WRONG. Mine greys are better actually. The mine greys look really good in person except for the weird color choice for the heel cup. Aside from that they actually look clean. China 6-esque
I wouldn't say "better" but I copped the mine greys and love 'em. I've been wearing them since I got them on Thursday.
Why, because you couldn't cop? The correct thing to say would be is, in your opinion they are whack and give the reason behind it other than the same shi*** every other loser says which has no value.
Clearly it's my opinion, which is inherently inferred as I was the one that said it.  My disdain for the WTK 8 has nothing to do with me being able to cop or not.  Personally I don't mind loud/eccentric shoes, but they damn well better match.  They're not even cool to me in a collector's item sense.  Evidently you passionately disagree, and appear to be genuinely upset and confused that others don't share in your enthusiasm for the WTK.  I'm sure you're just as confused/upset when you go for a job interview wearing two different color dress shoes and yet these loser's keep passing on you for candidates that are head and shoulders above.  It happens.
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Jordan XX

Man those are hideous.
Why wouldn't i say "I'm selling blitz blues for 85 on ebay" if i was selling them? 
I don't know.  Why didn't you?

Just kidding dude.  They're just busting balls.  It's all in good fun, but keep us posted on how much you sell them for.
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Damn yall going in on my man for no reason. He tried to help and yall flame him. 

He posts this same type of info in the flyknit/SB thread and he gets thanked for it smh
**** these trades are killing me :smh:

Trade my DS DB3 for WTK + Bred 1?

save the flaming...I know Bred 1's aren't Royals limited but they are
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