Don't think anyone took pics comparing Red Camos and Red Snakes?
Sorry if it's been done, can't keep up with this thread anymore!
I prefer the Red Camos, the Red Snakes have a VaTech-ish feel to em.
Have to choose between the two, the Red Snakes are most likely going back.
Kind've like a home and away?:nerd:

Red snakes look even better when next to red camos... Still camos>snakes, but I like both pairs.

Ill def be on the look out for red snakes for the low low.
I'll take the Camos all day everyday over the Snakes. Love the port wine color on the Red Camo upper. Fits the Vino nickname
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Yo dude really got his Kobes from Nordstrom Rack? :smh: I work at a main Nordstrom full line store, I guess i gotta take a trip to the Rack
MCs came in today from bouncewear. Super satisfied!
Hey do yall think a half size would make a difference as far as kobe 8 inserts go? I wanna stick my 11.5 jordan 2012 or kobe 8 insoles into my sz 11 elites. My main concern is the effects on the structure of the shoe.
Yo dude really got his Kobes from Nordstrom Rack? :smh: I work at a main Nordstrom full line store, I guess i gotta take a trip to the Rack

WHAT?!?!?!? what colorway?

if serious will be checking nordstrom rack weekly then
Damn, Duck Tales (Dodgers) had me excited for no reason :smh:
Just read a page of bafoonery. FTL gets insight to iD? Highly unlikely. You're exposing yourself brother. Stop while you can.
Greetings. I am fairly new to the forums and to sneaker collecting in general. I am an older person- played high school ball in OG Jordan III White and Black (Home and Away). I stopped playing after I broke my ankle and ended up focusing on schooling, etc. Fast forward about 25 years later and for health reasons I decided to pick up playing again. I am guessing it is coincidence that I began playing right when the Kobe 8s came out and I am absolutely AMAZED by the technology. I am a little embarrassed to say that my Kobe 8 collection has gotten quite ridiculous (ex. I just picked up an additional 8 different pairs the other day to add to the already large collection). Sorry for the long thread as I thought I should introduce myself a little first being this is my very first posting.
***My question has to do with replicas (may have been covered already but I tried to look through most/all previous posts). I know there are a few things to look at right away- tongue being short and/or having a flat surface vs. embossed, the rear heal being more pointy and stronger, box not saying Kobe VIII, small Kobe symbol on bottom of shoe not sharply painted, etc. I wanted to ask if someone has come up with a definitive list of what to look for regarding replicas? Also, I am sure they are fixing the problems with the reps and wanted to know if there was a thread that updated those changes as well. IF NOT, is this the place to begin posting what to look for including pics of replicas? I know You Tube has a few videos as well. Since the Kobe 8s have so many different textures/styles now I can see some of the generalizations not working and needing it specific for each type/group shoes. What are your thoughts on this? I am very sorry for the long post. Thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully comment.
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