.: Official Paranormal/Alien/Unexplained Thread:. Vol.2

This is my story. I was 17 at the time getting off work from Kragen Auto Parts i got off work at 1:30 am and had a 15min drive from Hayward to Fremont. The highway i was on was 2 lanes wide. There was this stretch of the highway where it was pitch black for a good Half a mile and in the dead center there was this old creepy building sitting on the hills, some Masonic Home. So I'm driving and I'm talking to my girl on the phone and out of nowhere there was this pale as a ghost girl running backwards but her upper buddy was facing me and she was biting her tongue really hard her eyes were really red, i was driving about 40mph something deep inside me told me to drive slow today just a gut feeling. well i was doing 40mph and this girl came out of nowhere and i swerved and nicked her with the side mirror and I stopped the car. No lie i turn to look back and there was nothing there i was really spooked i even put the car in reverse and nothing. Till this day i get the chills when I think about that night. that was 8 years ago.
Originally Posted by nighthawk9421

This is my story. I was 17 at the time getting off work from Kragen Auto Parts i got off work at 1:30 am and had a 15min drive from Hayward to Fremont. The highway i was on was 2 lanes wide. There was this stretch of the highway where it was pitch black for a good Half a mile and in the dead center there was this old creepy building sitting on the hills, some Masonic Home. So I'm driving and I'm talking to my girl on the phone and out of nowhere there was this pale as a ghost girl running backwards but her upper buddy was facing me and she was biting her tongue really hard her eyes were really red, i was driving about 40mph something deep inside me told me to drive slow today just a gut feeling. well i was doing 40mph and this girl came out of nowhere and i swerved and nicked her with the side mirror and I stopped the car. No lie i turn to look back and there was nothing there i was really spooked i even put the car in reverse and nothing. Till this day i get the chills when I think about that night. that was 8 years ago.

Did you happen to be in that bad #*# Trans Am? 
 ... im being serious though
I'm suprise no one made a thread on this ( feel free to do so) ......

Largest batch of UFO documents released to date from the uk gov.

03 March
Over 8,500 pages of UFO discussions, sightings and reports have been released today by The National Archives. Covering the years 2000-2005, this is the largest batch of UFO files to be released so far.
The files document how UFOs became a global issue, discussed by the highest levels of government around the world, including the United Nations, the US Central Intelligence Agency and Britain's House of Lords. This latest release of files also reveals documents on the government's UFO policy for the first time.
The files are available to download for free for one month at nationalarchives.gov.uk/ufos.

Here's my take i'm very disappointed Rendlesham Forest incident(uk'smost famousufo encounter in a nuke base)doc's have gone missing out of nowherebet you theU.S is behind it.......there's gotta be something out there....
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Whats good with all the chemtrails in the sky?

The chemicals used like barium for example absorb radiation. Probably an attempt to protect the planet from space and solar weather radiation showers. 
I had one experience where I was at my friend's house and he was talking about his garage being haunted, that he was in there one time and he had heard a girl's voice in there when he was all alone. Naturally I thought he was BSing, well I ended up staying over after coming back from a party and I slept in the living room on the couch which was right next to the door leading to the garage. As I lay there in the dark, I'm checking my phone and it turns off and soon after that happens I hear a faint girl's voice saying "oh my god" from what I could make out. Yea I got up with a quickness looked around and no one there, I ended up leaving right after instead of staying.
Strange Stick-like creatures caught on security camera above Fresno in Yosemite

UFO History From Aurora, TX 1897 to Rosewell, NM 1947 and Beyond - Government Lies Cover Up and proj

Man Films UFO While Driving In Suffolk VA

The Battle Of Los Angeles: Photo analysis by Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Phd.

Crop Circles...with some actual evidence
"Just Released" The memo that 'proves aliens landed at Roswell

Aliens found in released FBI docs

UFO clearly seen observing a chem trail

olice officer sees three aliens? in crop circle

Strange Stick-like creatures caught on security camera above Fresno in Yosemite
lol losers in their parents basement obsessed with conspiracies instead of enjoying life...I'm on a boat
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