***Official Political Discussion Thread***

dwalk31 dwalk31 voted for stuff like this twice but just ignored it because of an EIDL grant that he stole and that Trump would be able to push through great policies like this with a republican senate. He spent every single day for five years defending Trump and just disappeared from existence. #SAD

I supported Trump twice but I support Biden/Harris now; I did not steal any Eidl grant; and I did hope that Trump would have the power to continue to push important legislation like the First Step Act and Fair Chance Act past an otherwise obstructive GOP-led Senate.

But, like I said, I support Biden/Harris now.

And I haven't gone anywhere.
Man look at this clown...

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I supported Trump twice but I support Biden/Harris now; I did not steal any Eidl grant; and I did hope that Trump would have the power to continue to push important legislation like the First Step Act and Fair Chance Act past an otherwise obstructive GOP-led Senate.

But, like I said, I support Biden/Harris now.

And I haven't gone anywhere.

while you here, you count texas as the south?

o and also in texas news

while you here, you count texas as the south?

o and also in texas news

I mean Texas is certainly in the south, but when I think the "Deep South" I'm thinking more Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee and Louisiana
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What is the Biden administration supposed to move on to if not this already stripped down infrastructure bill?

Manchin already shot down anything to improve voting access and representation. The parliamentarian **** down 15/hr min wage. Biden himself seems to have killed student debt relief.

It seems like the ARP is going to be the high water mark.
I am still hopeful, I’m just not hopeful that our political system can fix itself right now. But the biggest source of hope comes from the fact that withholding labor can cause so much pain for the ruling class, not physical pain but psychological pain for people whose whole sense of self comes from quarterly profits, that workers could not only win concessions at their workplaces but also deep structural reforms to the political system.

This Democratic trifecta seems to have done all it can do, at this level of pressure. It’s time to raise the pressure on elected representatives and more importantly, but pressure on the capitalist classes that ultimately run this country.
I am still hopeful, I’m just not hopeful that our political system can fix itself right now. But the biggest source of hope comes from the fact that withholding labor can cause so much pain for the ruling class, not physical pain but psychological pain for people whose whole sense of self comes from quarterly profits, that workers could not only win concessions at their workplaces but also deep structural reforms to the political system.

This Democratic trifecta seems to have done all it can do, at this level of pressure. It’s time to raise the pressure on elected representatives and more importantly, but pressure on the capitalist classes that ultimately run this country.
Dems sitting in a 2-3 zone when, at the very least, they should be going for a half court trap.
The conservative will say that they do t need a Union because unions are only for guys who wear hard hats (conservatives also don't want those workers in a union either). A woke capitalist will say these grad students are privileged and don’t deserve a union (woke capitalist don’t want anyone to be in a union, no matter how marginalized). Thankfully, these grad students are ignoring both camps.

It's a weird question but that's her shtick, she's a professional troll that trips people up
After thinking about it I do have one because of nostalgia there but the trains and stations generally suck :lol:
There really is no good answer besides maybe WTC or Grand Central. They're gorgeous and have an Apple store
Should've been a layup but of the 4 42nd street stations he picked the worst ****ing one. What are the odds? :lol:

He should've said Broadway Junction, that would've gotten him more potential voters lmao
I swear every time I see a pic of this man I want to punch my computer screen.

Luckily now more than ever people have access to a real education on history, although they'll have to do it themselves. Something like this would have been a lot more harmful 30 years ago.

A People's History of The United States should be required reading in all high schools, but we know that won't happen.

He’s doesn’t know how to govern. He blew it with the winter storm power outages, gun violence, etc. Texas has been booming for years and all he had to do was step in on what other Governors have set up for him and handle small details, and he couldn’t do it.

Now all he does, because he’s been exposed as terrible, is push out racist/evangelical/ultra-conservative policies.

He’s gearing up to run for the presidency. He can’t beat Trump, but he would be Trumps pick for V.P.

I work with the state legislature here in Texas and I can guarantee the republican members here are pretty much the most awful humans on this earth. Imagine republican congressmen, but with less education and zero experience.
While that may be true, I'm just talking about what is typically referred to as the deep south.
And I get that because people that don't live in the South, have a preconceived notion about how people are from the South. I'm just saying that just because Florida has Miami, Missouri has KCMO & STL, & Texas has Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, etc. doesn't mean those places have a lack of Deep South coursing through them. Texas and Florida are on the bleeding edge of voter suppression and having driven through a vast portion of the South, there are just as many places sundown towns in "crappy" Southern states as the ones people pretend are not "real" Southern states.

I'm not from the South and have only lived here for a decade of my life but I've felt just as "I'll keep riding and get gas in 10 minutes cause this feels off" riding through south Alabama/north Florida as I've felt heading to Louisville, heading to Indy, heading to Cincinnati, etc.

Santorum: after a pow wow with the chiefs at CNN, they said I would not be receiving anymore wompam and I was kicked out of the sweat lodge on pain of being scalped, so I said “Gironomo” and ducked out of theto pursue other herds of Buffalo.


This is a replay of DeSantis when he said that Andrew Gillum would “monkey” up the Florida economy. I’m wondering if this will become a trend. Will conservatives start throwing out words that are intended as racial slurs but in a different context in order to have the tiniest bit of plausible deniable.

All I know it people like DeSantis, Santorum and Giuliani are a mob of wise guys who need to be stomped on like the Mario Bros characters, the Gombas.
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