT of money. 

Keep getting male attention rocking your yeezys.
Cant wait to drop 3k on a new pair of yeezys. Said no one ever.

Fact of the matter is both me for buying a fake pair of yeezys is in the wrong whilst spending over 1k of shoes for a pair of shoes is also wrong. You can get in a hump eitheir way you look at it.

I actually really like the shoe with or without the hype, would i buy it in an everyday common shop yes. because I like the shoe so much I will purchase  it. I will stunt in it hard regardless of being fake or real because i like the shoe. even if it was some no name brand id still stunt it if i liked it alot, and aint nobody callin me out lol ill give pics of fake boxes and dustbags, receipts the lot lol.

Are the red yeezy dropping in Chicago considered to be a rumor
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the only time I tolerate fakes, is when the person admits that they are fakes...


looks like it's confirmed like a Don King perm that the reds aren't dropping
I knew the red was just a gimmick to make the plats and Solars rise in price..3k just isn't enough? Yeah I'm sour about it. I am.
I knew the red was just a gimmick to make the plats and Solars rise in price..3k just isn't enough? Yeah I'm sour about it. I am.


Nobody care if the resell goes from 2 to 3 k. These shoes been out a year

They arent gonna do that to make the resell higher, a chunk of change they will never see
I'm bitter about it. On the other hand, I just got some hazelnut suede, pure plat x and aunt pearls
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Why would it be a ploy? How would nike get profit from resellers raising the price? Do you guys think before you hit submit?
I looked at the potential releasing of the reds as a way to generate even more hype for this shoe causing resellers to jack up the price of plats and Solars. Has noting to do w nike or Kanye but rather how resellers view the shoe
came on to see was there any new info. on the release of the Reds, new success stories of people copping pairs or (my favourite), cool pics of member's pairs... Had to read through 2 long pages of petty BS first though... SMH
Stop embarassing yourself now your opinion is invalid, because all your points have flaws within them and totally contradict themselves within different posts.

what are you even talking about?

embarrass myself?

you're the one telling NT you are gonna buy fakes and swear to everyone they're real, and "stunt hard"... :rofl:
Chances are if you're willing to settle for fakes you're buying the shoe to stunt. And it's even more obvious that's the case if you'd actually try to tell people they're real.

If you really love the shoe, not just for hype, not just to stunt, if you really love it for how it looks and real reasons, you won't settle for anything less than the real thing, and you'd rather not have it at all than settle for a fake.

That's my opinion.
i have to agree with this statement, thats why im willing to drop a pretty penny for the solars, and many other sneakers i wasn't able to secure.. Personally if i like it i buy it, "if its within my budget", if not i save until i have the funds, but i would never settle for anything B grade, fake, immitation, one off, etc.... but thats just me
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