Official Pizza Appreciation!

I forgive your child taste buds

I’m sure they have evolved by now
It has been a while. I've tried a chicken & waffle slice that was actually good and a kimchi slice that was horrendous, so I think I'll venture out & give the Hawaiian slice another try.
I’m celebrating by eating some pizza tonight 😎
Vito and nicks gets the nod no doubt

Absolutely no way Foxs is better than Palermo’s somebody was smoking dust

Home run inn is solid but I think they rely too much on that buttery crust but not mad at it
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walkingBred walkingBred Did you vote on this? What do you think of the list-is it more or less accurate in your opinion?

I didn't vote on it. Was following the tournament tho. There are some questionable goofy wins in there. Also a lot of places I haven't tried & most likely wont just based off the style of pizza.

Home run inn is solid but I think they rely too much on that buttery crust but not mad at it
That crust is 🤌
The only Home run Inn I've had was frozen and it was average at best. Understandable for frozen pizza, curious to how much better a fresh Home Run pie is vs. the frozen variant.

Also, its frustrating trying to put older people on to good pizza. My pops keeps wanting me to load up every pizza with hella toppings and I'm trying to explain to him that quality pizzeria's don't stress toppings. The quality of dough and sauce plus fresh mozzarella is all you really need when its cooked right.
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The only Home run Inn I've had was frozen and it was average at best. Understandable for frozen pizza, curious to how much better a fresh Home Run pie is vs. the frozen variant.

Also, its frustrating trying to put older people on to good pizza. My pops keeps wanting me to load up every pizza with hella toppings and I'm trying to explain to him that quality pizzeria's don't stress toppings. The quality of dough and sauce plus fresh mozzarella is all you really need when its cooked right.

My pops is the opposite - maybe because he’s a New Yorker, grew up with cheese only pies
I was working at Pizza Hut at this time while in HS. I remember those basketballs very vividly. Had bags full of them, uninflatable in the back. I know I have a few at my folks house somewhere.

I saw the commercial and begged my mom if I could get it. :lol:
looks great elpablo21 elpablo21 :pimp: :pimp:

i struggle with shape as well when i don't make pan pizzas...**** is tough and my patience isn't great :lol:
Appreciate it man. Bruh the shape will be fine and then I start trying to work it off the peel with a few shakes and then chaos happens 😂😭

Got two more doughs to see how they turn out

do you use anything on the peel under the dough to help it slide? i've used flour which is hit or miss unless i overdo it. corn meal works great but i know that's not traditional so people don't love it. especially with a margarita or neopolitan pizza

do you use anything on the peel under the dough to help it slide? i've used flour which is hit or miss unless i overdo it. corn meal works great but i know that's not traditional so people don't love it. especially with a margarita or neopolitan pizza
Yeah I use semolina flour like corn meal but it's a finer texture so it works similar. I either overdo it and it slides fine but the bottom isn't as crisp as I like or I underdo it and I make calzones or oglong pies :lol:

And this current dough is 70% hydration which is higher than normal but I guess it works better for indoor home ovens at the lower temps

This is also the first doughs I made that I did a starter for. All in all the process is always fun
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